2016- the years this shit gets real.

Is there something missing? How do u attache it to the bar?
Also I see you have ear buds on the counter... I lost a pair that look just like that.....hmmmm
And... how do you not eat that whole box off all brands on the counter.... that's I solid meal!

lots of good stuff all over his counters!
lots of good stuff all over his counters!

We have oodles of counter/cabinet space but I hate opening doors to get shit out all the time. The wife and I go at about me leaving stuff out all the time.the protein, my snacks, the bcaa powders etc
Is there something missing? How do u attache it to the bar?
Also I see you have ear buds on the counter... I lost a pair that look just like that.....hmmmm
And... how do you not eat that whole box off all brands on the counter.... that's I solid meal!

The island cabinet base isn't attached solid to the floor. If you push it hard enough then it moves.
House built in the late 70's and the previous owner added Sq feet to the kitchen and master suite. He did most of the work himself and he's no craftsman.
My wife likes the double oven and I like the self closing cabinet drawers. Oh and the trash compactor is nice
Is there something missing? How do u attache it to the bar?
Also I see you have ear buds on the counter... I lost a pair that look just like that.....hmmmm
And... how do you not eat that whole box off all brands on the counter.... that's I solid meal!

The bar rides above the 2 pins welded to the flat iron
Got my cardio in today 45 min elliptical
Went back around.7pm wiyh my brother for chest and triceps.

135x20 wu
225x8 and I'm spent

Slight incline dumbell
75 x15

2 hand db ext 80 x 12

Lying 2 hand 2 db tricep ext
25lb x 12
30 x 10
Pulley tricep pushdowns 2 dropsets

Hella a pump tonight
Last edited:
Weight unchanged at 250lbs

Went in this morning for cardio 45 min 620 calories. Legs still sore but my shoulders have pain from last nights hest workout...went a little heavy on the bench press. More than usual
250 lbs this morning. Watched my sea chickens lose to the Saints then went to golds with my brother and worked back finishing with biceps.
Pretty good workout overall. I made a point to work on my rear delts with the reverse cable flyes, but I think. The reverse pec dec did a better job.
No cardio today... legs feeling rested finally
Weight still 250 although I seem to be getting leaner. Cardio Yesterday was 45 min of elliptical burning 620 calories .. no weight training though.
Today all be shoulders and traps
Weight 249 this morning... No cardio yesterday. My morning is filled with grandpa duty. A 2 year old boy and 4 year old add girl. My wife works from 7-11 these next few mornings, and that has been my cardio time. Then I go back late afternoon for weight training

Yesterday was shoulders and traps.

1st up was a precor machine press. I'd prefer a barbell press but with a bent bar. Can't do behind the neck presses and it put my back in a bad place arching it to go in front.the precor machine allows both arms to come down even with my head. Warmed up with half the stack then went up each set until I was doing the whole stack for sets of 11,10,8

I generally do a superset with lateral dumbell raises and upright rows but this time I did them separately
Dumbell raises 27.5 lbs
Smith machine upright rows 90lbs total load
15,13,12,10 reps. As the sets fell, the first 5 seemed easy thinking I should stop and add weight, but the last 5 reps proved me wrong.

Hammer strength shrugs
2 plate Es warmup
3plates each side x 13,12,10,9 reps

Bent over lateral raises 15 lbs x 12,8 reps .....shoulders r fried
Steam room and hot tub time

Pretty good workout... Premedicated with taurine but still had some excruciating delt pump after the dumbell side laterals. Prioritizing shoulders have paid off as I'm finally starting to overcome one of my genetic weaknesses, narrow shoulders
Last night was legs. Was late getting there cuz I was filling out my vote sheet with my wife. Some of the things our elected officials are trying to get passed into law take a little reading to cipher all the bullshit. Anyway it was peak time when I arrived and equipment was at a premium.
Started with a recumbent bike warmup. Right away I noticed some pain in my right knee internally. It's probably a matter of time before some of my exercises will become too painful. Several months ago X-ray showed almost bone to bone on my right knee.
After 10 min warmup the leg hip sled was free so I started there.
4 plates ES x 20 reps
5 plates ES x 15,12 reps
Squat area opened up so I called it on the leg press.

Back squats 135 x 15 wu
205 x 10
255 x 10 last few was tough
275 x 7
I went to do another set with 275 but decided against it. Lower back was feeling tired, and I didn't want to push it.
Weird how just 18 months ago I'd worked up to 3 sets of 10 with 315. Now I couldn't get 3 sets of 10 with 275. It'll come back, just be patient Carv.
Wanted to get in some walking lunges as well.
60 lb cambered curl bar lunges 2 sets to failure walking across open gym areas. Squats toasted me.
Last was one of my new favorites....linear hack press. This plate loaded machine supports the lower back yet allows a deep hack squat for quad recruitment.
1 plate wu
80 # ES x 12,12,10
Got a call from wife that some friends showed up at the house to watch the Cubs play the Indians in game 7. So I called it and came home. Not my best leg workout...

