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  • Cool, I bet you get super tired too! How old's the baby? I have a girl, she's 10 :) I think I'm done with the diapers for now hahaha...But if another is ever considered..I'm 32 and will say nope after I'm that's a small window but....
    :spin: Hey u,

    When u have a chance check out ( it's a really good site, we're trying to get more members to join, good ones like u ;)

    Jimbo is a mod there, I think you'll like it, they have awesome recipes & heath/fitness articles

    btw, Nellie was singing the jizz song, O.M.G ! I was holding my laugh, told her the same u told Ayallah, I said, honey it says " I got cheese in my...." lololololol
    But then again, coming from a 4 year old who sings "I'm bringing sexy back", yeap, she heard it when she was around 2 ( 1 time) & she learned parts of the song..
    Lately she's been singing to Rihanna "We found love" She's definitely a character !
    have a good night !
    Thank you:) Mr.P picked it out for me. Mr.p and Mrs.P are some kick ass people:) very good friends. How are you doing? Your avi is nice too btw.
    awww, I just need to get your gift, and I'm all set.. so I'll probably be sending it out in a few days.. I'll have Nellie write little note to Ayallah :)
    lol, they know u & the kids :) I always show them the
    I bet my 4 year old would love that too. I got the little dude a size 6 months, cause I know he's getting chunkier by the day & we like it like that :)
    Hope u have a great weekend ~
    Thanks my friend you are too sweet ;)
    don't worry about getting the girls anything, they have more than they need..but if your going to anyways, just get them a small little thing... I'm such a bad receiver, I always enjoy giving more than receiving
    Their ages are 4,8,9
    what size is the little man ? I just saw the cutest little shirt & thought of him :)
    My back has been bothering me some too, so I'm going lighter on the weights..I think I want to try acupuncture.

    Other than that life is good, I love x-mas time it's my fav time of the year, I really enjoy decorating, I decorate every inch of the (the girls love it) they have their mini x-mas tree in their room.. it's cute
    I think the only thing I haven't bought is a sexy Mrs Claus costume, hmmm.............
    maybe I will :naughty: lol
    Hi there ;)

    It is very challenging to say the least, we have our good days and not so good days,
    I came up with a "homework challange game" 2 teams Mr P & I we each have 1 in our team, and they get points if they stay in track, do a good effort, etc.. They also earn a star if they do their shores for the week, a happy face if they pick up after themselves & a heart if they are nice to each other and don't fight, at the end of the week who ever has the most points and the star, happy face & heart, gets to choose a family outing or gets a treat, (so far it's working)
    Natalie's got the heart of an angel, she's truly a very special girl, so caring ! she really has a gentle soul... and when I feel frustrated, that's what keeps me intact :)
    and work lately has been a bit frustrating too, we have had to do some mechanical work on the truck & it wasn't good, so it's been back & forth..yada, yada,
    haha, I know he told me, it was funny how u said "Hey lady how's everything " lol
    I've been kindda of busy lately, my 9 year old has been struggling a bit with school, so I'm doing intense coaching & tutoring after homework, (we had hired a tutor, but it didn't work, no one gives her the time like & help like us) it's soooo challenging, with her ADD, and she's off meds now, we're trying to help her learn relaxation techniques & how to keep herself focused, she was doing good, but now has hit a bump, but we're working through it..she's a fighter & gives it 110 %, so I'm sure she'll be fine..

    I'm actually going to squeeze in a late workout now, was going to take today off, but, it's ow I distress :) so a workout & then a nice bath, & I'm a new women.
    I thin I found the perfect gift for Ayallah :)
    take care~
    lol, girl I weigh 220 pounds if I do them V's ill be farting on all of the reps lol,
    Hi!!! yea no blockages, but my heart is enlarged due to a high blood pressure spike,hence it happened when i had shoulder surgery back in jan,so iv gotta get my BP meds increased,but other than that im ok lol
    Everything is fine, just doing my nails now... giggles ;)

    j/k (u posted your message on Mr P's profile, instead of Mrs P)
    anyhow, I hear the little man it's already doing push
    hope everyone in the family is doing well :)
    That's cool, owning your own studio, I looove music & love to sing.
    I hear ya with doing everything it takes to run a business, I do all that for our business too.. it's a pain in the :booty: lol

    hope your week goes great too ;)
    Take care~
    Hi Girlie ;)

    Hope u had a good weekend, how's the little chubby doing ? and big sis ?

    p.s (what kind of music do u like ?) I heard Adele had throat surgery, I hope her voice wasn't affected, I thik she's got an amazing voice, u know who I'm talking about, right ?
    U like her music ?

    Have a good one~
    Haha, I thought we were the only ones with any excuse for a holiday !! But, I think this one, I'll adopt as my own holiday :naughty:

    So, Happy sexual friday then~:wiggle:
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