Bob died for our sins
Ok some of you know of my previous party history but this is not the point.
I finally got a doc appointment last week and got tested thru the yin yang for everything(some shit is still not back yat but that doesnt matter)
Point being this. My liver is inflamed severlly due to past abuses(mainly booze and drugs, anabolics were last year but I did party while on) and I was told point blank even though I have made an effort to straighten things out the past month and a half and it is this.
Ok what does this have to do with anabolics??
Well a fucking lot see I have not had a reg checkup nor been honest with the medical establishment for years.
My point being is if you use anabolics etc and think you are fine well DONT FUCKING THINK!!
Get reg blood work done etc. 99% of us will be fine but its the lot of us who dont get checked out that may have problems that were there before that we dont know about which could compound shit.Never mind shit that can happen or not even happen at all, which means how the fuck do you know until you find out.
Before anyone says "well I dont party like you did blah blah" just remember what I said in the last paragraph.
better to be safe then sorry.
I will get healthy again and will probably be able to use again in the future BUT without the party material and with reg checkups. Be honest with your doc and if wont help you either...
Remember he has the "hippocratic" oath to hold up or
Find a doc who will.
Later guys
I finally got a doc appointment last week and got tested thru the yin yang for everything(some shit is still not back yat but that doesnt matter)
Point being this. My liver is inflamed severlly due to past abuses(mainly booze and drugs, anabolics were last year but I did party while on) and I was told point blank even though I have made an effort to straighten things out the past month and a half and it is this.
Ok what does this have to do with anabolics??
Well a fucking lot see I have not had a reg checkup nor been honest with the medical establishment for years.
My point being is if you use anabolics etc and think you are fine well DONT FUCKING THINK!!
Get reg blood work done etc. 99% of us will be fine but its the lot of us who dont get checked out that may have problems that were there before that we dont know about which could compound shit.Never mind shit that can happen or not even happen at all, which means how the fuck do you know until you find out.
Before anyone says "well I dont party like you did blah blah" just remember what I said in the last paragraph.
better to be safe then sorry.
I will get healthy again and will probably be able to use again in the future BUT without the party material and with reg checkups. Be honest with your doc and if wont help you either...
Remember he has the "hippocratic" oath to hold up or
Find a doc who will.
Later guys