176-191 put me in the hospital


I am banned!
hgh 176-191 gave me a very serious side effect. On wednesday after my last injection i lost the feeling in my hands and feet and was hyperventilating but my heart was slowing down and i almost passed out. I thought i was hypoglycemic so i ate some food and anyways, eventually the state went away.

The next day the same thing kept happening, i would be at rest and suddenly my heart would start beating very fast and irregularly and i would feel like i was going to pass out.

Eventually it happened to the point where i lost my ability to walk, my entire body was shaking, the room was spinning, and i ended up going to the emergency room. At first they thought i was having a panic attack but after an hour on the oxygen my co2 levels would not go up. My bp was at 190/130 and my heartrate would not go above 70. and my co2 levels would not go over 17.

They then took an ekg and the ekg came back abnormal with a prolonged pq wave.

Anyways, after spending 2 days in the hospital the final verdict was that the 176-191 had caused an acidotic or alkolotic (I dont remember which i am confusing my medical jargon) state in my blood, and i believe it could have been caused by an excess of ketones. They also said what i was taking had severely dehydrated me and my electrolytes were out of whack. On another note, i do remember my urine smelling ridiculous on the 176-191, the same way it does when i eat no carbs and take alpha lipoic acid.

Anyways, i just thought i should post this. I have a feeling it is evidence of some other underlying medical problem so im following up with my primary care physician and i will be referred to an endocrinologist.

And before you go write a verdict against this stuff, the 176-191 works very well, i was losing fat rapidly. I would just make sure to stay extremely hydrated while on it.
Damn that's scary bro. Glad you're doing better. Let us know if there's anything else going on. Good looking out for everyone.

Get well
Guess I have been lucky and I have use quite a bit. The only sides I had was weight loss without nervousness or being hungry or jittery. How much were you taking? I cant recall 176-191 having a odor, but I never stuck my nose to it and smelled it either. I was going to the dr over some spinal stenosis problems and they notice the drastic weight loss and when I told them what I was doing they had no comments good or bad. I dont think they had ever heard of it and just thought it was another internet fad.To bad bro, sorry to hear about your re-action.
For REAL! I hope you get well bro. Fuck, I use the shit outta some frag off and on and noticed hands and feet going numb but that was mild and ALL I had adversely. Good luck and I hope you recover fast!
o i am already recovered. actually just ran a 5:55 mile followed by hiit 5 minutes later.

I know it wasn't a normal reaction... the thing now is finding out what type of hormonal or cns or respiratory imbalance caused this.

The doctors basically know "what" happened (blood ph changes, and an electrolyte imbalance), and we can conclude that it happened from the frag since it started mildly on day 2 then full blown day 3. but they don't know "why" it happened, and my pcp even looked into it and admitted it is not a "normal" reaction to hgh 176-191 at all.

He did however say that 176-191 can have some diuretic affect to it so drink up!

Were you taking anything else while this occurred? I JUST started mine yesterday and was gonna post a log and everything. This is the first I've heard of anything like this happening. Not doubting you or anything, just thinking maybe it was the frag coupled with something else. Either way bro, glad you are ok. Are you still gonna try using it at all?
I was taking 1mg a day for six months. It made my hands go numb. What were you taking?

I like Igf-1 lr3 much better.

I haven't taken anything yet just doin' research. it seems to me you don't get results with anything less than 500mcg a day but those who push towards 1mg complain of numbness.

I am looking at the frag for it's ability for collagen synthesis to help strengthen my shoulder before I possibly cycle.

I have heard frag is good because it also increases igf-1 in the body but I don't know to many people who have just done it alone. It also doesn't promote collagen synthesis but I may look into running it with the frag.
Great post, will be running frag in about a month for the first time to help with the cut. I'll be watching for any of these symptoms. Thanks for the heads up!
hey bro - glad to hear you recovered - that's scary. What dosage were you on? only 3 days into it? are you running any other gear? what are your stats? age, wt ht, etc.

Thanks for posting - maybe it will keep another out of the ER.
for you guys that have been using frag for awhile. keep us posted on your progress. You got alot of people still looking into this stuff and would love to know your dosage/gains.

i weigh 185 5'8, 24.
I can run a mile in under 6 minutes so my conditioning couldn't have been the issue.

NOTE: type 2 diabetes runs in my family, as does adrenal abnormalitys.

i was also taking nolvadex and clomid. i am in post cycle therapy (pct) after an npp, test, 1-test cyp
bte2 glad to hear you recovered brother. This is a good lesson to us all to monitor our bodies whenever we are putting anything in it (ie. B/P, HR, Hydration, Nutrition). DAILY
They then took an ekg and the ekg came back abnormal with a prolonged pq wave.

Anyways, after spending 2 days in the hospital the final verdict was that the 176-191 had caused an acidotic or alkolotic (I dont remember which i am confusing my medical jargon)

It would have been Ketoacidosis. This is a Condition Diabetics are prone to (DKA or diabetic ketoacidosis). This usually happens when the BGL is over 350 mg/dl due to an inadequate amount of slin. Not enough glucose in the cells (because there is not enough slin in the blood) means the cells start burning fat for fuel. This produces ketones which in large amounts will give you the symptoms you were having.

What was your diet like?

How much were you losing on the frag?

How long were you on?

This is good stuff (since you are ok.) Good to learn from.
BTE, which source did you get your frag from?

And if anyone can answer this, why do your hands go numb from frag??
Thanks for the heads up bte2, very good of you to share. I too will be starting this shortly, and will keep a lookout for symptoms.