19yo Needs Help Regarding DB Cycle, srs answers pls


New member
Hi, im a 19yo guy whose planing to go for a Dianabol ONLY Cycle for 60Days(8Weeks). I know im too young and you guys dont like it but please instead of posting 100 replys about my age, help me instead because unfortunetly ive made up my mind, help me instead.
And yes, ive got knowledge about diet and training, im also having an cousin whose an Personal Trainer who will join me during the 60 days.

Im able to get some Malay Tiger Dianabol/Thai-5 Pink Ones for a good price from a friend of mine who bough em in bulk. Also Nolvadex.
My goal is to gain as much quality weight as possible during the cycle, and be able to keep most of it after the cycle.

Supplements im planing to use:
Weight Gainers, 2-3/day - 1000Calorie Each
Slow Night Protein Before Bed. - Kassein
Vitamine Tabs
Creatine - After Cycle
Milk Thistle

188CM Tall


What i need to know?

How much dosage mg i should take each day, and what times, for how long
PCT dosage, when to take etc.

I've read about 10/60 - 10mg for 60 days, which sounds abit low but they say it wont shut u dont as much as an normal cycle and its good, im not sure but my idea is to gain as much mass as possible with oral dianabol/thai 5 in 1 cycle, so i dont want to do an cycle who shuts me down and gives me shitty results.

Heres the guide i've read: steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroids-bodybuilding-articles/30-d-bol-bridge-explained-fonz.html

Also i want to minimize the side effects, thank you.
Nevermind your age, but running a dbol only cycle for that long even is pure stupidity.. only chics can run oral only cycles. Your going to shut down your natty test levels and screw your liver up running dbol for that long.. if u don't have the balls to inject test, which I highly doubt you'll even have any balls left after running dbol for that long, just don't even mess with the stuff. Dbol is used as a kick start to a test cycle or a combo of test and other shit too. You will completely lose all your gains off of just a dbol cycle anyways. TEST IS THE BASE FOR ALL CYCLES!!!
if you want to minimize the sides then dont do it cause at 19 thats all your going to do is cause sides. just incase you didnt know your joints arent fully developed niether is your brain, the part that causes mood swings most importanatly. so unless you want to be short deformed looking and feel like your on cycle for the rest of your life, dont do it pure and simple.
Do your research man... You got it all wrong man. I don't understand why these fucken kids get the idea to want to do orals only. Quality weight from dbol, really.... LoL.
Seriously though your question were answered in the thread just below this one, you didn't like the answers so you started another thread for the same question, the answers given were serious answers. Why ask for help if your not gonna listen? As I stated in the previous thread no one is going to tell you what you want to hear because what your looking to do is utter stupidity and absolutely wrong. The article you are quoting from the forum is a dosage and protocol for bridging. Bridging and cycling are 2 completely different things, do some research everything you need to know is in the stickies..

Seriously bro I get your 19 and probably still live at home and need to hide the gear from your parents so needles are not an option or they scare you, been there done that and my first cycle ever was dbol only when I was young and dumb, back then there were no forums or boards with people to help you so you went by what others in the gym would tell you. Today you are lucky enough to have people willing to help who have been through the bullshit. Sure you will put on weight, I put on 22 lbs in 8 weeks with 50mgs of dbol /day once I was done my cycle I kept about 2 pounds and had one sore ass liver not to mention a rough time getting it up for a long time.. Do what you want its your body, we have given you the guidance you need what you do with it from this point is all on you..

Plain and simple rule to follow - if you ain't got a vagina and you don't want to inject.. buy some fuckin creatine instead
Thx 4 ur replies, smt i dont understand is, why Will i lose all gains? We all know/seen/heard about ppl who done dbol only With good results, is it the dose or what makes u lose the gains.

