1st time user in need of some expert advise.


New member
Hi guys I'm after some help and advise, I'm 33 and weigh 11 1/2 stone and I've been taking 30mg (3 tabs) of alphabol a day for 4wks now, I've taken delivery of another 100 tablets, deca vial (300mg), test vial (200mg) but I'm unsure as what to take each day/weekly as I'm new to all this.
Just need someone to help me on my way, many thanks in advance :)
Have you ever cycled before? You sound like you need to do atleast 3 more months of research before you even consider jabbing that needle in your ass.
Hi guys I'm after some help and advise, I'm 33 and weigh 11 1/2 stone and I've been taking 30mg (3 tabs) of alphabol a day for 4wks now, I've taken delivery of another 100 tablets, deca vial (300mg), test vial (200mg) but I'm unsure as what to take each day/weekly as I'm new to all this.
Just need someone to help me on my way, many thanks in advance :)

So you are running a dbol (at least that is what I am guessing alphabol is) all by iteself? Do you realize that shuts down your natural testosterone production? And you are not putting any testosterone back in your body? Males need testosterone!!!

Two vials is not enough to do anything unless you are a 12 year old girl.

What PCT were you going to run when your dbol cycle is done?

What AI are you using?

Did you get pre-cycle hormone blood work? Are you getting mid and post cycle blood work? Post up your blood work so we can see it.

Seriously... you need to read the sticky threads so you can learn how to cycle. Guys here will help you, but we are not going to spoon feed you. You obviously jumped into this without thinking first.
So you are running a dbol (at least that is what I am guessing alphabol is) all by iteself? Do you realize that shuts down your natural testosterone production? And you are not putting any testosterone back in your body? Males need testosterone!!!

Two vials is not enough to do anything unless you are a 12 year old girl.

What PCT were you going to run when your dbol cycle is done?

What AI are you using?

Did you get pre-cycle hormone blood work? Are you getting mid and post cycle blood work? Post up your blood work so we can see it.

Seriously... you need to read the sticky threads so you can learn how to cycle. Guys here will help you, but we are not going to spoon feed you. You obviously jumped into this without thinking first.

No I want to run dbol with the test & deca now, I will be using milk thistle and maybe noveldex as a pct, why isn't 2 vial's enough for now ? They both have 10ml in each which thought would last me atleast half my cycle.
No I want to run dbol with the test & deca now, I will be using milk thistle and maybe noveldex as a pct, why isn't 2 vial's enough for now ? They both have 10ml in each which thought would last me atleast half my cycle.

You have NO IDEA what you are doing. Read the sticky threads and get a clue. You are seriously going to mess yourself up. You come across like a 17 year old kid.
I'm about to do my first, I've been reading about all this shit for 5-6 months. Your playing chemist with your body, and there are huge problems that can come up. That's why..

What am I doing that's so wrong? I was hoping to come on here and get some friendly help not get made to feel like a twat.
your test+deca+dbol cycle needs to be 14 weeks. 12 weeks of deca and 14 weeks of test as test should be longer than deca, do 30-40mg of dbol for 4 weeks(everyday) , run arimidex 0.25eod and up the dose to 0.5eod if needed(run it from day one till the end of your cycle). have liver support such as NAC as dbol can be harsh to your liver, start pct 14 days after your last injection of test (clomid and nolva). iv made it as easy as it can get if you still can't pull this off then roids aint for u buddy..good luck
oh, i forgot, get blood work done before your begin ur cycle, midway of your cycle and after you r done with your pct.
No dude. He shouldn't even be doing deca or dbols.1 st time user is the name of the thread.
I don't even want to give this guy advice if he thinks milk thistle is pct, but after he does a couple months of research he should do a test only cycle. He should save all his gear till he knows somewhat what it is he is doing.
What am I doing that's so wrong? I was hoping to come on here and get some friendly help not get made to feel like a twat.
It's okay to ask questions, but it's the ignorance that irritates people. You're already on the website so take a look around. Read all the stickies,read the steroid profiles,learn some basic human biology,reasearch intramuscular injections,take a look at other peoples cycles etc.... Then when you know what you're doing ask if it's all correct and some great people will help you out.
You cat rush this stuff! Do lots of home work and stock up on everything you need mean while. If not you may f up your body or even waste the gear you are on right now.
Cheers fitguy :)

I have been doing my research guys but just wanted to hear your thoughts on what I should be doing.

I've been reading that I should be doing more test than deca each week and yes I know I should stop deca 2wks before I stop test cycle (thanks for confirmation fit guy)
Yes I was unsure about the milkthistle but I was told I should do it through my cycle, I did do a test cycle last year but wasn't doing it properly so I want to do this 1 right.

This is what I've come up with so far plz let me know if this is ok.

4x10mg dbol tablets a day with 6-8L of water
Deca 400mg a week
Test 600mg a week

Yes I will start my pct cycle properly when the time comes and I will do my bloodwork along the way.