Your most SUCCESSFUL cycle?


New member
In this thread I'd like to hear about your most successful cycle. Not necessarily the most gains you've made, but the most effective cycle depending on your goals. Could be a cutting cycle, bulking, recomp, etc....

What compounds, doses, and lengths did you run? (you can name lab if you'd like).
What were your goals?
What was your starting and finishing weight?
What was your starting and finishing bodyfat %?

I'd have to say mine was this past fall/winter.

***(all PSL gear except for trest)

-Test E 750mg/week (1-24)
-Deca 750mg/week (1-24)
-Trestalone Ace 350mg/week (14-24)
-Dbol 50mg (1-4) (20-24)
-PSL Gray top HGH 5iu/day (throughout)

Start weight: 215lbs 15%bf
End weight: 245lbs 12%bf

Diet was basically get in as much protein and carbs as possible from any source possible. Not very clean, but not total junk. 4000 Cals/day (roughly). Aimed for 250g protein and 400-500g carbs.

Was my first cycle with HGH involved and it absolutely changed my results. My last bulk was cleaner but resulted in less weight gain and much more fat gain. The difference this time around was astonishing. It seemed no matter what I ate, it went straight into my muscles. To gain 30lbs and lose 3% bodyfat was far more than I could have hoped for.

Complete body re-com********** I ended as an entirely different person.


In this thread I'd like to hear about your most successful cycle. Not necessarily the most gains you've made, but the most effective cycle depending on your goals. Could be a cutting cycle, bulking, recomp, etc....

What compounds, doses, and lengths did you run? (you can name lab if you'd like).
What were your goals?
What was your starting and finishing weight?
What was your starting and finishing bodyfat %?

I'd have to say mine was this past fall/winter.

***(all PSL gear except for trest)

-Test E 750mg/week (1-24)
-Deca 750mg/week (1-24)
-Trestalone Ace 350mg/week (14-24)
-Dbol 50mg (1-4) (20-24)
-PSL Gray top HGH 5iu/day (throughout)

Start weight: 215lbs 15%bf
End weight: 245lbs 12%bf

Diet was basically get in as much protein and carbs as possible from any source possible. Not very clean, but not total junk. 4000 Cals/day (roughly). Aimed for 250g protein and 400-500g carbs.

Was my first cycle with HGH involved and it absolutely changed my results. My last bulk was cleaner but resulted in less weight gain and much more fat gain. The difference this time around was astonishing. It seemed no matter what I ate, it went straight into my muscles. To gain 30lbs and lose 3% bodyfat was far more than I could have hoped for.

Complete body re-com********** I ended as an entirely different person.


Wow bro. Those are fucking amazing results. I hope I get equal results. Wow. I have something similar running in about two weeks... HGH at 7iu eurotropin and Slin PWO 7-10iu depending on how I respond to it. Same compounds same dosages except added masteron. Also T3 at 25mcg to help with slowing thyroid from tren
Wow bro. Those are fucking amazing results. I hope I get equal results. Wow. I have something similar running in about two weeks... HGH at 7iu eurotropin and Slin PWO 7-10iu depending on how I respond to it. Same compounds same dosages except added masteron. Also T3 at 25mcg to help with slowing thyroid from tren

Thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot I ran Mast E weeks 1-12 at 800mg.
base compounds
Test E - 400 mg weeks 1- end
Deca 400 mg weeks 1-12
Masteron - 500 mg weeks 10-22
Primo - 500 mg weeks 10-22

front loads for the cycle
Test prop - 100 mg Eod weeks 1-4
Dbol - 40 mg day weeks 1-6
NPP - 100 mg Eod weeks 3-8

goal was to put on some mass to start, then enter a light cutting phase.

had a couple of hiccups in week 4 or 5 with some estrogen issues and some BP issues ,, ended up having to add in Letro on top of my normal AI protocol , but that took care of things. put on about 15 pounds and then leaned out a bit and lost about 6 pounds . I ended up having an injury towards the end of the cycle and had surgery, so it got cut short.

BUT, I considered it my best cycle because during it I learned the most about AAS use and 'My' body during this cycle (some mistakes, some adjustments, etc.. taught me a lot along the way)
Test e 500mg week 1-12
Dbol 60mg a week for 4 weeks
Start weight 160 13% bf
End weight 178 15.6% bf

Had 3j guide me and this was my first cycle :)
D bol

Back in day...all HG as we could order from Dr. XXXX s clinic. 5-8 buck s a bottle back in 85-88 so I was on from 85-88. I will NOT give doses as they were reckless.


PSL- Trt plus tren e/ prop blend.
1-200 mg and 1 cc e od or ed.
Sometimes add 1 tablet of m1t but I get to strong and my bones hurt.
Test e 500mg week 1-12
Dbol 60mg a week for 4 weeks
Start weight 160 13% bf
End weight 178 15.6% bf

Had 3j guide me and this was my first cycle :)

Nice! Very basic, but effective. With 3J's assistance, you don't need to run much to see results.
I should add for those not experienced...we had no idea of ancil s and this cycle was-is always s will a gyno promoting brew.
After winning Mr Ole Miss..and my size went down some I had both estro and prolac gyno. Left gland was so bad the removal of the gland and it s growth was almost the size of my thumb.We cut the right one out for good measure. fyi -THE SURGERY IS CAKE..

Get BW
Use ancill s.

That surgery now a day s will easily cost u 9-12k. Dr. XXXX did it free as I was a broke ass college guy, he let me order ANYTHING AT WILL AND HE WAS MY BEST FRIENDS DAD.
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325mg test p , 500mg masteron p 750 mg tren a

aromasin .5mg ed

caber .5mg E3D

205 lbs 14% BF

234 lbs 10% BF

Strength went through the roof and so did my madness

I was a raging jealous maniac who was so full of myself.. I couldnt walk past a mirror or woman without thinking both wanted me.

But this was by far the most amazing results I ever had. I was a sexy fucking beast repping 405 on the bench and deadlifting and sqautting 525 plus!

This was my second tren run.

And I have never had equal results since. Let me also add that three months after my cycle I deflated and went into a serious down time.

That tren will fuck with your head

(forgot about the masteron for 8 weeks)
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