2 Weeks of Test - Hair Loss After Stopping


New member
Hey guys, one of my good friends started taking test without knowing much about it, against my advice (he's 35). He had no idea of the sides and had no PCT planned. He was using it for 2 weeks.

His nuts hurt and he started feeling irritable, etc, so he stopped cold turkey. About 2 days later his hair started pouring out of his head. I told him to double up on propecia and take some Nolva or Clomid, he did the propecia, but nothing else...

It's like 3 weeks later and it's still falling out crazy. Any suggestions? (let the flaming begin.. lol)
Wtf z?????? You sure it was test he was doing ????? And not some bunk also how much was he pinning z?????
Damn that's some scary shit right there. One of my biggest fears of this game. I wish all my body hair would fall out instead

Sorry for not contributing at all here.
i would tell him to go see a doctor, like yesterday. he hasn't been doing it long enough for his blood levels to show he has taken any really, i wouldn't tell the doc unless he wanted to, it's his health. just tell him his hair is falling out like crazy and what he's taking for it right now. telling the doc you took steroids can really fuck you on life insurance
Hey guys, one of my good friends started taking test without knowing much about it, against my advice (he's 35). He had no idea of the sides and had no PCT planned. He was using it for 2 weeks.

His nuts hurt and he started feeling irritable, etc, so he stopped cold turkey. About 2 days later his hair started pouring out of his head. I told him to double up on propecia and take some Nolva or Clomid, he did the propecia, but nothing else...

It's like 3 weeks later and it's still falling out crazy. Any suggestions? (let the flaming begin.. lol)

i seriouslly doubt 2 weeks of test is making all his hair fall out . i would almost bet its stress.

think about it , if 2 weeks of test did this there would be thousands of bald members here.
I doubt this, I always worried about hair loss. Once I had a reciting hairline I decided whats the worse gear could do. So 3 months before I started gear I started rogain, plus a cutting diet to prepare for some of the weight gain and bloating. Well Rogain made my hair thicker and I have had no har loss from the test and I am in week 5. I agree with the vets, sounds like he freaked out and his stress hormones are through the roof.
I doubt this, I always worried about hair loss. Once I had a reciting hairline I decided whats the worse gear could do. So 3 months before I started gear I started rogain, plus a cutting diet to prepare for some of the weight gain and bloating. Well Rogain made my hair thicker and I have had no har loss from the test and I am in week 5. I agree with the vets, sounds like he freaked out and his stress hormones are through the roof.

u are trying to tell me that rogain reversed your receding hairline?? that's a stretch bro

to the OP... maybe your friend is just losing his hair, he is 35... my hair started thinning out pretty good at about 33, now 38 and it hasn't gotten much worse except now it's going white haha
u are trying to tell me that rogain reversed your receding hairline?? that's a stretch bro
No way bro, front is at the same place, but it made my hair thicker on the top. Rogaine does not effect the receding hairline, thats just bad genes.
Hey guys, one of my good friends started taking test without knowing much about it, against my advice (he's 35). He had no idea of the sides and had no post cycle therapy (pct) planned. He was using it for 2 weeks.

His nuts hurt and he started feeling irritable, etc, so he stopped cold turkey. About 2 days later his hair started pouring out of his head. I told him to double up on propecia and take some Nolva or Clomid, he did the propecia, but nothing else...

It's like 3 weeks later and it's still falling out crazy. Any suggestions? (let the flaming begin.. lol)

High testosterone does cause one type of baldness called male pattern baldness. It is the type of baldness where you're left with a fringe of hair around the sides and back. It's caused by testosterone interacting with an enzyme called testosterone dehygrogenase which is made by hair follicles in the affected areas. This results in the end product dehydrotesosterone which kills the follicle. Meaning it will not grow there anymore..

In two weeks I highly doubt this was due to test... His dose was low as well
Thanks for the response guys. I have no idea what to tell him. I did a cycle when I was like 22 and didn't know about post cycle therapy (pct). About 3-6 months later mine started receding. Luckily, my cousin is a doctor and told me about propecia. That was like 12 years ago. I used it for around 8 years and then got on gh. Gh seems to keep in cool.

Anyway, he did go to see a doc and the doc said the same thing. It shouldn't have fallen out like that. He put him on ghrp 6 sermorelin and it's still falling out. I feel bad for him.. sucks. Maybe it just triggered the MPB genes he had?? Anyway, so no suggestions right? It's probably just a B to the osley at this point.. I heard you need around a year to recover from that too and you need to stay on propecia after the surgery...