2nd Cycle: Test/Deca/Dbol


New member
Hey guys, im back and just started my second cycle today. It consists of:

Weeks 1-14: Test E 600mg/wk
Weeks 1-12: Deca 400mg/wk
Weeks 1-4: DBol 30mg/day

Aromasin 12.5mg: whenever needed, probably start this week and continue thru PCT
HCG: starting week 2 at 250ius/twice a week.
Trying to get my hands on some caber soon as well

Clomid: 50/50/50/50
Aromasin 12.5mg/ED

This cycle is a bulk cycle and my goal is to reach 205-210+. 3J will be guiding me along the entire cycle so im anxious to see how this diet will benefit my gains. I will be pinning Sunday and Wednesday.

Stats: 5'11, 182, 12-13%bf?

My last cycle consisted of a Test E 12 weeker 500mg/wk. I gained 25lbs off it, but made a rookie mistake by not consuming enough calories in PCT, so i lost alot of weight but kept about 8lbs of LBM. This time i will not make that mistake. Despite my loss of weight, i do feel my body composition improved greatly. My shoulders and lats filled out more which makes my overall appearance that much better. Anyway, i will try to update everyday. Probably won't be posting pics (not my style), but hopes this log is informative.

Day 1: Sunday, Dec 4th
Today i did my first pin of 300mg Test, 200mg Deca, and 10mg Dbol so far (out of 30mg).
Everything went fine except figuring out how much to fill the syringe. ive never filled it w two compounds before so itll take a while to get comfortable w it. Hopefully i dont run out...shouldnt.
Anyway, i hit back today and had a great pump. I bet the placebo effect is kicking in, considering being off for 2 months has taken its toll. I had an unusual great pump than normal today. I started off w heavy deads, which wore me out.

T-Bar Rows
Sitting cable rows
Lateral Lat pulldowns
wide grip pullups
reverse close lat pulls

I'll check back in tomorrow, hitting chest!
looks good my man, i would use nolva in my post cycle therapy (pct) instead of the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) aromasin
This is probrably the very best cycle for 99% of lifters. Good choice Session, no doubt you will see huge gains.
Good cycle. Aromasin and clomid looks good for PCT, throwing in some nolvadex would benefit you but is not necessary. I am running almost the same cycle at the moment but i'm doing a cutter with it. I know this is typically a mass cycle but I heard test/deca is good for holding on to mass while cutting too. I am running T3 now at 25mcg a day for the last 8 weeks of the cycle. Results are good so far. Slow and steady.
Good cycle. Aromasin and clomid looks good for PCT, throwing in some nolvadex would benefit you but is not necessary. I am running almost the same cycle at the moment but i'm doing a cutter with it. I know this is typically a mass cycle but I heard test/deca is good for holding on to mass while cutting too. I am running T3 now at 25mcg a day for the last 8 weeks of the cycle. Results are good so far. Slow and steady.

goodluck w second half of your cut
im 5'6 155 pounds 15%bf and im looking to get extremly cut. can anyone tell me the best cycle for this? im new to the steroid thing but ive lifted for 6 years
i cant figure it out on here. sorry

on the main forum page in the ANABOLIC forum theres a blue button on the upper left side of the page . click that button and give as much info as possible about you and what you are looking to do.
every freakin thread i start people have to jack it. its not hard to figure out how to start a thread, sheesh.
Cycle looks legit bro! Be careful with the dbol and gyno. Don't hesitate to start the aromasin as soon as you feel anything at all. I have seen way too many of my buddies just ignore it and end up with some nasty looking nipples from dbol!

DO NOT run nolva in your pct. Deca is a 19-nor which mixed with nolva causes some nasty prolactin side effects. Unless you plan on breast feeding just stick with the clomid. I too have never been able to find caber, you can try prami but beware it made me so sick I almost went to the hospital.
Day 2, Monday Dec. 5th

Today has been an interesting day. Took dbol 10mg/3 times today (9am, 2pm, and 8pm).
Woke up this morning with my quad being sore from the pin yesterday. Its not too bad but still is a pain. anyway, i hit chest tonight and at about 5pm started feeling cold/tingly, feverish. Started lifting and half way thru my pec started hurting pretty bad. so i did some light sets and it started to loosen up. hopefully itll be good to go by next week.
I get home and find myself absolutely freezing! wearing sweats w the stove running and im shaking. could this be test flu? or just the common cold?
Also, my lower back is super sore from deadlifts yesterday. i'll prob be taking tomorrow off due to my fever, lower back, and leg/chest. everything should clear up in a day or two.

Incline barbell
DB flat
Incline "machine"
Incline DB flys
finished w some DB decline

i didnt go too hard today cause of my pec. but like i said it loosened up some.

Ive been really paranoid about my gear being legit, i really have no reason to think that, guess im just pessimistic about it. how soon should i start notciing the effects of 30mg/day dbol, 400deca, and 600 test a week? i know it takes a few weeks but id like to hear personal experiences? My weight today w gym clothes/shoes on was 185.5. from now on i'll start weighing as soon i as wake up w boxers on.
Day 3, Tuesday Dec. 6th

Taking a day off today. I didnt sleep at all last night, have a bad fever/headache. Im guessing this is some sort of test flu because i started feeling this way about 24 hrs after my first pin. Second pin is tomorrow.
Cycle looks legit bro! Be careful with the dbol and gyno. Don't hesitate to start the aromasin as soon as you feel anything at all. I have seen way too many of my buddies just ignore it and end up with some nasty looking nipples from dbol!

I second the above. Gyno can sneak up on you real quick with d-bol. If it does hit you, you may have think about switching to letro until it goes away. Letro is a bit stronger than aromasin.