2nd cycle: Test Enanthate and D-bol


New member
So i started about three weeks ago with test enanthate 300 and 10mg d-bol pills

I have not recieved the results I was thinking i would get and wanted to ask some questions.

Where is the best place to inject enanthate and when is the best time to take the pills, like thoughout the day or right before work out all at once?

TEST: The first two weeks I did 2mL in each ass cheek and this past week I did 1mL in each shoulder... thus doin 600mg a week. I dont really like the shoulders cause the test makes them too sore!

D-bol: Started doin 3 pills a day thoughout the day, didnt see results, now starting to do 4, three before workout and 1 after.

In the three weeks I have worked out harder than ever, but I have only gained 4 lbs and have not really felt any strength increase.

My first cycle over a year ago i did test and anadrol 100 and gained 30 lbs and kept 20 and was expecting to hopefully achieve the same. was i wrong?

What should i do?
firstly u should of read up on this before starting your cycle...hint - use the search button.

I never experienced any pain from enth...try shooting just before you hit the sack
dbol should be spread out over the day...evry 3-4 hrs

If your gear is legit the only other thing would be ur diet. you may have got ripped off with ur gear
I did research... it says to spread the dbol out but it also says some studies say its best to take all at once.

anyone have pics of what true 10mg bdol pills look like? Im pretty sure the test is legit, the top did pop off the enanthate bottle. just dont understand the soreness
1. Spread out your Dbol dosages, at least to AM and PM. More consistent blood levels are always a positive thing

2. Three weeks into the cycle and you notice nothing from dbol yet? I would say it's fake - you should be noticing something from dbol in a week max, thus the reason why people use it to "kickstart" a cycle.

3. 100mg of anadrol is insane for a first cycle, way too much IMO. Be careful here.
There are oral forms of test E... Not as effective but dont let idiots fool you... Trust me, medical science and research TODAY can and has made much more effective steroids than literally most/if not ALL of those currently in popular use.... And they've made them extremely easy to take....
1. Spread out your Dbol dosages, at least to AM and PM. More consistent blood levels are always a positive thing

2. Three weeks into the cycle and you notice nothing from dbol yet? I would say it's fake - you should be noticing something from dbol in a week max, thus the reason why people use it to "kickstart" a cycle.

3. 100mg of anadrol is insane for a first cycle, way too much IMO. Be careful here.

Just like outlaw said bro dbol should have taken effect by now hopefully you didnt get bunk gear but unless your not eating a damn thing you should have seen results
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