2nd 24 week cycle Test, Eq, & Dbol

High Creatinine & lowered eGFR #'s normal (Kidney function) on cycle for Lifers/BB's?

  • Yes, fairly normal

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Yes, cause for concern

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, cause for *serious concern

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, not normal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Due to Tren/Creatine

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Due to Tren/Eq/Test

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Due to Tren

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Due to diet

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Happens often, often corrects itself off cycle

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
nolva discontinued after 9 days * 10mg ed

Monday Dec 19th added 10mg Nolva ed.

Itchiness and visible signs of puffiness especially on left nipple. Symptom appeared ONLY for a few hours and are gone as of yesterday. However, taking precaution and will take Nolva (***** ******) for a few days to 6 days. With the retention of water already in existence & further amplified by Dbol eod, addition of Creatine as of Friday, Dec 16 (loading phase) has magnified the retention of water - hence the likely symptoms of increased estrogen.

So far on CM gained a few pounds - all water weight sitting in the abdominal region, chest and upper shoulders. It's a little uncomfortable. However, from past experience the symptoms generally subside w/in a few weeks.

On cycle since August 26, 2011 - this is the first time i have touched any anti-estrogens. Having no problems with water retention, gyno, other than on Dbol - which is temporary.

No other problems are indicated.

Nolva intake @10mg ed 9 days was discontinued on Dec 27.

The symptoms were primarily due to me letting shots lapse too take control of the BP, control muscle spasms and cramps that have taken on a new meaning with the start of creatine monohydrate. Last 19 days i have only done 3 shots each of Test/Eq. Normally shots are completed e4th day.

Dbol has been used sparingly lately. As noted in above logs, dbol intake is only on workout days. Since Dec 24 - Jan 1st - a total of 30mg (3 tabs) have been taken.
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When I stack creatine and steroids, I get pumps that are too great for my workout, it becomes a hinderance.

In addition, randy, I think you should lay off a lot of these extra supps like hydroxycut. Get yourself on some fish oil and red yeast rice and take care of your heart. Sustained high BP like that is NOT good if you're going to let it ride on a 24 week cycle.

I don't want to see you get hurt man.

Thank you brother for the concern. I have taken control the last few weeks to get things in check. BP is still in the high normal range - but more in check.

With the Creatine - the pumps in fact are amazing. However, the body is locking up with cramps and spasms like never before. One day post back/bi workout my arm got locked at the elbow at a 90 degree angle in the middle of the night. I was in the same spot in excruciating throbbing pain for a good 10-15 minutes before i could move. Prior to creatine on back/bi days my elbows would lock up with cramps following workout but not in a static motion for more than 15-40 seconds. Lately the hamstrings, lower right abdominal area, left upper back/shoulder blade is becoming more problematic.

Hydroxycut - i only use on workout days from time to time. The cramps/spasms become very problematic with usage.

Fish oil intake ed @2g - down from 3g

Red Yeast Rice - i will pick some up. Tx bro!
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Randy, pick up some Magnesium + Calcium tablets. They sell them for about 10 bucks for 200 in canadian pharmacies, and they're usually paired with zinc or d3. Consuming plenty of potassium, magnesium and calcium will help rectify the issue you're having with muscle spasms. I get them really bad in my forearms just distal to the elbow, and sometimes in my quads.
Randy, pick up some Magnesium + Calcium tablets. They sell them for about 10 bucks for 200 in canadian pharmacies, and they're usually paired with zinc or d3. Consuming plenty of potassium, magnesium and calcium will help rectify the issue you're having with muscle spasms. I get them really bad in my forearms just distal to the elbow, and sometimes in my quads.

Ok I will add Calcium bro.

I started Taurine right from the beginning. Added Potassium, Magnesium, and Zinc about 10 weeks back - but not Calcium.
As of Friday, December 16th 2011

Adding Creatine Monohydrate.

Loading phase Dec 16-22 @5g*5 ed = 25g for 7 days

Maintenance phase Dec 22-Feb 26/12 +
On day 15g split morning before/after workout

Off day 10g split twice morning/night

Furthermore, looking to follow up with the addition of equivalent amount of Glutamine to CM - to be decided by Sat Dec 18th ed. The synergy of the two CM/Glu works even better.

P.S. took initial dose following Thurs Dec 15 workout - not counted towards loading phase.

To mitigate the muscle cramps and spasms all over the body, I have reduced Creatine M intake on workout days and off days.