Thinking about trying something new. A little less volume like last night, just more often.
Maybe one night doing mostly quad dominant stuff then 4 days later do mostly hamstring/ glute dominate workout.
Leg day done. Going back to lower carbs. Chest-n- triceps today
Chest and..... Biceps today... generally I do a push/pull routine. Today I felt like I needed a change. In the effort to keep/obtain symmetry I'm trying to hit biceps a little harder. When was the last time my biceps were sore???? Umm, never!

Started with regular ole bench presses
135x20, 15
225 x 10 ..not to failure
275 x 6
245 x 9,8

DB incline
80's x 16
90's x12,8,7

Body weight dips with one leg/toes resting on platform
Reps 18,15,13,10
The platform helps me angle my body to use more chest less triceps

Cable flyers standing tower. 4 drop sets with a static hold after the hands come together as much as possible. Great pump on these doing the drop sets x 4

Seated calf raises 4 sets to spots/pain failure

Standing smith calf raises with toes on a step 3 sets to failure

Preacher curls ezcurl bar with 25's ES 14 reps wide, 13 narrow
Added 5# ES and then forgot to write down results but I'm thinking it was around 9 or 10
Finished with hammer curls 30 lbs... 3 sets

Biceps were stretching my shirt today no doubt... Gonna have to tape em again. Last measurement the left was right at 20" the right 19.5" better than a year ago
Good news.. grandpa duty is over. My daughter and her husband are back from Hawaii. Got my cardio done yesterday then went back for a shirt leg workout. Last few days I've taken 50 MG dbol 3 hours pre-workout. Really noticed it last night. Quad pump was out of control. I just can't take it before squat day. The lower back pump pain is excruciating. But leg presses, hack presses and lunges are fine. I finished with a few sets of leg ext.
I must of looked funny walking out of the gym almost stiff legged and slow so my legs didn't collapse.

Weight is up to 254 first thing after I use the John. Not putting on fat...either. damned tren and feed efficiency
Ah ha ha, ha... grandpa duty is over. LOL. :)

The grand kids are such a blessing. AND a lot of fun, however the good part is they go home at some time. They call me "Papi" and I love it. It is so endearing :D
Weight this am was 255#.

Last few days I've been under the weather to some degree. Scratchy throat, snotty nose, nasty cold sore on the corner of my mouth. Cancelled a dentist appt yesterday.
Didn't train yesterday, slept a good bit too.
Decided to back off the tren to about half of what I've been doing. Contemplating a more moderate cruise time span with milder compounds like primo depot and anavar along some test and deca. The trensomnia is wearing me down as I've been on 600mg/wk since mid August. Blood work next week will decide how imminent this next phase will be.
I need to keep the muscle I've put on and keep chipping away at stubborn fat stores. My hope is that early next year I'll commit to a spring bodybuilding show. I'll need to be 10-15% bf by then which is doable depending on my work situation.

Had a good leg workout a few days ago and hope to be able to hit shoulders and traps today.

I brought home some venison liver last night after helping my brother cut and wrap a doe he shot last Saturday
Got my blood drawn this morning then drove 700 miles to do more grandpa duty. My son is going to school university and working 30 hrs a week ND his wife is pregnant with #2. She has been sick and can't hardly lift her head in the morning so I came to help out with the toddler

There is a world gym next door that I'll heck into tomorrow
Yup. Hero. Just as I thought

Relationships with my extended family are important to me. My son and his wife(now) got pregnant out of wedlock month before he was to leave on a mission for our church. So those dreams were dashed. My wife and I weren't thrilled. We've tried to build on that dogshit sandwich and have made every attempt to build trust with our sons wife and she makes it hard. Planning family stuff has always been catered I what she wants.
There has been plenty of rants from her about how we don't like her never have etc. She asked me to help out almost begged me. I hope we can patch things up and go forward. Maybe she might even get to like me for once.
I do get tired though of 'taking one for the team'
Relationships with my extended family are important to me. My son and his wife(now) got pregnant out of wedlock month before he was to leave on a mission for our church. So those dreams were dashed. My wife and I weren't thrilled. We've tried to build on that dogshit sandwich and have made every attempt to build trust with our sons wife and she makes it hard. Planning family stuff has always been catered I what she wants.
There has been plenty of rants from her about how we don't like her never have etc. She asked me to help out almost begged me. I hope we can patch things up and go forward. Maybe she might even get to like me for once.
I do get tired though of 'taking one for the team'

At Least you're making an effort