2nd Cycle Log


New member
Hey everyone, ima b starting my second cycle on monday!
im lookn at a test and npp cycle.
wks 1 - 14 - 600 test p
wks 2- 12- 400 npp

im gonna look to eat for 5000 cals.
this is a winter bulk so im not to concerned about adding fat!

i have dostinex on hand and i have aromasin this time around, i used adex last time, and iunno i didnt found it was the greatest for me. . maybe it was where i got it, but im nts. so i opted for some aromasin

i will b running hcg 500 iu e.3.d's as well

Ne ways i will come up with some bfor and after pics on day 1

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chest shot

So far i have done 3 pins of 200mg test prop
i injected my right leg, then left pec, then the right pec. my left pec has swollen up and the right one didnt swell nearly a much after the injection.. my left one is still more swollen then the right even a day after my right pec injection.. just wonderin if i hit a lymphnoid or something.. does ne one have an idea whats up?
Awesome! You are already in great shape, Im sure you will get some good gains. Subbed your log!

Ive had the same thing happen with chest, just watch for signs of an abscess over the next few days.
Week 1 went well .
Stats: 195 lbs

food : 4000 cals a day roufly.

workouts : been non to sore from the prop.
i hit six sites and am almost ready for the second round.. i hope they are not to painful the next round so i can get in some workouts..

i planned to just run the test to let my body get used to it these first 2 weeks bfor i incorporate the npp.

My test actualy came in sachets, and the first 2, 5 ml sachets i extracted went horrible. i ended up using different stuff for my 3rd injection. i think ill have to sterilize it and put it threw a wattman filter bfor i use it again

hope all is well with everyone out there reading, i cant wait to get that npp kickn!! stoked brothas
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My hopes this week are to keep a steady diet! i wanna stick my diet
ill give an outline of what i eat typlicaly threw out the day.

9 am
6 0z steak med-well
2 slices of pineapple
1 cup of oatmeal.. brown sugar 2 tbls

11 am
isomass extreme gainer shake
110g carbs
16 g's fat
72 g protien
940 cals

1 pm
2 cans of tuna
1 cup of rice
plumsauce or aunt dianes sauce to smother it together.

post work out shake
iso mass

5 pm
Chicken breasts 2x
or Pork Tenderloin 3/4 lb
Rice, or Potatoes,
brocolli or aspargus

7 pm
beef jerky
apple and peanut butter

Casien shake

10 bed
I am workn hard on keepn the cals up.
Weight : 197 start of wk 3
startd using my aromasin at 12.5 mg e.d

I have oopend a few new sites, my biceps and triceps actualy. i used a 1/2 " slin pin and shot a half cc into biceps one day, then triceps today!

it was wasy as pie. i hope the pain tho aint to intense, i am startn with a half cc in each to get them used to takn shots!

Ne one with any suggestions on what i need to keep this log exciting let me know what i need to also b keepn track of! not afraid of ne criticism

week 6
i have been eatn and keepn the workouts to 4 a week
i am just loggn this to keep track of a few things.
i am now using 1 ml e.d test prop
and im hittn a bunch of diff sites, i hit the biceps . i hit two diff triceps muscles and i am hittn chest with shoulders and legs!!
the end of week 6

weight has gone up to 210
i have been running the test e.d now at 1 mg
so 700 / wk.

i have not yet incorprated the npp. im gonna throw it in for wks 7 - 16. i think i am gonna go longer then i originally planned! i wanna get the most out of this npp, and the gains im makn of the test are great right now!

i will get some pics up in the near future , and i wanna tryn and keep a better log. i am not here to report so often. i wanna let u guys in on some gains ive made!
week 8
Ive added the npp into the mix. i wanna take some pics from my gains i have made using just the test. but i dont have a cam so im just gonna haev to spit it out.
I made a few new pb's
my squats are now with 4 plates..
and same as deads. i reppdd out 2 of each, for 3 workn sets

and ive now been able to close grip the smith with 3 plates a side..
ithe weight i am gaining is very quality muscle. ive hardly ne fat to me. my abs are lookn great, just a lil bit of water weight to me.. veins in legs are still visable. im tryn to eat as much as i can. but i do not add ne fat somehow.. i just dont get to much on me ever..

well this next week is gonna b slick.. cant wait for the npp to kick in !!
wk 14
sittn at 220 am weight.. feeling like a million bucks.. lovn the npp.. joints are feeling good
i ran out of peptides, and i dont like it is.. they gave me a hell of a appetite, and made my joints feel really good. the dreams were awsome too..
i am lovn the weight i am able to throw around.. i have been pressn the biggest dumbells we have .. only 120's for reps of 5.. 4 workn sets.
the workout program ive been doing is

mon ; squats, rows, bench, dips ,curls
calf presses
wed : squats , deadlifts, o.h.p, chins, incline dumbells presses
fri : squats/ rows / c.g bench

i am just hoping to get my self to around 225 bfor i start pct.
i hope to keep all this as i look great right now.. its just were i wanna b.. but i still feel like i need lots of work on my legs, and my lower posterior chain.. its a lil weak.. but my legs have came a long way.. and are only gettn better..
watch out laval.. im comin for u.. april !!
Looking good bro keep up the good work. I love ghrp6/2 as well for increasing appetite (assuming that was what your using).

Throw up some progress pics
yea i was using ghrp6, and i loved that appetite stimulation, cept for when i was so hungry i would almost faint makn my food .lol

ne ways im am done my cycle, i am on wk 4 of pct
so i will post up some pics. to show the gains and none of the bloat. lol

i retained 20 lbs of what i gained ~ 40lbs