Workout day = 10g
Off day = 5g

FYI - upon the loading phase i had indicated taking 5g * 5 times ed for 7 days. As sides became intolerable. I did 5g * 4 for 6 days only.

Once things normalize i will increase intake again.

Furthermore, for the time being i have not added Glutamine on top of what is already in the protein. I get 13.3 grams for every 100 grams of protein.
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Major addition coming to cycle

Some major changes are coming to the cycle soon

Looking to add

- Tren enan 400mg wkly - 12wks
- Clen 50-100mcg+ ed - 3 wks on/off
T3 contemplating - it does not treat me well. So likely not - will stick w/ T4.
- contemplated GH 8-10i.u. ed - for the time being i want to maximize the bodies response to anabolics and reach physiological limits w/ anabolics only - so holding off GH.

on top of aforementioned - wkly dosages are as follows presently
Test 800mg
Eq 500-600mg
Dbol 20mg workout days only

So far the gains have been very lean. Hardly any water retention/bloat. Except protrusion of abdominal cavity after intake of carbs - makes me think it's water retention every time, but non existent. From time to puffiness in the face appears here and there for a few days at a time - about 10 weeks back, and a few times upon upping Test dosage. Nevertheless, nothing like 1st cycle - where i had major welts in lower legs from wearing socks, indents from pressing on lower legs for a few seconds, or the blow fish look in the face for about 8-10 weeks until the addition of Var. Even with the Var - water retention was never totally eliminated. This time it's non existent.

Present weight 239lb.
Standard deviation (weekly) = +- 7-10lb
Standard deviation (daily) = +- 3-5lb
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...changes ... coming to the cycle

Looking to add

- Tren enan 400mg wkly - 12wks

Doing a bit more research.

Tonight will be 1st shot of

Test 400mg
Eq 250mg (i have varied this at times from 300mg-375 *2 weekly). Headaches became a little to much - alongside rising BP - so always came back to the mean # each time as outlined originally = 250mg.
Tren enan 200mg
Dbol - on/off with this. Pumps accompanied by pain become unbearable with usage even eod - that dosage scheduling coincides w/ eod workouts. I am talking about taking relatively moderate dosages @ 20mg. It's very strong and great stuff, i am just a little intolerant. Workouts and activities even around the house are affected greatly.

Waiting on the prolactin antogonist - Pramipexole. I have chosen that over Dostinex (a.k.a. Cabergoline/Cabaser) considering its risk/reward ratio to go alongside Tren addition. Since Nolva cannot be used while on tren/deca (19 nor) looking to pick up either arimidex or aromasin.

I will overlap the Eq with the Tren for 3-4 more weeks then discontinue it for a while to keep the hematocrit level in check. If everything goes well, i will continue again with the Eq, and possibly add GH. So far every ounce gained on Eq has been solid - it's slow and steady. From the first cycle of test only (var later on), and this time around Test/eq - the difference is quite obvious. Not an ounce of water retention/bloat - except when adding dbol or adjusting dose of Test. Hitting the 5 month mark on January 26 on Test/Eq/dbol

I will further elaborate on this.
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To mitigate the muscle cramps and spasms all over the body, I have reduced Creatine M intake on workout days and off days.

Workout day = 10g
Off day = 5g

FYI - upon the loading phase i had indicated taking 5g * 5 times ed for 7 days. As sides became intolerable. I did 5g * 4 for 6 days only.

Once things normalize i will increase intake again.

Furthermore, for the time being i have not added Glutamine on top of what is already in the protein. I get 13.3 grams for every 100 grams of protein.

The lowered creatine dosages are helping tremendously.
Test 400mg
Eq 250mg
Tren enan 200mg

Since Dec 14, i have been shooting every 6th and last few weeks every 7th day Test/Eq above dosages. Dbol has been used sparingly.

Having been sick when initiating Tren into cycle (Jan 4), i have also followed the same protocol so far - every 7th day. Over the coming weeks i will again lower the shots to every 4/5th day.

Furthermore, i want to see the reaction to the tren first and foremost, before i reduce the duration of time between shots. So far only difference noticed w/ addition of Tren is frequency of urination, and the color of the urine.

Irrespective of the span of shots - my strength in the upper body has been going up steadily.

Bench Press
265*5 (goal is for 275lb 8-12)

Barbell Deadlift
415 * 6 (fairly easy)
Even if i can do more weight - i am going slowly. Adding 10lb a week. Same approach on bench. Albeit, the weights are not moving up as fast on the bench press.

