42 yrs old Still at it


finally got them uploaded...42 yr old 5ft11 215lbs
still lifting and trying to maintain some size..shits getting harder after 40 it seems.... later man..
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JMEALS said:

finally got them uploaded...42 yr old 5ft11 215lbs
still lifting and trying to maintain some size..shits getting harder after 40 it seems.... later man..
looking good young man , welcome to ology . and yes i older than you lol
lookin good for your age... fuck that. looking great...period .
FINALLY! pics. of someone older than me that has a tight body. I'm 38 and still at it as well. Looking good bro!

What's your workout and cycle (if any) history like?

Keep it up and welcome!
lastlaft said:
FINALLY! pics. of someone older than me that has a tight body. I'm 38 and still at it as well. Looking good bro!

What's your workout and cycle (if any) history like?

Keep it up and welcome!

Thanks for the positive feedback.Bro ive been lifting since pretty much my teen years.Cycled on and off since 80,s.Nothing ever to fancy with my gear.Test cyp,deca ,dbol for mass.Winny depot,clen,primo,anavar to cut.The more toxic orals(dbol,a/50)i try not to touch anymore.Its even harsher on the bod as you get older. These days try to stick with 2 on 1 off,1 on 1off w.o. schedual. For me personally,recovery takes alot longer than when i was younger.Cant just hit the gym and destroy the body part im working like i use too.Hard to recover from that.So lighter weights,but the same high intensity keeps me in decent shape..I appreciate being welcomed to the board.Ill try and volenteer my 2 cents if i know i can help someone..thanks
looking good. i hope i look at good as you do at your age. Any As usage or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or gh or anything?
curious if you have every thought about low dose gh? you look good.

not to offend because u loook great with a full head of hair and all, but i notice your a little red, is that from tanning or from AS.
Im about to run Test P and Masterone EOD for the next 8 wks.Would like to try and harden up some,drop bf.Got my diet mapped out,should run good.Ill post some after pics in a few weeks.Bro to answer your question,tanning bed makes me more red than tan.Us irish guys from n.y. dont tan to well.lmao
lol im half irish from brooklyn. I used to only get red just the same. I started using melanotan a few months ago and now im actually tan to the point where all the girls i know say i look spanish. I used to only get red period, never had a tan in my life.