Your Experience With Deca?


Active member
As far as Deca goes how was your overall experience with it?
It seems like its a favorite of many, but also disliked by many.
Post your opinion on this steroid, and what you liked, disliked about it, and what brand you used, liked or disliked.

Edit: what dose did you use?
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used deca in the past and loved it, great for longer cycles with test. but made my nipples sore and got me bloated, prolactin levels were thru the roof. always keep dostinex on hand. i used to run ltl, syrus and teragon deca. all were good. i was doin like 1g test with 500 600mg deca per week.
Ya i have, wish i ran the deca longer. I had no deca dick or gyno issues with it. Just had some itchy nipps and mild bloat. It is a great compound, especially for the joints.
Ya i have, wish i ran the deca longer. I had no deca dick or gyno issues with it. Just had some itchy nipps and mild bloat. It is a great compound, especially for the joints.
I hear amazing things about the joints. Anavar times 100. Really lookin forward to usin this compound.
In your guys opinion, is it as heavily faked as test? Would HG or UGL be a saffer bet?
id go with a reliable ugl, its usually dosed much higher at 250mg,300mg/ml, the hg stuff is usually 100mg/ml so u gota shoot 4-6ml per week and becomes a pain in the ass.
with prolactin under control, it s great for us old cats..joint pain and all that...if I could find hg I d use it, ugl lab stuff I ve used it gtg..geneeza, syntrop..
running sciroxx deca right now... liking it so far. just a battle to keep gyno from flaring up. i'd rather be on test but i don't want to be bald.
i made 6 time short cycle of deca to prepare long cycle OT-Testo-TREn-E

or anavar-Tren_e-Testo.

as far as i experienced nothing is better than deca as a energy driver, anything you ate go in your muscles.

but as i said i made it as preparation, not as a cycle by itself.

deca, primo aare know to be closer together... I DON'T SHARE THIS POINT OF VIEW AT ALL.

primo is bestest ASS ever.

most of UGL can make it as properly ineed to be strong enough a real primobolan.

i hope my UG can make it. i will see how it done.
deca is a fantastic compound, the ultimate for bulking with quality gains. ran it in a few cycles, never had many, if any sides with great sustainable gains. i recommend a prolactin antagonizer (prami, caber, etc.) as well as 200-400mg b6 daily as a preventive measures. but all around great drug.
gonna edit my original post, but I would also like to know what dosage you guys ran it at?
1x a week, or 2x?
What dose to you find to have the least sides and best gains?
New here and I am currently running Test E at 500 a week and Deca at 400 a week. The Deca I have is from a good source but it is very thick and hurts for a couple of days after the shot. Anyone had this problem with Deca. I have been on this for about 3 weeks. I am seeing some gains.
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i had no problems with deca i ran just about the same cycle. just a little water retention. nothing nolvadex couldnt handle
i had no problems with deca i ran just about the same cycle. just a little water retention. nothing nolvadex couldnt handle

You shouldnt use nolva with deca. Ive ran deca with test 2 cycles at 600mg/wk and had no problems at all. I love deca probably gonna use it in my next cycle.
i like NPP way more!!! im stronger than ever and cut up like a mother fucker man!