2016- the years this shit gets real.

^ this is Dave Palumbo's recommended protocol . I've heard him say it over and over again that guys are pretty ridiculous for wanting to run slin and 'lower' blood sugar pre-workout. If anything elevated levels is beneficial pre-workout

but hey if niner disagrees , he can call in and debate the issue with Palumbo , not me . I'm just "parroting" what Palumbo says.
You are Beyond hopeless you think the only information up there is on YouTube and if you think for one second that he's going to be completely honest about something tjay can kill u you are stupid
You are Beyond hopeless you think the only information up there is on YouTube and if you think for one second that he's going to be completely honest about something tjay can kill u you are stupid

he's completely honest about Clenbuterol , recommends as the most effective and one of the safest fat burners out there. Yet you think Clen is going to kill people. so why wouldn't he be honest about Slin. He simply recommends doing it throughout the day , and/or doing it post workout . pretty clear simple advice*

* but I forgot . you don't look like a bodybuilder , you don't compete as a bodybuilder, you don't step on stage . you lift heavy shit and get kicks out of a stupid F'ing nose bleed. yet somehow your in the know about all this supposed "SECRET" under ground bodybuilding tricks that only you and the pro's know about . lol sure
he's completely honest about Clenbuterol , recommends as the most effective and one of the safest fat burners out there. Yet you think Clen is going to kill people. so why wouldn't he be honest about Slin. He simply recommends doing it throughout the day , and/or doing it post workout . pretty clear simple advice*

* but I forgot . you don't look like a bodybuilder , you don't compete as a bodybuilder, you don't step on stage . you lift heavy shit and get kicks out of a stupid F'ing nose bleed. yet somehow your in the know about all this supposed "SECRET" under ground bodybuilding tricks that only you and the pro's know about . lol sure

I'm sorry you have never accomplished anything did you want to be bodybuilding I don't even consider you a bodybuilder how many guys do you associate with that compete on stage oh that's right you don't know anybody excuse my lack of commas I'm driving and using text talk but your jealousy shows even through my phone screen LOL
I hold records at what I do that is on ink what can you say about yourself absolutely nothing
I'm driving and using text talk but your jealousy shows even through my phone screen LOL
and at 150 Rep Power wont you have special powers to send a lighting flash through the phone or laptop as well? :)
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excuse my lack of commas I'm driving

well you should be fired. your a truck driver for a living and your busy responding on forums while working/driving on the job. so what you got 5$ plastic trophies, you suck at your job and put peoples lives at risk on the road ,, cause you just couldn't wait to talk shit to me on this forum . pathetic

keep your eyes on the road. don't worry about roush , no need to respond and put people lives at risk . its not that important , really its not . no one gives a F what you think
well you should be fired. your a truck driver for a living and your busy responding on forums while working/driving on the job. so what you got 5$ plastic trophies, you suck at your job and put peoples lives at risk on the road ,, cause you just couldn't wait to talk shit to me on this forum . pathetic

keep your eyes on the road. don't worry about roush , no need to respond and put people lives at risk . its not that important , really its not . no one gives a F what you think

Last i checked bluetooth is legal
Last i checked bluetooth is legal

I'm sure it is legal , never said otherwise. but owning a business where employees drive company vehicles for me , I know that dicking around on a forum and responding while driving is a bad idea, and grounds for being fired.

just looking out for you there niner. you know company vehicles now-a-days not only have on board live gps tracking systems in them , but also have cameras that are pointing at not only the road ahead , but the driver too . they see everything your doing, every time you look down at your phone
^ yeah thats off topic . but just saying, you may want to be aware of that
I'm sure it is legal , never said otherwise. but owning a business where employees drive company vehicles for me , I know that dicking around on a forum and responding while driving is a bad idea, and grounds for being fired.

just looking out for you there niner. you know company vehicles now-a-days not only have on board live gps tracking systems in them , but also have cameras that are pointing at not only the road ahead , but the driver too . they see everything your doing, every time you look down at your phone
^ yeah thats off topic . but just saying, you may want to be aware of that

Damn i got you that angry kimd of sounds like a warning lol
Shitty workout tonight..it looks like I'm going back to eastern Idaho for several days again to help my daughter in law with her toddler while she has morning sickness. I wanted to get a good leg day in as tomorrow is 600 mile travel day.
The gym owner had his wife and kids there running around, while I'm trying to squat. Worried about stepping on one and whatnot. My hamstring were still sore from Sunday leg day. I finally gave up and headed home. My shoulder left one is hurting some from yesterday chest workout... so hopefully a little time off can help that heal up. Started to go a little hypo this morning taking care of my wife getting a cortisone shot at dr office. Had a 5iu slin pin several hours earlier and must not of ate enough carbs before we left. I ate an energy bar and they had a little cup of orange juice. Problem solved. I ordered some Karbolyn but it hasn't got here yet. I'll juust carry a bottle of that around with me if I think there might be an issue
In Rexburg Idaho visiting my son and his family again. Went to the world gym here for a back and biceps sesh. Saw a kid doing a face down on an incline bench doing dumbells rows..gave that a try .
4 sets of cables rows with semi wide grip

4 sets of pull downs

Various curls standing dumbells, preacher curls wide then narrow 2sets each
Rope pulley hammer curls 3,sets

Finished off with 3 sets of hammer strength shrugs.....spent

Home, pinned 10iu slin and Wolfed down some sirloin and 2 diced red potatoes pan fried in olive oil with an egg and 1 cup egg whites.

Probably have a light dinner in a few hours and call it a night
I just got a call from my boss roush sent him a screenshot that i was on here while driving

Lol .. if I knew who your boss was , then I would pretend I'm you and send him micro-dick pics and talk dirty to him ;)
Legs today. Weight this am was 261. But I'm waterlogged, I can feel it. Traveled 600 miles yesterday eating on the road sux. Back at home now for awhile I hope.

Squats went some better tonight, I worked up to 275 x 8 but then the back pumps kicked in and I had to call it.
This new gym has a reverse hyper extension apparatus I might be liking. Excellent fir the upper glutes and lower back.
Need to remember to take some taurine pre-workout next time. Couldn't even think about front squats tonight.

I get this back tightness to settle down and the wheels are coming back

Cardio todsy...45 min elliptical 600 cal. Urged went good.
Bought some karbolyn last week I sipped some during cardio to keep from going hypo worked very well
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Hit the new gym today.. first for some cardio. Free motion elliptical, not crazy about it but it works. Google 'beneath the bar'
30 minutes about 400 cal torched .

Returned after dark, was the only one there for 45 minutes. Worked up to 115 lbs ea side of the hammer strength shoulder press for 13,11,9 reps. Then back down to 90 lbs for 14 more.
Cable upright rows for 4 sets
Dumbell side lateral raises with the 25's nice and slow 3 sets
Finished shoulders with some cable rope face pulls.

Got a Wilde hair and did a few sets of reverse curls. Might have to add those in a few times this month.
Weight this morning was 259. Felt tight