1 year & 3 months later..

Good work man!! It feels good doesn't it? Makes It addicting when your seeing good results. The skys the limit

sure does .. i feel great .. and i know it will only get better ..
just gota make sure i dont jump the gun again and fully recover after cycles , etc ..
after my 1st cycle ended i was dying to start the next one .. i waited a few months ..but didnt get bloods done and didnt really follow the time on=time off idea either ... made sure to get bloods done a couple times b4 current cycle and atleast i knew for sure things were looking good and i was g2g..
Man congrats on the accomplishments. Its things like this I always think to when people say "I cant do it". Hard work man, hard work.
Good work bro! How's the T3 working for you? I'm on the same cycle basically with just 25mcg of T3. I just wanted a little extra help with fat loss without becoming catabolic. I still have lost strength. Could be the weight lost or the T3 i'm not sure.
your a beast bro, you came back from fat....but wondering what are ur lifts like in terms of numbers?

as of last week workouts are looking like this:
monday=chest/bi's... bench 375lbs 5th set 1-2 reps
wednesday= back... deadlift 405lbs 5th set 1-2 reps
friday= shoulders/tri's .. DB press 100lbs 4th set 4-5 reps
saturday= legs... squat 405 5th set 2-3 reps

those are the main lifts i guess ..i dont do deadlifts every week though .. probably every 2-3 weeks... i started following the dorian yates blood & guts routine a while back .. and started changing the excersise and amount of sets little by little as i went along .. im loving it though .. !!!

Good work bro! How's the T3 working for you? I'm on the same cycle basically with just 25mcg of T3. I just wanted a little extra help with fat loss without becoming catabolic. I still have lost strength. Could be the weight lost or the T3 i'm not sure.

i stopped the T3 a while ago.. obviously this post was put up a bit ago too . .but i havent been checking up on the forums like i usually do .. i felt the t3 helped keep the BF down a bit .. i wasnt trying to lose weight though..i was working on gaining some .. but i started at 50mcgs and ended up ramping up to more than double that .. then just dropped it all together ..

i have actually in the last week and a half been changing up my diet slowly and dropping the calories down quite a bit to start dropping some of the excess BF.. dropped deca 4 weeks ago, and 2 weeks ago lowered test from 750 to 350/week.. and added tren E .. decided on this b/c i am going on vacation first week of may and going to run my cycle till the day i leave... then just come back 12 days later and start post cycle therapy (pct) ... dont plan on touching any more AAS for a while after this run...
Good for you my man ! Awesome job !! Just think of how you will look in another 12 months !!!!

Don't stop !!
the weightloss has been great .. kinda funny this thread pop back up right now ..

my main focus has been adding mass and thats it for right now .. i got all the way down to 240lbs and felt pretty damm good .. but i want to keep adding size and the route that i had been on of losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time was slowing down significantly... so i have been trying some new things as of late..
just brewed my first batch of gear .. going to be starting a nice long blast of test E in a couple weeks .. and getting myself several kits of GH ...
also ..maybe not something many will think is a great idea , but i have been using slin pre-workout for the last couple weeks .. going to do that for another couple weeks and then stop... and when im a few weeks into Test E and GH going to re-introduce the slin.

been putting a lot of attention on legs and back and i feel progress has def. been made in those areas and all others as well ..

dont have any recent pics ..but ill take some shots soon and update this thread a little bit!
What's the reasoning behind using the slin pre training as opposed to post? Doesn't it make you feel lethargic taking it before you train?
actually i have noticed great pumps and feel more full since i started .. i have been doing alot of reading on the subject for tha past few months b4 jumping into it and i think most agree pre-workout yields better results .. i have a glucose meter that i use regularly... and have been adjusting carbs to bring them down as low as i can without going hypo ofcourse.. i havent had an issue at all yet... havent felt shaky, lathargic , cold sweats , nothing... leave the gym and feel pumped for the rest of the day like if i just finished the workout...

im going to keep playing with my carb intake till i find my "sweet spot" to keep any unwanted fat gain out of the equation... i keep glucose tabs in my car and my gym bag all the time just incase...

im using a protocol Mike Arnold had recommended on PM (Question about Insulin - Professional Muscle) .... my timings are just a bit diff b/c im using humulin R instead of Log.. and i have adjusted amount of carbs a bit too...
Nice fucking work bro!

I played football with a guy who was HUGE and pushing past 4bills. He was an amazing athlete and we each went to play at Div1 colleges (he went to Nebraska Offensive Line) but somehow among all that running and lifting and exercising he could never lose... ALWAYS gaining. Strong as a fucking bull too - we trained together a lot. Me being 275ish at the time I could jump on his back when he wasn't looking and he wouldn't budge. With all that exercise you just figure thats how someone is built... its DNA.

After the college years passed he told me he wanted to compete in bodybuilding... i thought WTF your a massive beast with no definition. How about strong man comp? He said NO and set out to change things... I went abroad doing secret things for uncle sam and didn't see him for about a year+. At an engagement party for a common buddy i was told he was there in the back and saw that watermelon head of his but it was dark out... I ran over to do the standard jump on him from behind and try to knock him down and to my surprise i could actually get my arms all the way around him. (I never could before and I have long ass arms that hold many "pass break up" records) He lost something like 200+ lbs. He took off his shirt and was completely ripped (except for the old skin which he is getting removed)

I asked him how he did it.... ALL DIET and it took a long fucking time and tons of effort (one goal at a time as you say)

So he is now looking awesome and competing regularly in the Cali state competitions looking like half a fucking horse.

Keep up the good work bro - you can do it!