zit attack!


New member
I currenntly dont have this prob, but back in high school I was a zit face from mars. I was as oily as they come. :laugh3: I am running a test-e only cycle and I want to know what if any problems will arise concerningg acne. Is this a common side afftect, and will my post cycle therapy (pct) of nolva w/ clomid be enough to prevent breakouts? I may just be more worried than i need to be. let me know what stats you need if any. thanks for all your help and advice!
Acne is almost inevitable. post cycle therapy (pct) wont keep acne from happening... thats actually then it seems to get bad for most people, thats when your hormones are the most out of wack.

If you're real worried, look into getting some sort of antibiotics while you go through post cycle therapy (pct).
Here is the best advice: Go outside in the sun!!! Nothing clear me up better than the good ol' sun rays!!!
Get some body wash. It helps a lot, I ran out last week and went back to using regular soap, sure enough my shoulders broke out.
vitamin b5 @3g daily works well to keep zits away. post cycle therapy (pct) is when the worst of it comes. im acne free until i stop AAS.
yeiks accutane is harsh and EXPENSIVE...

b5/pantothenic acid, sun and isopropal alcohol, no more then once a day on the alcohol.
Easto said:
Here is the best advice: Go outside in the sun!!! Nothing clear me up better than the good ol' sun rays!!!
There you go...I cleared up my acne on my back and shoulders in one day by getting a bit burned. I wasn't so burnt that it hurt...even when the assholes at work smacked my back :rolleyes:
ntnfdvd said:
There you go...I cleared up my acne on my back and shoulders in one day by getting a bit burned. I wasn't so burnt that it hurt...even when the assholes at work smacked my back :rolleyes:

It's cheaper than accuatane, B5, alcohol, etc.

Nothing works better than a couple hours in the sun.
Thanks guys for your input.. I am just worried about being in the sun too long. I worry about skin cancer. I appreciate all the info you gave!
I just bust them and go with some clean and clear, or Oxy or whatever that acne stuff is after to keep it under control, Usually do this before bed and it helps alot. Keeps me from picking at them too, which doesn't help, If your like me you always pick at them.

Also the sun/tanning bed will help out, and since i started b6 awhile back i have noticed and improvement, Luckally for me i only break out on my back and shoulders, but sometimes it's been pretty bad. I have scar's from it. So don't be like me and pick at them. Try some acne lotion.
One thing i do NOT recommend is BP cream(BENZOYL PEROXIDE ) its way to harsh and will fuck your skin up for good.

a couple of spots or having an old wrinkly leather looking face? I choose spots.
What about Retin-A . Heard it works wonders for some.
Oh yeah, Ive been wondering to get some is it recommended?
don't tan toooo much though...you need a happy medium of sun....just enough will dry out pours, but too much will cause burnt, dry skin that will clog them up and cause you to break out again.

I was pretty much acne free until i hit week 8 of my 600mg eth weekly (even through the first few weeks of dbol @50mg daily)...i was using alchohol and a good body wash with a scrubbed that exfoliates...i just recently broke out terribly though, and I doubt theres much more i can do for it so I'm not gonna worry about it and just wait it out