6 week Test Prop Test Phenyl Log Picture updates

Thank you Havasu ill do the math now and tbonexl is so jealous of my aesthetics im in shock.

You look exactly like your avatar. Small, and girly. Man up and eat some food. You shouldn't even be on Test right now with that body of bones.
last time I checked there isnt very many calories in a vial of steroids. Near as I can tell, thats your main problem my man. Diet and training takes a bit to get down to where your recovery is the only thing inhibiting your gains. And thats where roids come in. IMO you have the cart miles before the horse. I trained for more than 2 decades before touching AAS. It wasnt until my natural test started declining to the point where my recovery took so long I was perpetually sore before i tried some exogenous testosterone.
I appreciate the advice fellas. I agree it's sad I have taken a 4000 level nutrition class and don't remember anything I will study deep in to nutrition.
Well I minds well start doing drag my gyno puff has went away but I have a lump around the outter edge of my nip deep down. Ill up the aromasin or should I switch to dex?
You honestly look like you've never touched the weights, even in the second pic. I'm guessing youre an ectomoph(difficult to gain weight) Anyway, stick with it since ur already on and have fun. I would eat tons of carbs, maybe buy some carbo gainer at the store to pore in ur shakes.
Yeah I am a ectomorph I can cut like nobodies business if I shoot down to 2500 cals a day or even 3k cals and do an hr cardio a day I can literally drop 5lbs no sweat in a week. BTW sig I started mixing my protein with half and half my Lord is it hard to down but it really does do the trick.
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Yeah I am a ectomorph I can cut like nobodies business if I shoot down to 2500 cals a day or even 3k cals and do an hr cardio a day I can literally drop 5lbs no sweat in a week. BTW sig I started mixing my protein with half and half my Lord is it hard to down but it really does do the trick.

You can cut? Jesus fuck! Let me see that PLEASE... I literally cannot imagine your body "cut". Your nonchalant attitude toward people's advice annoys me to say the least. Drop the test, pick up some steak and potatoes. Considering yourself an ecto is just a cop-out excuse to label yourself as a hard gainer. Newsflash! Hard gainers do not exist, only sorry eaters. Fuck, if I don't put weight on in a week or two, and 3J comes asking WHY? Do you think I'm going to be like "bro, I'm a hardgainer.... what do want from me?" No, I have to fess up about missing out on a meal or two and pay the piper. Track everything and add food until you're gaining. Gains stop, add more food and note your new maintenance caloric level. Take control of your progress, don't run to drugs to solve your problems.. this isn't a game.
You can cut? Jesus fuck! Let me see that PLEASE... I literally cannot imagine your body "cut". Your nonchalant attitude toward people's advice annoys me to say the least. Drop the test, pick up some steak and potatoes. Considering yourself an ecto is just a cop-out excuse to label yourself as a hard gainer. Newsflash! Hard gainers do not exist, only sorry eaters. Fuck, if I don't put weight on in a week or two, and 3J comes asking WHY? Do you think I'm going to be like "bro, I'm a hardgainer.... what do want from me?" No, I have to fess up about missing out on a meal or two and pay the piper. Track everything and add food until you're gaining. Gains stop, add more food and note your new maintenance caloric level. Take control of your progress, don't run to drugs to solve your problems.. this isn't a game.

This is bang on! I especially agree with the bold...
Your not going to become a superhero after one cycle
Even with steroids it takes years to get the body u desire
even with that said we are never happy anyways!
I honesty don't think your ecto morph, more to the lines of your diet being everywhere
Should of waited and trained natty for abit and got your diet worked out before touching steroids as u have a lot of growing to do
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^18lbs! (Total) nearing week 6 I have enough stuff for about 6 1/2 weeks

Acne: (it all comes down to the ai if I miss dose or forget to dose... acne is around the corner)
Strength: started at 160lbs 12x seated cable rows up to 200lbs 12x as well as everything else as gone up
Hairloss: A tad bit of thining in the front that's it not sure if its in my head or not
Mood: I feel so good I feel more mentally stable now then off cycle
Gyno: My lump is gone now my gynopuff is gone as well

Will I get a bad rep comment for an update tb? Better watch out ill have to find you before I start pct

^ Lol look how but hurt everyone is up there for no reason... Calm down fellas no one made any bad comments about any of you. I know I will not become a superhero over night I never said that im up from 155 to 201 in 2 years and im happy so far yeah I should just eat and not touch any test I have realized 4 meals a day is nothing and I have really gotten a grip on that and gotten things undercontrol lately im up to 7 meals a day I have everything layed out and im prepping meals BUT I did do a 6 week cycle of test I agree I was wrong to do that so everyone calm down chill with the tren rage boys.
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I don't want to upset tbonexl I may scare him off the forums..... jk I will at the end I have about 5 or 6 days left.
I sure hope they come back..... Also I may just get a diet plan from 3j since all of you have been hammering me lately which makes me love hate all of you... And princeDbol that avatar... dang dude please change it all I think about is that avatar for hrs after I see it and my gf gets mad if im reading your comments and she sees your avatar
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