19 y/o absolutely too young?


New member
The baseline question is, am I undoubtedly too young to start a AAS cycle?

Many people just see this question and respond with YES before blinking an eye, but first allow me to tell you about myself and a cycle or two that I am considering. :toilet:

Starting lifting weights at about 14, i was way more educated and way more serious by age 17, and for the last year and a half i haven't missed more than a week at the gym and diet has been pretty good. i wasn't a fool just walking into the gym. I began going with my dad who is very into bodybuilding. he educated himself and myself very much, majority of what i do are stems of his varieties of solid lift routines. his states are (roughly):
Age: 41
Weight:195 (he's lost a lot of weight lately)
Height: 6 foot 1 inch
BF%: i'd guess him around 11-13%

3 Rep Max
bench: 375
squat: 375 (lol)
dead: 315
Most of us idolize our fathers no matter what, but i just included this to show that he does know a thing or too about lifting.

now for my stats
Age: 19
Weight: 220 (lbs)
Height: 6 foot.
BF%: 17-20%

3 Rep Max's (pounds)
Bench: 295
Squat: 455
Deadlift: 315, give or take (i fucking hate these)
Standing straightbar curl: 155

Now cycle wise, i'm not looking to bulk. What i am wanting to do is definitely lean myself out. i can get on a pin point diet, discipline and education is not the issue. My concern is that as losing weight, i'm going to lose too much strength which is sad for me. my goal is to get down to 200 lbs and be able to stay lean, and keep my lifts up. If i could get down to 185-195 that would be even better!

So to the cycle part of this.

-my first thought is to get on some clenbuterol. i know how to dose this, and i have done it before as well as my father. I'm concerned that i could lose too much muscle, or to preserve it, it would take too long for my liking to get down to the weight i want while trying to keep as much muscle as possible.

-my second thought is possibly taking some test cyp and stacking it with clenbuterol. test cyp doesn't make ya retain too much water as compared to enanthate and will definitely help keep my muscle anabolic wanting to grow instead of eating themselves. maybe even adding some t3, but i do not know too much about t3, so unless someone can shed some light upon t3 to me, i'll avoid starting the research lol

-i also have a though about possibly some anavar? i know this is something mild, and it's never been something to interest me until now. I'm starting research upon anavar more so now. if anyone can shed some light, that would be much appreciated, and it can help me have a base as to what to research.

-my final inquery is some winstrol and some test cyp. probably start the Winstrol (winny) about at week 4, and run it through week 8-10. and stay on a lower dose of test cyp, because i'm not looking to make some great gains or anything, just to keep my muslcle from going catabolic.

thoughts, input, are very appreciated, please don't call me an idiot for considering aas at such a young age
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Yes. and not solely for the age reason (Although that IS a major factor.)

Number one your lifts are already good! But you're bodyfat is high. How did you get this checked? What method was used and if it was calipers, how many points were measured.

Secondly, your age is an issue. You're nineteen and physiologically speaking your Pituatary is spewing Test like that kid in the Exorcist spewed all over the room! Given the negative feedback loop that your body maintains* you stand a Very good chance of permanently shutting your natural production down. Even with proper post cycle therapy (pct) your levels may remain somewhat suppressed.

Talk to 3J about tweaking your diet to where you can still cut and minimize strength and lean mass losses or just throw it up in the diet forum and ask for feedback.

*If you would like to know more on this ask and I will elaborate. Don't want to throw you off with a bunch of A&P.
my body was last measure by one an electronic thing you hold. pretty sure they're not that accurate. my fat is located on my belly, and i have minor love handles and a bit under my armpits near my chest.

i'm happy with my strength! ofcourse we all want to get stronger though! but at this point that is not my focus, my focus is to lean out and look like king neptune.
This is my OP for young persons who want to do AAS. Go get yourself some bloodwork done. If you levels come back low then by all means knock yourself out. It just doesnt make sense to do gear with your natural levels so high already. Meaning, if your not gaining or making progress right now...NO gear is going to help. Get your diet and routine in check.
I agree with the last post. Sure, if you have a naturally crap Test then get with your doctor. But what you have stated, if true, says your doing ok, you just need to workout properly.

AAS below 35 is practically a waste of money. IMO. I waited til my late 30s to start a cycle. lol, I actually look better and am stronger at 45 then i ever was before, but that could also be because being on Gear makes me want to work out harder.

Regarless, let your body grow. Put in the time. You could just screw yourself up trying to shortcut it so early.
my body was last measure by one an electronic thing you hold. pretty sure they're not that accurate. my fat is located on my belly, and i have minor love handles and a bit under my armpits near my chest.

i'm happy with my strength! ofcourse we all want to get stronger though! but at this point that is not my focus, my focus is to lean out and look like king neptune.

AAS isn't for cutting. Post your diet in the Diet Forum and get some feedback there. You'll save a ton of money and not have to worry about shutting yourself done. With those numbers your natural levels are damned good. Enjoy them!
Go get yourself some bloodwork done. If you levels come back low then by all means knock yourself out. It just doesnt make sense to do gear with your natural levels so high already. Meaning, if your not gaining or making progress right now...NO gear is going to help. Get your diet and routine in check.

I agree with this. Not everyone has ridiculously high natural test levels, and if a person can maturely/thoroughly research/prepare for gear, understand the consequences, and take precautions, I don't see a reason why not.

People have started much younger than 19 and still are alive, but that doesn't mean they did it right and are as healthy as they could have been.

case in point, im 24 was thinking about running a cycle got bloods done...came back 355 total test with free test of 9.7 pg/ml on a 9.3-26.5 scale! Mind you never ran a cycle before. kindof amazed i've been able to do what i have with my body so far with those fucking numbers.
Agree, AAS isn't for cutting, go w/3J, I already reduce from 19% to a decent 11~12% with his program in 12 weeks... Diet pal, its the key for cutting, also you will feel better and stronger.
Right on guys...Yeah I'm basically looking for some cheat way to help lose weight and keep muscle. I'll stumble over to the diet forum now. I am still going to either use Clen or ECA to maximize results my dudes, contemplating between eah of them though.. I get better results from Clen.. But my appetite is excruciating.. ECA helps with that a bit but I won't do them both
There is no "cheat" way to lose weight. Yes there are drugs but if your diet isn't dialed in they will not help you at all. And it sounds like you are relying on the drugs to do the work, I just don't see you achieving results with that method. Rely on your diet and training. Hell my diet isn't extremly good yet and it's one of the main reasons I'm not doing AAS right now. Be real with yourself, in my opinion if your BF is hovering around 18%+ your diet isn't really dialled in. It might be good but really isn't great.
Right on guys...Yeah I'm basically looking for some cheat way to help lose weight and keep muscle. I'll stumble over to the diet forum now. I am still going to either use Clen or ECA to maximize results my dudes, contemplating between eah of them though.. I get better results from Clen.. But my appetite is excruciating.. ECA helps with that a bit but I won't do them both

Hold off and save them for later. They are best used when your diet's been in check for a while and your metabolism has begun to slow from calorie restriction.
You remind me of the young dude at my gym who trains alot with his dad.
His dad is very large, more of a powerlifter build (big stomach).
Kid is pretty average, good size chest but that's about it.
If your like this kid, who comes in 2-3times a week with his dad, and thinks hes ready for gear.. i dont think so.

Learn how to train first, correctly.. if your impatient, get on the gear and then get a bodybuilder to train you like dorian yates.