A lesson for you guys not going to doctors


Bob died for our sins
Ok some of you know of my previous party history but this is not the point.

I finally got a doc appointment last week and got tested thru the yin yang for everything(some shit is still not back yat but that doesnt matter)

Point being this. My liver is inflamed severlly due to past abuses(mainly booze and drugs, anabolics were last year but I did party while on) and I was told point blank even though I have made an effort to straighten things out the past month and a half and it is this.


Ok what does this have to do with anabolics??
Well a fucking lot see I have not had a reg checkup nor been honest with the medical establishment for years.

My point being is if you use anabolics etc and think you are fine well DONT FUCKING THINK!!
Get reg blood work done etc. 99% of us will be fine but its the lot of us who dont get checked out that may have problems that were there before that we dont know about which could compound shit.Never mind shit that can happen or not even happen at all, which means how the fuck do you know until you find out.

Before anyone says "well I dont party like you did blah blah" just remember what I said in the last paragraph.

better to be safe then sorry.
I will get healthy again and will probably be able to use again in the future BUT without the party material and with reg checkups. Be honest with your doc and if wont help you either...

Remember he has the "hippocratic" oath to hold up or
Find a doc who will.

Later guys
This is what I have been trying to get through peoples head forever. I always get bloodwork done pre and post cycle.
Milhouse said:
Ok some of you know of my previous party history but this is not the point.

I finally got a doc appointment last week and got tested thru the yin yang for everything(some shit is still not back yat but that doesnt matter)

Point being this. My liver is inflamed severlly due to past abuses(mainly booze and drugs, anabolics were last year but I did party while on) and I was told point blank even though I have made an effort to straighten things out the past month and a half and it is this.


Ok what does this have to do with anabolics??
Well a fucking lot see I have not had a reg checkup nor been honest with the medical establishment for years.

My point being is if you use anabolics etc and think you are fine well DONT FUCKING THINK!!
Get reg blood work done etc. 99% of us will be fine but its the lot of us who dont get checked out that may have problems that were there before that we dont know about which could compound shit.Never mind shit that can happen or not even happen at all, which means how the fuck do you know until you find out.

Before anyone says "well I dont party like you did blah blah" just remember what I said in the last paragraph.

better to be safe then sorry.
I will get healthy again and will probably be able to use again in the future BUT without the party material and with reg checkups. Be honest with your doc and if wont help you either...

Remember he has the "hippocratic" oath to hold up or
Find a doc who will.

Later guys

Thank you for sharing this brother.

Great reminder………., the importance of getting blood work done regularly, can not be stressed enough, especially for those who think they are invincible.
i hope everything turns out all right bro , your allright with me even if you are canadian :D
as far as i'm concerned this is common knowledge...peeps not getting regular blood testing B4 AND AFTER THEIR CYCLES are idiots...PLAIN AND SIMPLE...
You betcha!

(If I knew how to put in any of those little funny faces, I would).
Good post Milhouse. I haven't been to the Dr. for the past year but will be getting a check up (at the insistence of my girl) soon.
bigdelt69 said:
This is what I have been trying to get through peoples head forever. I always get bloodwork done pre and post cycle.

How do you go about getting that done I mean how do you approach the doc about it? What do you say to him?
just for my own purposes... what did some of your past dosages look like millhouse... i am just curious..and i hope everything turns out ok..thanks
workinonit said:
just for my own purposes... what did some of your past dosages look like millhouse... i am just curious..and i hope everything turns out ok..thanks

It wasnt Steroids that caused this as that was minimal, In fact the last time I used was a cycle I did from the last week May 2002-End of July 2002.

Doses by my memory here)I dont have my diary in front of me was)

50mg Winny/day
200mg Test/ ever 5-6 days
Tren 75 Mg day

Winny and tren were run almost everyday(I missed a few days here and there. And I continued with the remainder of the test for a couple weeks after the tren and Winstrol (winny) ran out before going to clomid therapy.

No this shit is from alot of past partying with alcohol and drugs.

The booze actually cut in half the last couple months of use.

Here is a few points...
I never had a doc appointment in years...Flag 1
I did party a bit while on steroids, altho not as much as when off
Water intake fluctualted greatly and lets be fair the last couple of months of rec use nutrition/training/ everything went out the window, I lost 46lbs from Sept 2002-Feb 2003.
Your liver is one of your bosy parts that cleans out toxins.

What does my shit have to do with roids if it was minimal and the partying was the real culprit?
Alot as some of the cycles people go on and off, the amount of food taken in, and lets face it many bb'ers dont drink but they do party with some things like X and Coke and tend to ignore shit thinking it will never happen to me.

Some cycles of drugs are frankly like a good binge of drinking on your liver. Even normally healthy people who dont juive, drink etc still have a lot of toxins being cleaned out by liver kidney's etc just by all the shit that is in our food today.

Basically this thread wasnt so much about using juice, or party lifestyles. What it is about is the fact that you should get reg checkups and blood work done period. Doesnt matter how you feel on the inside or outside as something could be wrong and you dont even know it.
Look at what natty just went thru. If he had not gone to the doctor and they found the leukemia where would he be now?
I'm just saying is I am having a few problems that are fixable but what about the guys using things like dbol, Winstrol (winny), anadrol etc who arent paying attention and getting things checked?

They could be fine but then again better be safe then sorry.
Urinalysis and blood work and mandatory. Tom Prince admits he's in a bad way (BUT recovering) from not getting labs done often enough. One major problem he has is directly related from the amount of Advil he was taking per day. Nsaids rae terrible for your kidneys.

We all get dinged up from training so hard. Take care in your use of anti inflamatories as well.
That's an excellent point, Paulie, often times in medicine it is the unexpected, supposedly "innocuous" cause of disease we overlook.

BTW, that is a great saying for your signature block. With your permission, I think I'm going to start using that myself.