2016- the years this shit gets real.

Got in a chest workout at the world gym in Rexburg ID today. A side affects of this antibiotic I'm on is weakened tendons so I didn't push it too hard but still broke good sweat. Got a few looks from the locals as I've never worked out here before.

Tomorrow night I'll tackle back and biceps.
Relationships with my extended family are important to me. My son and his wife(now) got pregnant out of wedlock month before he was to leave on a mission for our church. So those dreams were dashed. My wife and I weren't thrilled. We've tried to build on that dogshit sandwich and have made every attempt to build trust with our sons wife and she makes it hard. Planning family stuff has always been catered I what she wants.
There has been plenty of rants from her about how we don't like her never have etc. She asked me to help out almost begged me. I hope we can patch things up and go forward. Maybe she might even get to like me for once.
I do get tired though of 'taking one for the team'

i'm not a father ( yet ) but i think your son will surely appreciate what you are doing for him, and the family in general.

i lost my father when i was a kid, what i learned about how to be a man in life ( wich is little, and probably bad ) i had to do alone. if i still had a father i would surely wanting him to act just like you are doing.

i know if you don't really like that girl ( with all the reasons you surely have ) this might get annoying after a while. but you are doing the right thing, i'm sure about this.
Got in a chest workout at the world gym in Rexburg ID today. A side affects of this antibiotic I'm on is weakened tendons so I didn't push it too hard but still broke good sweat. Got a few looks from the locals as I've never worked out here before.

Tomorrow night I'll tackle back and biceps.
looking great for a grandpa, thanks for sharing!
Got In a Decent back And Biceps Workout in tonight. Been hard to eat what I usually do in someone else's kitchen but I'm not making terrible choices

I dumbed a half gallon of intraworkout aminos into my gym bag tonight ugh ideal with that tomorrow.
Eastern Idaho is a cold motor scooter ..supposed to get down into the teens tonight
Just back from working legs. Not my best leg day but decent pump thanks to dbol 40 mg. I'm still weakened overall from the crud, finished the course of antibiotics yesterday. Didn't go heavier than 225 on squats and 185 on front squats. The dbol gave me hella back pumps. They had a glute kickback machine there that I felt more in my hams than in my glutes.
Finished of with heavier than normal leg extensions.
Think I'm done with tren for awhile regardless what the nloodwork shows. It's wearing me out..leaving me almost a toxic feeling. I've been on since August...time for a break anyway. Thinking about cruising on 1.5ml test e and 1 ml deca 250 per week with maybe some proviron for added free test. Although I still have several vials of mast left as well.
Thought about primo but it accelerates my receding hairline.

Sunday I head home from my little stay with my son and his family. Momma got some nausea meds and is feeling some better.
Quick but effective shoulder night. I'm liking these shoulder machines that allow my hands to come down next to my ears. Less emphasis on the front delts and much smoother .
I used a cable contraption for unrighteousness rows supersetted with side ate rally dumbell raises. Was a little put out that my usual pump ache wasn't there. But it snuck up on my later doing toe raises fir calves on the leg press. Painful aching feeling.
Travel day tomorrow then back to Golds on Monday

Go Seahawks !!
Back home late Sunday night. Yesterday, my blood work came in thru the email. Looks decent... no big surprises. LDL is high hdl is low total is ok.hemotocrit was 53%. Drained blood last night. Taking in more iron for a week or 2. Creatinine is in range...good! E2 was on the low side of good.

The surprise was my hgh blood serum tested at almost 72! I pinned 10iu IM right quad with 1" 25 ga 3.5 hours before test draw. I take my-667'from time to time ,but don't remember taking any the night before or not.. even if I did, I wouldn't think it would make that much difference. I'll have to test again to confirm. I'd been happy with mid twenties #.
Excited for the next phase...

Weight this morning was 255#.
Did chest today at a new gym. Pretty small and geared toward serious lifters and competitors. The owner and his partner( my son in law) were discussing prices for different kinds of memberships and other perks one can add like personal training and diet coaching. I just lifted and put in a few ideas when I had one. I like the littler gym feel but have got used to a large gym and the vast array of equipment at my disposal.
For now I'll maintain my golds gym membership as I'm paid thru Jan or feb. We'll see after that. If I pay full price at the new gym golds will be cheaper, and sometimes I work out of town which would mean I'm paying for 3 gyms. It's less than a mile from my house so it's pretty convenient as well.

