30 yr old starting 1st cycle sustanon250/equipoise suggestions please.


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I am a 30 yr old man who has been lifting and running since high school. Played D-1AA football and am a very experienced weight lifter. I have reached a plateau that I just can not get over. I am 5'7'' and 220lbs. I have put on a couple of lbs because I have started to slack off. I wanted to cut some fat and looking to gain lean muscle. I have sustanon 250 and equipoise. I was looking for the best way to use in a cycle. People have said to run the equipoise for longer for it takes longer to take effect. So, I am looking to the pro's to see what your opinions were on running this cycle. I have an idea of what to do but I am not sure if I should run the equipoise at a lower dosage for longer or start the sus after week 6 of running the equipoise. Let me know what you think is best way to see best results to cut/lean mass.

I was thinking.
Weeks 1-8:
500mg Sustanon250/week
400mg Equipoise/week
i'm not a pro, but i would save the EQ for a cycle down the road (and whether or not you think you're going to run another one, you will)

run the Sustanon (sust) for 10 weeks @ 500mg/wk and you will be incredibly satisfied, Sustanon (sust) is an eod or e3d injection schedule thats the only draw back

and if all you have is 8 weeks worth, that will suffice. you will see some great gains. just make certain you have all your other drugs on hand prior to starting your cycle
Im no pro but I think this is fairly straight forward. Run the test only. Dont bother with 2 compounds for your first cycle. Running one by itself allows you to see how you react to an individual steroid. Test is powerful and you will be more than satisfied with it by itself. For your next cycle add in the eq and that way you will be able judge the difference effectively. Do what MilkDaScow suggested. Good luck. :)
Thank you for your suggestions they were great.

I forgot to mention my post cycle therapy. Below is what I was thinking of running. This seems to be the most common post cycle.

Week 1 (or 2): 40-50 mg of daily.
Week 2 (or 3) - Week 4 (or 5): 20-25mg of daily.

Also, since I will run the Sustanon 250 for 8 weeks. Then the post cycle therapy. Is it possible to run just the equipoise for my 2nd cycle or should I order new gear to run with the equipoise. I am just asking for I am not sure I will do another cycle and do not want to waste the equipoise. Will I see gains if I just run the equipoise for my second cycle? If you think I will, how should I run it? Lower dosage longer time, or 8 week cycle? I am concerned that I wasted money buying the equipoise if there is no way for me to use it.
Running and Lifting

I know everyone is against running more than one compound for a first cycle. If I run the sus250 alone I will bulk up. I am a good size naturally, I wanted to lean/cut my body I have now without losing much of my size. I run 2 miles a day monday-friday. 1 mile on my lunch break with abs and then 1 mile at night before my lift also with abs. I eat a low carb high protein diet. Lifting 4 days and a week and running about 10 miles a week with abs everyday, I think we know I am trying to cut wieght and lean up the muscle mass I already have. I have done my fair share of research and I know with my diet and cardio just the sus250 would be great like you all shared with me. Won't I really cut if I add in the eq? In a dilemma, need as many suggestions as possible. All of your suggestions are read and researched and I thank everyone for there opinion.

P.S. I am not looking to gain wieght just maintain my stength probably putting on alittle mass but really want to lean that mass up.
yeah take advantage of virgin receptors one compound is enough. 10 weeks on then 10 weeks off, start again test and eq stacked. if done right mom wont even recognize you after the second cycle is done.
The test will trim you down. 500mg per week, first cycle is plenty. You're gonna look fuckin jacked.

I did only 250mg per week first time around.......the transformation was pretty impressive. It was very obvious to everyone that I was using steroids. And I didn't know shit about working out either.
Dareye your 220 at 5'7, thats huge to start bro. Whats your bf? You could go on a diet and drop to 190 then do the Sustanon (sust) to get back to 220 with a clean bulk and you would be shredded. Im also 5'7 but only 155 at 8% but im gonna wait till im 170 natty before i try Sustanon (sust) 250 for 8-10 weeks.