1-T is here… gain 15lbs of muscle in 6 weeks… legally

any 1T cycles with blood work?

what, if any, cycle would you recommend for people prone to mpb?

Like blood work during the cycle or after PCT? There isn’t really any commercially available test for urinary 1-test or its metabolites.

If androgenic alopecia is a problem for you, then I would suggest supplementing with Toco-8 while on the 1-T. It’s been shown to improve hair growth no matter what the cause.

i can gain even more, but it ain't gonna be muscle. have you ever seen 2pounds of red meat? and you're saying it's "very achievable" to gain more than that in a week?

so gaining 30lbs of muscle in 12 weeks is actually "very achevable" also? so how come with all those guys juiced to the gills you rarely see muscular 250lbs guys? it would just take 2-3 cycles and here we go.

ok, i know - they just don't take the RIGHT supps, e.g. 1-T.

keep preaching your truths. i need to learn a lot.

Muscle is much denser than you realize. Muscle weighs more than fat. Smaller amounts of muscle weigh more than one would think.
Years ago before I used the real stuff, I used a transdermal test lotion called ' T-1 Pro' by a place called BDC Nutrition and I got good results from it. It was when this stuff was banned that I decided to do find real test.

So what's the difference between the old T-1 Pro and this 1-T ? What makes the old one banned and this new one legal ?
Years ago before I used the real stuff, I used a transdermal test lotion called ' T-1 Pro' by a place called BDC Nutrition and I got good results from it. It was when this stuff was banned that I decided to do find real test.

So what's the difference between the old T-1 Pro and this 1-T ? What makes the old one banned and this new one legal ?

The old was transdermal 1-Testosterone, this is transdermal 1-androsterone which converts to 1-Testosterone with the 5a reductase enzyme in the skin.
you can use this 1-T with test deca cycles

you can use this 1-T with test/deca cycles? what is this stuff? i might have to give it a run for the money if its good.