Due to irregular movement in the knee w/ broken tendon - taking it a little easy. Max 3 plates and quarters are used (smith machine). Barbell front squat max 2 plates and 10s.
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January 26 = 5 months on cycle. Contemplating adding another 6m?

Approaching the 5 month mark.

Awaiting bloodwork to increase Tren enan (+ waiting in general as noted above) from 200mg every 7th day to every 4th or 5th day @ 400mg (my threshold for Tren E 600-800mg that i am willing to tolerate) and removing Eq. Eq/Tren combo is having an amplified effect in terms of feeling a little nauseous, irritant, agitated, & light headed at times (light pressure in the top of the skull). I am very easy going - so i notice anything out of the ordinary very fast and adjust it. Some have also inquired if i am EVER raging or getting mad on eq or/and test - never. A colleague or two stopped eq - because they said they were being a$$holes and anxious 24/7. Generation nothingness. I tell them if you are an a$$hole to begin with, you will be a bigger a$$hole on. The latter observation couldn't be further from the truth, especially when some try to blame everything on extraneous factors. Even though these individuals know or are too friggin stupid to note they are pricks and a$$holes to begin with. This in turn, gives the rest of us a bad name for a few bad apples. Anyways other sides to be noted is that BP is slightly elevated. However, it differs depending on which time of the day i take the tests - at times normal.

On a side note research reveals anecdotally eq doesn't lend to the lack of cardiovascular capacity, as much when tren added. So far no issues. Though i do hear from others why are you breathing so hard. While this was observed i was under the weather, let's see how cardiovascular capacity holds up in the next few weeks and once eq removed. Doing cardio or weights i am never out of breath - it is always the pumps/pain and cramps that stop me.

Since Dec 14, 2011 i have been cruising along with Test @400mg and Eq 250mg weekly. With the addition of Tren enan on January 4th every 7th day.

As of Thursday also adding PENDING

Arimidex .25mg ed or .50mg eod

Selegiline 2.5mg ed (will start w/ eod - i do feel sensitivity in left pec over the last few days. Pain slightly different from experienced while on Test, test/var, & test/eq)

Clen/T3 on off. Switching between T4 & T3
- want to cut down as much bf as possible
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Since i been cruising with weekly dosages of test/eq - now the addition of Tren E, strength has been going up steadily on a weekly basis. Furthermore, problems with backs/pumps pain, cramps, & spasms have been nearly non-existent or at least mitigated to a large degree. Though not totally eliminated - still persistent in upper back and neck. Primarily on the left side of the upper back - shoulder blade area into the trap muscle.

Also note - i am finally able to do barbell preacher curls again.

Most importantly since i added Tren (Jan 4), for the first time in a few months i have been able to do chin ups & pull ups without tremendous and debilitating pain in the left elbow and shoulders. I am not attributing this to Tren enan, as i have just started. So coincidence noted. It may just be the long term physiological changes that Eq is putting the body through and repairing the underlying damaged tissues - with regards to collagen synthesis. Anyways, to make long story short. I am happy i can do certain exercises - that i could not before.

Lifts are as follows

Barbell deadlift (W/ straps/belt)
435lb * 4
385lb * 8-10 fairly easy

Flat bench Dumbbell presses
110lb * 7-8 (touching shoulders - not half way)

Leg strength - on hold due to right knee irregular movement and pain upon sitting -- further exacerbated by lunges about 5 weeks back on the smith machine with 1 plate aside (45s). Usually leg strength is always going up and hardly any losses even off 1st cycle.
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5 months on cycle Today January 26

Selegiline 2.5mg ed (will start w/ eod - i do feel sensitivity in left pec over the last few days. Pain slightly different from experienced while on Test, test/var, & test/eq)

Still awaiting the prolactin antagonist & Adex. The sensitivity has subsided on the left pec. Nothing major. Dosages given weekly - until otherwise noted. Normally i would take Nolva - and it goes away. On Tren - a no no.

Back pumps are starting to act up starting yesterday (Wed Jan 25) - exactly 3 weeks on Tren E. Did deadlifts on Saturday (Jan 21) no problem, yesterday the pumps were accompanied by quite a bit of pain at the end of the workout.

