40 year olds, check in....


Livin' the dream....
Damn just hit the big 4-0!
Gonnna start a new cycle this week. Am I the only old man on 'ology?

Need some inspiration! Yeah the holidays made me lazy but i'm about to get hardcore.
Let's see some pics!

I am usualy consistant, (me below....)
6'1, 180ish, low b/f when I watch my carbs or not in a relationship. lol
Man, yor fukkin old as shit! - after 40, I'd just give up if I were u....hahahaha but I'm not! You'r still a young buck! I'm staring down the big 5-ohhhh in 7 months! and I went from 175 to 208 last year - unfortunately stayed at 15-16% BF - oh well that's a goal for 2009! Thank god for vitamin "T"!

Great that you're going to do a fukkin 40 cycle! - What r u planning? BTW - nice pics - looks like you got the BF at a good place! Props bro!
Thanks, I'll start a cycle log.
-nice work leanbody! esp on the gains, looking good!

Preping up for a simple test/deca cycle. Love that combo!
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Looking good.. I hope at 40 I am solid like that. I turn the big 35 next week so I feel your pain. Keep up the good work. Look forward to see the progress pics.
Thanks, for the complement! wish i had a pic of how out of shape I was at 40! - You, on the other hand, are in a great place, my man!!!! Awsome way to cross over into 40 - (BTW prolly my best decade so far...) Test & deca cycle sounds great - which test? have you done that combo before? I'm going for the same in March. R u going to kick start or add orals anywhere along the route? later dude - thanks for starting the thread!
BTW Andru- u should post a pic too -U b ripped!

Hope u get some other bros in the 40 + catagory!
gonna kick start it with some sust, then test. cyp. 750 deca 500 split up thru the week. Yeah I have run this combo before. the deca does woners for my joints and the test does wonders for my sex life, lol -no orals
thx keep ya posted
xcellent cycle bro - your libido must be thru the roof! hahahaha how do you like the Sustanon (sust)? how long will u run it for a kickstart?

later man
40 Shiiiiiiitt..your young son.....im 44 and kicking 45 in the ass here real soon...im still at it bro...
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Yeah???? well blow me!

J/k - enyoy it dude - it's only a memory for me! (age does have advantages tho - I can afford the good liquor now....Damn - almost forgot - I don't drink anymore LOL)

meh, liquor smiquor, i'm more of a beer guy as you can tell from previous pictures of my boxers.
Jmeals, holy shit! you are Jacked! That is what im taking about! Nicely done! Keep it up. You remind me of the guy ya don't want to get into a fight with at the club, lol....
I grew up in NYC.
Thax for the pics...
Turned 44 this past year, don't have the washboard abs but I've a hot girlfriend so it evens things out.

The few joys in life I relish is lifting heavy squats and asking the young fellas waiting to take over the squat rack if they'd like me to strip some of the weights off before walking away.
Turned 44 this past year, don't have the washboard abs but I've a hot girlfriend so it evens things out.

The few joys in life I relish is lifting heavy squats and asking the young fellas waiting to take over the squat rack if they'd like me to strip some of the weights off before walking away.

i like doing the same thing to older fela's.
Turned 44 this past year, don't have the washboard abs but I've a hot girlfriend so it evens things out.

The few joys in life I relish is lifting heavy squats and asking the young fellas waiting to take over the squat rack if they'd like me to strip some of the weights off before walking away.

i'm 38...not quite 40, but still squatting 485 for 5 reps. DL's not far behind........and washboard abs are for the beach! its 13 degrees here!
i'm 38...not quite 40, but still squatting 485 for 5 reps. DL's not far behind........and washboard abs are for the beach! its 13 degrees here!

I'm the opposite, Dealifts I can pull 475 but on squats I max out around 415-430. Keep in mind these are weights I do one-three reps with....for my standard fair I'll push upwards of 330 on squats and 400 for deads.

We won't mention bench......I suck at bench. A measly 315 is the most I can push.