You can cut? Jesus fuck! Let me see that PLEASE... I literally cannot imagine your body "cut". Your nonchalant attitude toward people's advice annoys me to say the least. Drop the test, pick up some steak and potatoes. Considering yourself an ecto is just a cop-out excuse to label yourself as a hard gainer. Newsflash! Hard gainers do not exist, only sorry eaters. Fuck, if I don't put weight on in a week or two, and 3J comes asking WHY? Do you think I'm going to be like "bro, I'm a hardgainer.... what do want from me?" No, I have to fess up about missing out on a meal or two and pay the piper. Track everything and add food until you're gaining. Gains stop, add more food and note your new maintenance caloric level. Take control of your progress, don't run to drugs to solve your problems.. this isn't a game.