see the original post
The old was transdermal 1-Testosterone, this is transdermal 1-androsterone which converts to 1-Testosterone with the 5a reductase enzyme in the skin.
Like blood work during the cycle or after PCT? There isn’t really any commercially available test for urinary 1-test or its metabolites.
eric - what would you recommend for pct after 6 weeks of 1t, keeping in mind nolva and clomid are on hand if needed
Its the 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD enzymes that make the conversions... but yeah thats right, the only difference is that the body must convert it.
so what if my body doesn't convert/respond to it very well... do i get my money back?? are their supplements to help my body induce the enzymes/conversion??
Like blood work during the cycle or after PCT? There isn’t really any commercially available test for urinary 1-test or its metabolites.
If androgenic alopecia is a problem for you, then I would suggest supplementing with Toco-8 while on the 1-T. It’s been shown to improve hair growth no matter what the cause.
Just bought some 1-T. What part of the body do I rub the 1-T on?
A full 5 pump dose should cover your entire upper body from chin, wrists to waist.
Are you serious. Can't I rubit it on the inside of my forearms or do I have to rub it on my entire upperbody after I shower?
I'll be posting up my Phera-plex/1-T log over here shortly gentlemen.
there is a new version of this coming out correct?