Furthermore, i have lost about 4-7lb since adding Tren E. Diet has not changed. Strength same or higher. Sides none - a little itchy on the back upon commencement of any activity that involves physical movement - at times only momentarily. Other times quite a nuisance. No acne, redness, or any type of rash.
Been on Test/Eq cycle for 5 months as of January 26/12

The numbers are as follows

Presently on every 7th day
Test 400mg
Eq 250mg
Tren E 200mg - added January 4th
Creatine on day 10g and off day 5g
Synthroid 75mcg - As of Jan 31 - doc upped it to 100mcg

Diet - vegetarian - primarily lentils, cheese, milk, and whey (no meats/fish - occasional eggs)

Removing Creatine monohydrate effective immediately and cutting down protein intake until tests (pending).


Raised creatinine @ 126
eGFR @ 57

Also lowered is TSH levels - doc increased T4 ed dosage by 25mcg to 100mcg

Also low Iron

Cholesterol elevated @ 6.45

RBC count high - to be expected with Eq @ 6.05
Hemetocrit @ 0.52
Hemoglobin @174

Prostate specific AG @ 1.02 NORMAL - not outside normal limit = no benign prostatic hypertrophy
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How long will that make it, Randy?

January 26, 2012 = exactly 5 months Test/Eq (dbol twice).
+Tren E added January 4th
+ Creatine (discontinued upon presentation of Blood work results)

Last shot was January 28th.
Test 400mg
Eq 250
Tren E 200mg

If i was to commence post cycle therapy (pct) - it would fall in line with a specialist appointment at ****** ******* hospital in the internal general medicine department for the kidneys, liver, and thyroid on Feb 17, 2012 (exactly 21 days) -- due to elevated enzymes and the thyroid function being nearly non existent. The latter being the reason for upping T4 dosage Feb 2nd to 100mcg ed from 75mcg.
Been on Test/Eq cycle for 5 months as of January 26/12

The numbers are as follows

Presently on every 7th day
Test 400mg
Eq 250mg
Tren E 200mg - added January 4th
Creatine on day 10g and off day 5g
Synthroid 75mcg - As of Jan 31 - doc upped it to 100mcg

Diet - vegetarian - primarily lentils, cheese, milk, and whey (no meats/fish - occasional eggs)

Removing Creatine monohydrate effective immediately and cutting down protein intake until tests (pending).


Raised creatinine @ 126
eGFR @ 57

Also lowered is TSH levels - doc increased T4 ed dosage by 25mcg to 100mcg

Also low Iron

Cholesterol elevated @ 6.45

RBC count high - to be expected with Eq @ 6.05
Hemetocrit @ 0.52
Hemoglobin @174

Prostate specific AG @ 1.02 NORMAL - not outside normal limit = no benign prostatic hypertrophy

By the way, i have no issues of any type (i.e. medical problems - hypothyroidism yes)- other than cramping up, spasms throughout the abdominal region and starting this week spasms in the right hamstring (*2). There may be pain around the liver area (i noted this week twice)- i don't want to jump to conclusions, as the spasms cause pain in the body for multiple days, which i may be confusing the pain within the liver.

The pain can be so debilitating that when spasms occur, it makes me want to curl up in a ball and wither away - that is how bad the pain gets. Serious electrolyte imbalance underway. The tests indicate that - the iron is near depletion levels. :confused: Through cycle i have until the blood work results been taking Potassium, magnesium, zinc, and taurine.

Cramping in the lower back and legs was much more of a problem in the first cycle, first half of the 2nd cycle. Right now i am able to do StairMaster for 15minutes at a time with a break (1-2 min) for the pumps on the sides, if going any longer or not switching up to another cardio apparatus.
Feb 26, 2012 = 6 months on



Everything came up normal in internal medicine checkup. Heart, lungs, & kidneys.

Doc said the cholesterol levels are slightly elevated, with BP out of range at times. Told to drop all the hormones. Apart from hormones, heavy training & being very muscular leading to higher than average Creatinine/Egfr #'s, the report suggests.

Dropped Eq for 2 weeks back on now
Dropped Creatine

ON e7th day
200mg Tren E
250mg Test E
250mg Eq
Selegiline 2.5mg ED
Arimidex 0.5mg eod
T3 50mcg (upped Feb 23 to 75mcg ed) [off time back on 100mcg T4 ed as prescribed]

BP normal for weeks - since dropping creatine. The latter may not a be a direct causal factor, as also Arimidex was added to drop the water retention. Before BP was elevated by evening time almost always. Now hardly ever. Diastolic goes as low as 60s (too low - b/c of selegiline?) - Systolic around 128-133.
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