Needle aint the problem, its that i heard side effect risk is much higher and that it shuts down alot
I CAn get testo, but give me some good reasons to convince me, u all know My goals
Also how much can i expect to gain from testo?.
Go read the stickys... Who the hell wants to have a debate with u about dbol vs. Test? Most everybody that knows something is on test, not dbol. Only a pussy, a dumb one at that will chew on a few dbol and stare in the mirror..
not asking for an debate, im just wanna know because all of tell me go to go testo, thats why i said, isnt the side effect risk higher? and what doses should i take and for how long, is it that hard
Dude, all your OP post says is to not tell you the truth, but just tell you what you want to hear. As everyone has said, everything about this is a bad idea. Stop asking stupid questions and go do a little research on your own. Orals have far worse sides than injectables, that's why no one does 8 week oral cycles. And seriously, go do a little more research about AAS, age, and the development of the HPT axis. When we say you're too young, it's not some arbitrary number we made up, it's not like saying you're too young to have a beer, it's because you are biologically too young and the medical risks are stupid. Don't fuck yourself up because you're looking for a shortcut to gain a few pounds. If you want to put on 10 pounds of muscle, eat and workout. If it takes a few more months without AAS, so what, you will get there. If you insist on doing it, don't ask us to help you, and don't lecture us on how you don't want the truth, just what you want to hear.
Forget that cheap thai crap bro. If you want MONSTER gains at 19, check this stuff out:

View attachment 551536

You can take 100mg ED of this stuff and get HYOOOOOOGE!

Now since you know what you're doing is stupid, go buy some creatine and learn how to eat/lift properly. See you in SIX YEARS when you're ready. Or in a couple months when you come back crying that your dick doesn't work and you now have a set of C-cups. Either way, the choice is yours. ;)
I know it sounds stupid and annoying because steroids sounds really cool and exciting and professional but if you're not gaining weight at 19yo you're not eating enough.

My best friend was 140#'s at 5'11'' all the way through college and he is no pussy. He lifts hard, that guy doesn't know how to quit. He never got any bigger. He looked better, and maybe got leaner, but never gained any weight. Three years ago, he got a room mate who is in to bodybuilding, training other people etc... who started force feeding him massive piles of rice and mass gainer shakes (Serious Mass) and in less than 6 months he gained almost 50 pounds, and even today, despite that he's not eating perfectly he still hangs out around 180-185.

If you want to gain 'quality muscle', you need to lift hard, sleep well, and eat properly. Start by tracking your diet, get a baseline for what you're eating now, and then eat more. Keep adding food until you start gaining weight and stick with it.

I have a different friend who did a dbol only cycle and his gf ended up trying to fuck me because his dick quit working, so he went to a doc, and when it started working again he had no stamina. She would have married him, and she was super fucking hot, probably the hottest girl I have ever personally known, think fitness model with fake tits, and now shes banging someone else because he broke his dick using steroids improperly.

I can't speak from personal experience because I haven't done a cycle yet (still to fat), but I know these people personally.

Nobody on here is doing anything but trying to help you avoid making a stupid decision. People like you are what causes everyone to think steroids are evil in the first place. You will get on dbol, your dick will quit working, or your liver will fail, probably both and you'll end up in the news as another talking point for 'moms against steroids' or whoever...

Listen to the smart people on here who actually have experience with it and get your diet sorted out and lift natty for a few years before you get on gear.
nutrition > gear.. esp at your age.. eat like a monster and grow..

my little brother started seriously working out at 19.. he got on one of my diets and went from 190- 255lbs in two years... all natural..

your nutrition sucks... whether you add dbol, test, tren, or any compound your nutrition is what dictates where you end up... since you cant seem to get over your current weight without gear.. what makes you think you will keep the water weight you gain when you get off the dbol?? you'll sink back to your regular weight.. because a ferrari without gas in the tank is a paper weight
And yes, ive got knowledge about diet and training....

Slow Night Protein Before Bed. - Kassein

Lol you have all this knowledge but you can't spell casein correctly?

