21 Y/O, just getting started, please Critique!


New member
Ok well im in the military so i've been in decent shape, never really lifted weights before though (3-4 months tops). Right now i'm deployed and i'm trying to bulk up, and put on about 20bs over the next year or so (rest of my enlistment) so that i have a basis of POSSIBLY (need to do much more research first!) starting with 'roids. i'm at my heaviest i've been ever right now which is a scant 172lbs @ 6'3". Here's some pics i took yesterday as a "Base" of workout progress. Please give me your opinions/tips on how to get some size on me! Please excuse these pics, they are taken in my tent in Kuwait so the lighting sucks.
well first of all thank you for volunteering to defend our country's ideals and rights.

secondly, you may be the first one who has admitted they need to gain some more weight before they start juice (that i've witnessed).
Obviously if you are just starting to work out, you're going to need to learn how to train, there are so many good routines in the training forum that you can check out.
By the way, what do you're training facilities look like there?
Do you have access to protien suppliments?

The key to gaining weight is to eat more calories than you burn, and the opposite for losing weight. you're trying to gain hard muscle though, so a high protien intake is extremely important. I would say that after you gain 20 more lbs of muscle and are comfortable with lifting, eating and resting, you could very possibly be ready for a cycle. That should be addressed when you're there, but most will agree, Test Enanthate 300-500 mg a week is the best choice. You look very good for you're limited time with weights, and if you keep the fat off, and put on some serious muscle you'll really be pleased wiht how yo ulook.
keep it up, and lemme know how things go. good luck in kuwait, don't get shot.
Thanks for the quick response! Since im in Kuwait (non hostel area) and i'm on a base where i dont really go off of it, (pretty much got hooked up with a cake deployment) i have a lot of time to focus and train. The gym here is actually a very nice facility for what you might think, just as good of a gym as anywhere else i'm willing to bet. I read the "steroids for dummies" article and am reading around to get a good basis of what i need to do to achieve my goals. One of them being to focus on my diet and to put on some pounds before just jumping straight into juicing. As far as my suppliments, thus far i have cytosport muscle milk for protein, dextrose, and some pure creatine powder(not the koolaid stuff with 30g of sugar per serving, exaggerating of course). Theres a couple guys that work at the gym here that are off season body builders and one of them (he's from india) set me up with a pretty good workout plan. I am planning on maxing out or at least getting a base of where my lifting abilities are tonight so i can start my workout. I actually got some winstrol/deca stack yesterday from one of my connects, but decided to research first before taking it. good thing i did because as i see it, it would just be a waste.

Thanks for the compliments, the fat shouldnt be a problem, im not one for junkfood that often. I'll be documenting my progress in the journal section as soon as i get it started, and hopefully i'll be about 200lbs even when i get out of here in a year. Thanks for all the great info and advice
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well man, thats awesome, and definatly better in the "cake deployment" if i were in ur shoes, i'd surely rather be away from the gunfire.

well, idk if it would be a waste, but it would just be better to use ur natural testosterone levels to get to 200, this way you can get you're moral up, knowing u can gain 20 lbs of muscle with just some good old hard training. I had no idea you could access those types of supps, so thats great. Winny/Deca wouldn't be my first choice for a cycle, only cause winstrol is a great steroid for cutting and gaining lean muscle, you're really looking to bulk which is more of a test/deca type deal. Stick with the workouts, research the drugs you got, keep jammin the weights, figure out where you're at, and make a journal, you'll get there sticks, take it easy my friedn
thanks for the service and time for our freedom bro!!!Damn you only been working 4-5 months?You seem to be pretty cut but the hell the army will get you there quick.I would recommend BSN's tru mass.800 calories mixed in non fat milk with I believe around 60 g's of protien(has BSN told me.)I've been taking Tess.250 and D-bol and I weigh about 185 now but I agree hlmacross wait till your atleast 200 I know I should have.
I appreciate his service, but I am not sure how invading Iraq is defending our country's rights and freedoms. lol[/I]


