1st Cycle:Guys let me know what u thnk of this cycle and the diet plan


New member
Goal:gain 20 pounds after post cycle therapy (pct) on my first cycle

8 weeks cycle
Test e:400 mg /week
turinabol:40mg/day (geneza pharma) for 6 weeks
Milk thistle or Liv52 or Doctor's Best Double-Strength SAMe 400 : Will take anyone amongst the three to protect the liver
BCAA + Fish oil + multivitamin
Nimbus: Poseidon (2 scoops with water while working out to prevent back pumps) store.lockoutforums.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2&products_id=2000249

post cycle therapy (pct)- 4 weeks

TCF + test recovery stack + Nolva(40 mg/day)
Below is the link for TCF and test recovery stack that i will be getting
primordialperformance.com/store/sodium-d-aspartate-boosts-testosterone-in-men-d-aspartic-acid-effects-testosterone-conversion-factor-1.html primordialperformance.com/store/testosterone-recovery-stack-%28oral-sustain%29.html

Will take 200gms protein/day and 200 gms carbs/day
Here is the diet plan
meal 1 Breakfast: 6 egg whites + 1 yolk + 2 brown bread + 1 banana
meal 2 Post workout: protein shake(1 scoop) + dextrose(1 scoop)
meal 3,one hour after the workout : boiled chicken breast 8 oz + beans+ brown rice or pasta
meal 4: protein shake (1 scoop) + apple
meal 5 Dinner : 4 oz chicken breast + veggies + walnut+ 1 brown bread+ chobani greek yog
meal 6: protein shake(1 scoop) + almonds + peanut butter(1 tablespoon)

Workout plan
monday: Chest(am) and cardio(pm)
tue : Back
wed :Legs
thur :shoulders
Sat :cardio

I am 5'7 @ 152 pounds and 26 yr old.
this is at least the 3rd time you have started a thread about this cycle . do not start another one just pick 1 thread and stick with it.
run the test 10-12 weeks and EAT MORE FOOD .

you weigh 152 pounds , your diet needs serious work. hit 3J up in the diet forum.
Sorry about the multiple threads.
I have had a personal trainer for 2 months now and i train with him for an hour everday for 5 days a week.He said that this is a good meal plan .However i would take some advice from 3J too.Do you think i should go to a nutritionist so that i can get the maximum from my cycle.
Thanks for the advice.Much appreciated
Sorry about the multiple threads.
I have had a personal trainer for 2 months now and i train with him for an hour everday for 5 days a week.He said that this is a good meal plan .However i would take some advice from 3J too.Do you think i should go to a nutritionist so that i can get the maximum from my cycle.
Thanks for the advice.Much appreciated

talk to 3j not a nutritionist . the needs for a diet for a bodybuilder / steroid cycle are not what a nutritionist is trained for.

there is no way your calories are high enough or you wouldnt be that small. steroids without proper calories is a TOTAL waste of time.

your making this shit way to complicated. do a basic steroid cycle and spend the rest of your money on food.
im running my 1st cycle im 511 and weigh 174 ima just run test 400 and finish my dbols up

If your giving advice.... DON"T.

Mike, You are too young, first cycle is test E or C,... .not test 400. and DBOL is not necessary.

You have your own thread, either ask advice in your thread(which you won't listen to) or have some positive advice to give someone else.3:bj:

OP, you are too skinny. You should eat like a mad man for another 6 months counting your calories/macros and then think about a cycle.

Why waste good steroids on a simple fix(eating)

you'll waste money on juice, hcg, Aromatase inhibitor (AI) Clomid,

Save your money and invest in food.
talk to 3j not a nutritionist . the needs for a diet for a bodybuilder / steroid cycle are not what a nutritionist is trained for.

there is no way your calories are high enough or you wouldnt be that small. steroids without proper calories is a TOTAL waste of time.

your making this shit way to complicated. do a basic steroid cycle and spend the rest of your money on food.

a regular nutritionist is more worried about what a diabetic or a senior citizen is eating then a body builder...

i build your diets specifically tailored to your needs.. simple as that