6 week Test Prop Test Phenyl Log Picture updates


New member
Heres the layout

Test Prop 100mg eod Started with 150mg front load
Test Phenyl (150mg 3x week)
HCG - 250iu 2x week
Aroma - 12.5mg ed

Clomid 50/50/20/20
Nolva 40/40/20/10

4000 cal
200 protein (At least)

Workout routine
mon - chest back
tue - arms/shoulders/abs
wed - Legs
thrs - off
friday - chest back
sat - abs/shoulders/ hard cardio
sun - off
I do cardio everyday that I work out

Here I am 2 years ago

2 weeks ago

Day 8 Test Prop

I injured my shoulder's really badly and was out of the gym other than cardio and legs for 3 months I lost a lot of size they are healed now but pop I got really fat then cut somewhat.
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Day 11 ^4lbs

My libido is up and down gyno is undercontrol my strength today my back strength exceeded my grip strength on cable rows (180lbs 6x < New max)

Acne: Moderate
Hairloss: None
Libido: Down
Mood: Really good then lethargic some times
Strength: Wayyyy up
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I'm 6'1. I got 40lbs on you. I'm not very huge at the moment. You gotta eat man! Your diet cant be right.
Dude, im sorry but it has to be said. Why the fuck on gods green earth are you fucking with aas right now?
who cares let him make his own decisions? a faceless poster on an internet board will not sway his opinions. he wont listen to any of us so at least give him some advice

first of all, you should have had at least 2 years of natural hard training and diet before touching aas. second, that cycle seems good but 6 weeks is too short. do 8.

and remember, you are on steroids. you can train longer, harder, and more often.
who cares let him make his own decisions? a faceless poster on an internet board will not sway his opinions. he wont listen to any of us so at least give him some advice

first of all, you should have had at least 2 years of natural hard training and diet before touching aas. second, that cycle seems good but 6 weeks is too short. do 8.

and remember, you are on steroids. you can train longer, harder, and more often.

Thanks I could stretch it out to 8 weeks. I had a bottle and a half of prop after that ends im swapping over to phenyl. I will get bloods done im after I am 4 weeks finished with pct ill order off that link on megatrons page.
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Thanks I could stretch it out to 8 weeks. I had a bottle and a half of prop after that ends im swapping over to phenyl. I will get bloods done im after I am 4 weeks finished with pct ill order off that link on megatrons page.
you should get bloods done mid cycle check your total test and estradiol, to make sure your gear is legit and that you are taking a right dose of AI
I'm just being honest. You don't even look like you touched a weight or ate anything good for you. If your going to post pics get ready for a shot on the chin.
i have to agree with the guys... youre no where close to ready for a cycle and youre on one...

since youre already on one, give us details about your diet.. maybe we can salvage this cycle
i have to agree with the guys... youre no where close to ready for a cycle and youre on one...

since youre already on one, give us details about your diet.. maybe we can salvage this cycle

Ok I have everything added up on a pad in my car I'll add everything later
8am 5eggs one sausage Pattie
1 protein shake 20g protein with 2 cups 1%milk
Gym/shower 9am
1030 2 chicken breasts with 2 cups rice 1 protein shake with water 20g protein
1:00 hamburger plain baked beans
2:30 protein shake with 2 cups 1%
4:00 2 chicken breasts 2cups rice 1cup spin
6:00 protein shake 2cups 1%
7:00 1 chicken breast 1cup Brown rice can of black beans
9:30 just had protein shake with 2cups 1%
I'm about to eat a mask in about ten mins then go too bed. I haven't been eating this much I have really stepped it up past few days.
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Ok I have everything added up on a pad in my car I'll add everything later
8am 5eggs one sausage Pattie
1 protein shake 20g protein with 2 cups 1%milk
Gym/shower 9am
1030 2 chicken breasts with 2 cups rice 1 protein shake with water 20g protein
1:00 hamburger plain baked beans
2:30 protein shake with 2 cups 1%
4:00 2 chicken breasts 2cups rice 1cup spin
6:00 protein shake 2cups 1%
7:00 1 chicken breast 1cup Brown rice can of black beans
9:30 just had protein shake with 2cups 1%
I'm about to eat a mask in about ten mins then go too bed. I haven't been eating this much I have really stepped it up past few days.

so you added everything up.. but do you know your total caloric intake?? did you put it all into a calorie counter?? or are you just blindly eating what you think is enough?
so you added everything up.. but do you know your total caloric intake?? did you put it all into a calorie counter?? or are you just blindly eating what you think is enough?

I have been blindly doing it I have been counting protein and somewhat calories which after taking nutrition I know I need to be counting many more things. Where do I find a calorie counter?
There are a lot of them you can install on a smart phone. I think the one I use is called "nutrition menu". If you eat a lot of the same stuff it's pretty painless once you've entered it into favorites. Myfitnesspal is a pretty popular one too.
DAY 14 ^ 4LBS

I started at 182

Taken yesterday ^ #tbonexlisjellie

I feel pretty good I do notice after injection its like salt on a slug my balls suck up in me and do not hang about 15-24hrs after hcg shot they hang low again.

I downloaded myfitnesspal which I love so far. I am actually eating right above maintenance so im all good on cals fats protein so far. I have gained 8lbs now.

Acne: Low
Hairloss: None
Libido: normal
Mood: Really good then lethargic some times
Strength: Way up
Gyno: None
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DAY 14 ^ 4LBS

I feel pretty good I do notice after injection its like salt on a slug my balls suck up in me and do not hang about 15-24hrs after hcg shot they hang low again.

I downloaded myfitnesspal which I love so far. I am actually eating right above maintenance so im all good on cals fats protein so far. I have gained 8lbs now.

Acne: Low
Hairloss: None
Libido: normal
Mood: Really good then lethargic some times
Strength: Way up

You should be just above maintenance. You should be about 500 calories above maintenance. Also what is the percentage of the caloric breakdown. What percent of your diet is your protein, carbs, fats. That also matters.