Stickboy ,
I think you look great, to start with. Just eat a ton of clean calories, and workout with only heavy compound movements. Don't fool with the isolation exercises. Keep the volume WAY down ...
4-6 sets for bi's
regular curl (alternate bar & dumb from workout to workout), lat pull down curls, maybe ezbar reverse and hammer bar
4-6 sets for tri's
skull crushers (an iso movement, but is a decent builder as well), dips, close grip presses, reverse grip presses
0 - 2 sets for direct forearm work
bar wrist curls, bar reverse wrist curls
6-8 sets for delts
military presses (alternate bar & dumb from workout to workout), side laterals (great for pre fatigue), upright rows, bent laterals
4-8 sets for pek
flat bar, incline dumb, dips, decline (bar, dumb, hammer). I didn't mention incline bar because most benches are to high and can't be adjusted. I have incorporated incline dumb movements like needsize does. Take a flat bench and put 4-10 pound plates under each side of one end of the bench to incline it. Anything higher than this really works your delts a lot. Since I have been doing this my chest has been getting stronger and my bad shoulder is feeling much better.
8-9 sets for back
rows (bar, dumb, tbar) pullups, deadlifts -do two different row movements per workout ... there are so many.
4 sets for quads
I am into training variety, but since you are new, just work on building your strength for squat, and follow that up with leg presses. You will get stronger and still grow if your diet is good. New lifters can get by with a crap diet (in the beginning) and still grow. But there will soon come a time where your diet will need to be on point to see steady progress.
4 sets for hamstrings
SLDL and leg curls. You can also try hypers.
4 sets for calves
alternate toe presses and standing calve raises every week. I like to finish with seated calve raises.

Didn't mention shrugs. Some people like to do them on shoulder day, and some like to do it on back day. Alternate dumb shrugs and bar shrugs every week.

Remember to lift heavy and strict. Don't get sloppy or your results will be sloppy and you will have a higher chance for injury. try to get your strength and size goals in the least amount of sets possibal. Make sure you blast your muscles in no more than 2 sets. No reason for 3 sets of an exercise if you already did the job in 1 or 2 sets. Its not how much you do, its how you do it that counts. Try to workout your whole body in just four workouts to give you 3 full days of recuperation. 2 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, 1 on, 1 off, REPEAT is a good choice. But thats up to you.

Don't do gear for at least 2 years. Good luck bro! And get home safe.
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I think you've recieved some great advice and really seem to be going about this in the right way! Stay off the gear for at least a couple years....you have many gains to make naturally first!

I wanted to comment on the pics......

Fantastic. You have such an awesome base to work with.....you are quite lean already......but lean with some muscle. I think with some patience and perserverance your physique has some awesome possibilities! Your pics can already be compared with some members here that are on their 4th and 5th cycles!
I didnt read anyone elses advice. But Id say atleast train for 6mo-1yr before juicing. You look good but I see alot of room to gain size before juicing, but hey its your body.
Hey Stick you have a really good foundation...nice wide chest that will definitely be impressive down the road. Anyways, how big are you trying to get? Just curious because you have a lot of weight you can gain without the juice. Believe me, just by mass eating alone I went from 140 to 210 in a years time natty. Even though I toyed with the idea of juicing a lot, I am glad I didn't because I realize now that even though I was researching constantly, there was a lot I didn't know, and there is surely still a lot I don't know. I'm not at all against using gear, but you're going to make mistakes, it's innevitable, we all do...it's part of the learning process, and we definitely learn more all the time. It's better to go through the learning curve when the stakes aren't as high...ie messing up your test levels, liver, kidneys, hair etc. Just my 2 cents.
^ +1 good base. I started out on the same road only i was 5'10" and 170 currently at 215. In the military it is hard to do a cycle. I did 8 yrs and got out and reenlisted in the reserves, currently in Bahrain. I did a cycle (while in kosovo) of d-bol and sustonol (spelling) i put on about 20lbs from that. but as stated above gain some weight before you start. thanks for your service. whats your mos by the way?
hi im about 225lbs and 5'-10" big build but could lose 25 lbs i was thinking about starting a win/deca cycle does anybody have any suggestions. thanks
pbs527 said:
hi im about 225lbs and 5'-10" big build but could lose 25 lbs i was thinking about starting a win/deca cycle does anybody have any suggestions. thanks

start your own thread thats my advice

and as for sticks... you got some great advice here, and i agree with most of it... and i also wanted to comment on your frame, cuz i have a pretty similar one, and it was relatively easy to get into the 220's with proper training and eating... i'm about 235 right now, but I have to thank the Test for that