1 year & 3 months later..

HUGE CHANGE! I dare say yur attractive now, like girls will like you alot lol

do you feel the t3 made a difference?
If I had your results, my picture would be my avatar. Great job! You seem to have a great understanding of diets, chemistry and specific cycles that help you in obtaining your goals. I am truly impressed. In the past, my weight has yo yo'd up and down the scale. I've been struggling lately, due to the fact that now, I really want to lose the weight. I am currently taking 1.5 iu's HGH X 5 days a week. I would like to get on a cycle that can push me past my limitations.

Stats: 44 years, 6'3", 289lbs., 23% bf, sit at desk all day and work out 5 days a week like a mf, with 30 - 40 minutes of cardio. I have started a morning fasted 30 minute cardio session. In recent years, my highest weight was 315lbs. and my lowest was 262lbs.

Any suggestions that you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
thanks again for all the comments ... the progress continues .. but this thread is a lil old . haha

i am posting up a new progress thread since i am about to hit my 2 year mark here at ology and just over 2 years of training seriously ... lots of change.. trying to put together pics from a few steps along the way ...

perhaps someone can lock this one up ...
My man well done mate. You give hope to us people out there.

I am about to make some big changes to my life.
Keep up the good work
Holy shit. Great work, what are your lifts at? I know how it feels to lose 35 lbs, cant even imagine how great you feel. Congrats.
awesome work man big difference in pictures. Can you please tell what dose of Testerone, Decca you used in your second cyle ?