13% ? wtf?


OK, flame me all you want. I know I'm small. That's why I'm here. The most gear I've done at a time was 400mg/week of test e. I'm going on another cycle at the end of april. I was super super skinny in high school when I played tennis. I'm completely cold in this pic.

The reason I'm posting this is because a trainer at the local gym told me that I'm over 13% body fat. Is she right? I was thinking I was way lower than 13%.

I know I have bad bacne. It's getting under control. It looks worse in the pic than it actually is because the white balance was all screwed up on my camera. I've been using clindamycin and it's getting under control. I refuse to use accutane because of its effect on the liver.

Please be gentle but honest....

Definitely lower than 13%, don't worry the gym is probably the worst place to get your BF tested. I think they overdue it on purpose so then can offer you personal training then give you the correct measurements and say "look what we did for you", just my little rant though.

I'd say around 10%, but you need to eat more. :)

BTW, how bad was your acne and how much did it improve? I had it really really bad on my shoulders, then I started seeing and acne specialist. It's cleared up a little but progress seems to be stagnent now. I was taking Benzaclin, which is just a topical.
Tafman said:
why didn't you gain 25-30 lbs on your first cycle?

i weighed 130 1 year ago

i weigh 180 now

i started the first cycle at 150 pounds and ended it at 168. it was only 200mg/week of test e. i wanted to be safe, given that i was WAY under my max and it was my first time.

i started my second cycle at 169ish and ended it at 181. it was 400mg/week test e.

i'm sitting right at 178-180 now.

my next cycle will be 600mg/week.

i eat just under 4000 cals per day. the hardest thing for me is the diet but i know it's the most important.

i'm still making strength gains while 'off' but i'm not getting any bigger.

outlawtas2 said:
BTW, how bad was your acne and how much did it improve? I had it really really bad on my shoulders, then I started seeing and acne specialist. It's cleared up a little but progress seems to be stagnent now. I was taking Benzaclin, which is just a topical.

all the red dots were tiny white heads. i had bad acne in high school so i'm prone to getting it. that's been the only side i get from gear. it looks way worse in the pic than it is in person. they're not nearly that red. they just look like little pink dots.
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Bro the trainer is a dumbass, you look like you're 13%, may a tad bit over but somewhere in the 13's.
Mentzer im confused?? The trainer said hes 13% and your " saying hes a dumbass" but did you just say he looks 13% or a bit higher???
You have to be at least 6'-4 yes? You also appear to have the beginnings of ringworm on your right bicep, is this true also?
Button Buck said:
You have to be at least 6'-4 yes? You also appear to have the beginnings of ringworm on your right bicep, is this true also?

i'm about 5'11 - 6'. not quite 6 feet tall. i weigh about 178-180. 181.5 if i have to take a shit. i have a whole lot of work to do.

ring worm on my bicep? lol. no. that's a big ass pimple that i popped and it got all red. the redness on everything is exagerated in the pic because of my camera.

here is a side view from about a month or two ago. i had a little bit of water left on me and i wasn't flexing my abs. this pic was also cold.
You look solid and on the right track. Eat big and the key is consistency.....a missed workout is NEVER made up.
Also......lose the naked pics. No offense but put on some boxers or something....no flame....serious.

gator_mclusky said:
You look solid and on the right track. Eat big and the key is consistency.....a missed workout is NEVER made up.
Also......lose the naked pics. No offense but put on some boxers or something....no flame....serious.


note taken. i'll take care of that when i get home from work.
Ya you look lower than the 13% range for me.. hell im 13% and got more fat than you do in the lower abs area..
StylesB said:
Mentzer im confused?? The trainer said hes 13% and your " saying hes a dumbass" but did you just say he looks 13% or a bit higher???

Exactly! What the fuck is this guy talking about?
mabusincarnate said:
i weighed 130 1 year ago

i weigh 180 now

i started the first cycle at 150 pounds and ended it at 168. it was only 200mg/week of test e. i wanted to be safe, given that i was WAY under my max and it was my first time.

i started my second cycle at 169ish and ended it at 181. it was 400mg/week test e.

i'm sitting right at 178-180 now.

my next cycle will be 600mg/week.

i eat just under 4000 cals per day. the hardest thing for me is the diet but i know it's the most important.

i'm still making strength gains while 'off' but i'm not getting any bigger.

all the red dots were tiny white heads. i had bad acne in high school so i'm prone to getting it. that's been the only side i get from gear. it looks way worse in the pic than it is in person. they're not nearly that red. they just look like little pink dots.

food is the key buddy, with your body type dont be afraid to bulk a little dirty. dont miss one meal, and youll probobly need more than 4k kcals.
if youre lazy and half the cash muscle milk is great. fast food a few times a week. extra virgin olive oil will get your cals up there, 120 per tablespoon.

good luck and focus on the big lifts. i think you should work hard on cleans and standing military presses.

study this page and apply it for the next 6 monthes and youll be over 200 easy. http://www.geocities.com/elitemadcow1/table_of_contents_thread.htm