750 pounds and dropping

wish you all the best jusselin..you've come to the right place..i've been to many forums before but can honestly say that everyone here is most helpful. keep up the good work..
My journey has been up and down, mostly down. I am getting so tired of fighting this obesity. Im tired and honestly my heart is barely still in the fight. I have spent the last few months in and out of the hospital due to infections (UTI's) Diabetes and other health issues. I am back up to 580 and now I am seriously starting to feel the effects of the obesity. I feel like such a little bitch, my lack of discipline and failure keeps my head down. I am not sharing this looking for pity, i just need some help getting my head back in the game. They say you can cripple a man and he could still rip you a part, but if you crush his spirit he is as good as dead. My spirit just feels gone, like I am fighting an up hill battle, a fight I cant win. Most of you guys here will never know the physical part of fighting this, but I know you know the mental part.

How can i get my fight back?
Jusselin you are your own worst enemy.

Here's the deal j. I will sponsor you free of charge and set up your diet and training for you. I usually costs 350 for 12 weeks.

I will do this for you if you stay dedicated. This means sending me and only me pics and measurements twice a week. If you follow the program I will stick with you. If I find you stacking ajd fucking up I will drop you like a rock. If you are willing to put in the work and I mean seriously put in the work I will sponsor you and personally coach you.

Hey bro. Don't let it get you down there are new things to help you. We don't think any less of you. Some times you need to regroup and hit it from a new perspective.
That's right! It's time to pick yourself back up! I'm going to be at your side every step of the way!
Juss, Welcome back I'm glad to hear u r taking steps toward 3J diet plan,3J will help u, push foward cause it ain't over yet,
Day 1 on 3j's nutrition plan. I think the hardest thing for me to get wrapped around is cardio today. I know I am going to be exhausted after work. I guess I will be taking a shit load of no xplode.
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Just wanted to pop into this thread and say good job man. Keep it up. I hope you'll inspire some people locally to lose weight. I've seen a few folks go from huge to pretty fit, it's inspiring even for me.

If you have trouble with energy, look into vitamin B12 shots. They should be available over the counter. Injections are very easy, just read up on safe/sterile injection procedures. Doesn't hurt.
Just wanted to pop into this thread and say good job man. Keep it up. I hope you'll inspire some people locally to lose weight. I've seen a few folks go from huge to pretty fit, it's inspiring even for me.

If you have trouble with energy, look into vitamin B12 shots. They should be available over the counter. Injections are very easy, just read up on safe/sterile injection procedures. Doesn't hurt.

yeah I pin 3 times a day now...insulin =[

here are some before and afters so far of what I have lost.

[Before at 750-ish](imgur: the simple image sharer)

[Now at 580ish](imgur: the simple image sharer)