50 Grams of BCAA Powder?


Product of Test
I started upping my intake on BCAA poweder. I heard you can really see results wth 50 grams a day. I was just wondering if it might be too hard on my stomach, kidneys etc.... I supplemet on 20 grams on cardio days. I lift 4 days a week so thats 50 grams split before during and after W/O. Then cardio just before and after with sunday off.

Im 31 yrs. old 270lbs 6 3 18% BF. Runnin mild test/var cycle.
DocJ said:
For your bodyweight it's probably ok, I wouldn't go higher then that though.

DocJ you see anything wrong with having a doube shot espresso right before W/O. I drink 15 grams BCAA 20 min before W/O then 2 shot espressso about 10-15 minutes later anything wrong with that?
Dlove said:
DocJ you see anything wrong with having a doube shot espresso right before W/O. I drink 15 grams BCAA 20 min before W/O then 2 shot espressso about 10-15 minutes later anything wrong with that?

Is that all you take or do you take a protein shake pwo as well?