750 pounds and dropping

my eyes are droopy and my mind is lagging this morning....but my body WILL respond....morning cardio LETS DO THIS!

Isnt that how everyone feels in the morning? Shit i never want to get out of bed. Hey man do it like coach 6 months 180lbs. Go run 10 miles man
10 miles is not achievable yet lol but i did get my ass handed to me in the gym this morning by my trainer.....great work out and recovery protein IN!
you know what bro...that is sofa king inspiring, I effin love Rocky man

What ?? Love Rocky too ! "The eye of the tiger" always inspires me... My favorite quote from his last movie is:

'Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!":agreed:
Rocky Balboa

Proud to see you still going hard. BUT I agree with 3J, gotta control your bad eating, i know its easier said than done but think of the hard work you put in and ask yourself. Is it worth it if im going to continue to eat like shit?

I just got back from vacation for 2 weeks and ate like shit, probably put a solid 4-5% bf on. Now i feel like a jerkoff and gearing up for my hard core cardio and very strict diet for the next 4-6 weeks to try and get back to where i was.
Keep it up bro!
I lost 50 pounds this year and gotta say it was more from eating correctly. I have a very physical job and during my work season it is 12-18 hours a day of swinging slegehammers or running 90lb jackhammers, Just straight ball busting work all day. I couldnt understand how I wasnt losing weight...
I started to eat right and cut all the crap out of my diet and went from 236 to 178. I understand your road may be longer but you can do it bro STAY FOCUSED!
Keep it up bro!
I lost 50 pounds this year and gotta say it was more from eating correctly. I have a very physical job and during my work season it is 12-18 hours a day of swinging slegehammers or running 90lb jackhammers, Just straight ball busting work all day. I couldnt understand how I wasnt losing weight...
I started to eat right and cut all the crap out of my diet and went from 236 to 178. I understand your road may be longer but you can do it bro STAY FOCUSED!
You should do the military diet drill.

You get set times throughout the day, of 5 minutes apiece to eat. Outside of that, you get nothing.

lol. You ever see a heavy guy come out of a REAL bootcamp?(I dont consider every Army base true bootcamp anymore...its ridiculous how pussified it is now)
so freaking tired this morning....my muscles ache from the weight training monday....time to get pumped for a.m. cardio!
talk about worn out....for at least one hour a day i hate my trainer (lol not really jk) but when its over i love that dude! Burned it hard at max fitness today with my trainer Adam Garcia....when your work out includes a rope, tire, sledge hammer, and kettle bells you know its all good :) Month of Feb. OVER with and a total of 31 pounds DOWN baby! MARCH IS ALL MINE! MUWAHAHAHA!
talk about worn out....for at least one hour a day i hate my trainer (lol not really jk) but when its over i love that dude! Burned it hard at max fitness today with my trainer Adam Garcia....when your work out includes a rope, tire, sledge hammer, and kettle bells you know its all good :) Month of Feb. OVER with and a total of 31 pounds DOWN baby! MARCH IS ALL MINE! MUWAHAHAHA!
Wow more than a lb a day. U r the shit man keep it up!:beertoast
just realized that if i lost 30 lbs a month every fucking month that is 360lb a year! damn near my fucking goal weight