Seriously though, you're not just too young, but you're betraying that you don't really know anything about this gig especially dieting. At your age if you had a decent diet and training plan together, you probably wouldn't have even thought to try AAS yet.
Hey arcademoon forgetting about your age, the guys are right and they know their stuff. Hands down dbol is more harmful to your body than test. The only way I can figure test being more dangerous is if you take the wrong dosage or have no injection experience. If you are completely sold on using da stuff then I highly recommend you go straight test and at the low end of the dosage scale. You can find great beginner cycles on the forum if you look. However, if you have no experience with needles and injecting you can do some serious harm possibly resulting in death. While I can't force you to not go ahead with running a cycle I will say this, do your research until the information pours out of your ears and do not half ass anything or use shortcuts. Going straight dbol will yield results, much of which you will not keep. That's why it's often used a kick start to a traditional cycle to get the ball rolling because once you're off the test should be warmed up and ready to carry the load. You do not want to make a decision for the "right now" satisfaction and destroy your "what if" potential.
First off... you're 70kg at 188cm that's 154lbs at over 6 feet tall if I'm not mistaken. Those are, no offence, some pathetic stats to have to be jumping on steroids.

Second, I'm not the most knowledgeable but even I know running dbol for 8 weeks is an idotic idea and will just cause some terrible sides. Dbol will bloat you up, you'll feel good because you'll gain your 20lbs, but then, once you get off you'll just shrivel back down to 160lbs if you're lucky.

and finally, you're going to get 3000 calories from weight gainers and then another protein shake at night!? Come on at 154lbs you're daily calorie requirement with ridiculous physical exercise probably doesn't exceed 3000. Learn to eat real food and maybe throw in a weight gainer once a day if you are truely having problems eating your food. Or better yet, make your own weight gainer with oats, peanutbutter, bananas, protein powder, some ice, and whatever else you think would make it taste good.

Good luck with your goals. Don't be oblivious to what people on these boards are saying, they are smart people and have probably had the same thoughts as you at 19... as have I. Eat eat eat lift eat eat eat sleep repeat ---> grow :)
plain and simple a dbol only cycle is going to give you acne hold water and make you fat and no girl will want to suck your dick and even if you did manage to get a desperate girl you wont be able to get it up.
its a lose lose lose situation oh but you'll get stronger...
everyone hear is telling you the truth. these guys aren't trying to bash you because you are young, its because what you are going to do to yourself with that kind of cycle is going to hurt you major and you will see minimal gains, espeicially at your age. your only wasting money man. I just recently turned 20 and I am benefiting tremendously by taking a lot of the advice I read on multiple forums. I started out thinking I needed to take halodrol to get big. very dumb idea looking back. thank god I never took it. if you aren't seeing the kind of results you want it is because 1. bodybuilding is a lifetime journey, you don't just workout for 2 weeks and expect to be shredded. its something you need to commit to.

2. nutrition nutrition nutrition. save your money invest in good quality food and sum protein powder. read up on as much nutrition as possible.

in conclusion don't do it. this is coming from somebody who is 20, same height as you, not sure what your weight is cuz idk the kg to lb conversion but regardless I guarantee you have a tremendous amount of room to grow naturally because of your lack of knowledge of what your doing.
I know I'm a noob on the forum but I've been lurking for about 19 months or so. I see these kids wanting to start AAS, hopping on here expecting to have things spoon-fed to them and trying to avoid well-meaning and serious advice by using the disclaimer "I know I'm young and I'm aware of the risks." If you need to put THAT out there, why would this seem like a good idea. Also, if you were aware of the risks, you wouldn't be asking about an oral-only cycle.
Sorry if it seems like I have nothing positive to add to the discussion but part of me wonders why anyone of seniority on this site feels responsible or obligated to dissuade kids that are looking into AAS. Other than the fact that there is a wealth of knowledge already posted to this site and easily accessible, I feel you guys' responsibility ends there.
Again, sorry for hijacking.