see if they have active coal tablets, eat one with breakfast and one before bed. (I'd start with half or quarter recommended dose)
Yeah I did those when it got real bad, worked well, didn't know you could take it everyday though.
see if they have active coal tablets, eat one with breakfast and one before bed. (I'd start with half or quarter recommended dose)
Yeah I did those when it got real bad, worked well, didn't know you could take it everyday though.
I didn't even make it 7 hours.
The food tastes great, but I haven't had a non-runny dump since I got here, sorry I know, TMI.... Weights holding steady around 220lbs, composition is probably a little better than when I got here because of the gear, although I didn't miss any training days, I had a lot of long nights and really didn't have a set goal in mind. i.e cut/bulk/recomp... I just wanted to try a few things I hadn't in the passed, i.e primo and just Pharma grade in general.
I actually left Bangkok a couple days ago, now in Seoul Korea for a few days, Korea, the K stands for Kock Block..... absolutely a 180 here in terms of meeting women, Q the tumble weeds.
Bangkok, Thailand was amazing for all of the aforementioned reasons, I think next winter the trip will be Vietnam based on my tinder research
If anyone wants some specific details, feel free to ask.
Interesting commentary on Korea, I spend a good deal of time there and can confirm. The women are also not as blessed with good looks (I'm trying to be nice here....)
What made you pull up stakes and head there???
Now your in Korea with all that good food. how do Korean girls compare to Thai?
Well, from what limited time I have, it doesn't compare to Thailand both with food and women.
Beisdes Korean BBQ, theres not much here I like, some odd bland dishes... but their national drink Soju gives you a good buzz.
In Thailand I would get at least 30 to 40 messages from different ladies per day, I got 1 here the 3 days ive been here.
In Thailand you would get smiles from girls all the time, here its like they have blinders on, maybe their not into foreigners as much as Thailand.
In terms of looks, there are of course some hot ones, but overall in Thailand the girls were much fitter and exotic looking.
But the good news is, my dick will finally get that break it needs :/
figured that much from seeing pics of the girls there, how long are you there for and are you hitting the gym there? any jacked up Koreans there?
Great read on your trip there, did you head back to Thailand to bangcock?
Hows your cycle going so far?
Having returned to the real world after almost 3 months is an Asia and all the aforementioned fun, is a steep mental drop.
Im almost one week or so back and dropped into a severe depression, I assume its the post vacay blues, but this level of darkness was not expected.
Wouldn't change a thing though, next year Vietnam
hey man dont let it it get you down, your my hero too living the life of leasure with hot ladies at your beck and call all day and night, good food, nice resorts, pharm grade gear, what more could a man ask for?
im already looking forward to your Vietnam adventures.
you should consider videotaping all of it as i would surely buy season 2 main man!
Feel much better this week, getting back in the swing of things.
Casting for Season 2 begins in the fall