Forgot to mention.. last night I took care of the high hemotocrit issue but I had to poke both arms to get it done. Need to let my cholesterol issues sort themselves out before I blast away again, but for now I'm titrating doses down to tolerable levels.. looking forward to sleeping though the night once again..lol
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Trained back and biceps with little brother yesterday. Feeling sore in a good way today. I'm liking the feeling I get with underhand rows and pull downs. Lats feel like they're getting worked for a change. Went to doc again a few days ago. He put me on 10 days of augmentin.. congestion is loosening up and Im coughing up phlegm left and right. All good things.

Weight this morning was 260. Feeling a little bloaty from turkey dinner and probably the gh is contributing as well.

Currently doing research and contemplating using a little slin around Preworkout meal and/or post workout meal. Trying to wrap my brain around why I get low blood sugar feelings an hour or two after gh inj when I'm working out
Legs tonight after my 'hawks got their ass handed to them.

Leg press 4 plates es warmup x 2 sets of 15
135 wu x 12
225 x 10,10,9

Front squats 2 x 185 x 9,8. Back pumps got to me

Linear hack press
45es warm up
80es x 12,12,10,9. Hella good burn. This equipment takes the low back out of the equation.

Leg ext 3 sets of ???? Till failure
Lying leg curls 2 sets till failure

Slow walk to the car

30mg dbol 90 minutes pre-workout forgot about the taurine.. 18 months ago was doing 3 sets of 10 with 315... some reason I'm 15 pounds heavier but squat strength is down 90 lbs
Weight this morning was 260.

I went in to golds about 1 for some cardio. I made it 35 minutes before low blood sugar feeling crept in. Stopped and check it (bg) and it was 79. I need to figure out how to mitigate this issue as it's become bothersome that I can't do 45 min to an hour of cardio to help get this weight off me

Almost forgot... worked by calves with straight legged toe raises on the egg press and also a few sets of seated one. Went home, go t some dinner then went down to btb gym ( beneath the bar) and banged out some hex bar shrugs followed by several sets of hang cleans
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Good workout tonight.. I went in earlier to golds and did some cardio...30 minutes before I started feeling weak and hot.

It's sucks getting old I'm telling you. For several years I've had issues with my right shoulder. I hurt it playing softball 20 some years ago and it's just weaker than my left side.
Now, it seems fine and my left shoulder is having problems.
Felt strong enough for a good 6 or 7 reps with 295 on the bench press. That exercise has never been my strong suit.

Incline dumbells went ok. Seems like it get harder and harder to get the dumbell in position as the weight goes up. Once there it gets easier lol.

Several sets of bw dips. 10 plus reps went good after the first few. Hard on my elbows and shoulders and wrists.

This new gym has some unique equipment. I'll have to take a few pics and share .

Today I pinned 5iu of slin before breakfast without issues and then 7-8 iu after my workout before my dinner. Trying to stagger slin/meals with hgh pins
Have you tried pinning before workout? Thats the only way ive tried slin my schedule is fucked and before is the only way for me or i risk needing to nap or its too late at night to use slin. All i can say is i looked pretty damn savage insane vascularity from the juice fruit smoothieand bananas i eat 10 min after pinning then hit the gym. I would always carry gatorade with me
Don't want to go hypo during a workout. This is my first week ever trying out slin. I know my body needs nutrients post workout so I'm trying this methodology first
Don't want to go hypo during a workout. This is my first week ever trying out slin. I know my body needs nutrients post workout so I'm trying this methodology first

^ this is Dave Palumbo's recommended protocol . I've heard him say it over and over again that guys are pretty ridiculous for wanting to run slin and 'lower' blood sugar pre-workout. If anything elevated levels is beneficial pre-workout

but hey if niner disagrees , he can call in and debate the issue with Palumbo , not me . I'm just "parroting" what Palumbo says.