You Wanna See Gains (Part IIIII)

Thanks tell you the truth, and I know all people say this, BUT im a true hard gainer. I just took those pics last night and im sitting only around 190lbs. I HAVE added some quite a bit of thickness in my chest but my arms are still about the same size. However, I have added a peak and more defined tri's. I might have added about 1/4 to my arms but thats about it. I'm going to keep going strong and focus on certain things and hopefully this time next year ill be alittle closer to what Im looking for.

Keep following :)
awesome log tons of info thanks man! I'd like to start incorporating light and heavy days into y workouts.
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Day 40 Tuesday

still doing 200mgs day TEST
50-60 mgs OT

* feeling it now for sure. going to try and last the end of the week. pretty bad heartburn throughout the day.

****On another note really fucking strong right now.

GYM: Heavy Shoulders. 100lb Dumbell presses 10-12x's NO PROBLEM. 405lbs machine shoulder presses. I'm going really heavy in the beginning of the workout and then going really light towards the end for a really good pump and failure sets.

*********I will be adding in 600-800mgs of tren in a week or so to finish out the rest of my cycle. Going for another 2 months or so.
Hey man a lot of great advice for a noob like me. Following this, and by far you are a huge dude. Planning on starting my cycle soon, but not trying to hi-jack. Gratz bro on them gainzzzz!