Acne hell!!!


New member
Guys, I need some help. I'm four weeks into ptc and acne has kicked into high gear. I've tried several over the counter remedies and none seem to be having any effect. Can someone please give me some advice? I'll be beginning another cycle some time in the next four weeks so I'll be looking for something to use then too.

Thanks guys!
Seems an anti bacterial soap along with something as simple as Clearasil works.

DONT USE ACCUTANE!!!!! That shit is poision.

Some use alcohol swabs.......

You must use only a chemical free skin cleansing solution, and this is what you must clean your skin with every day.
Im having a similar problem and I did a search on the forum for this problem. One of the solutions was arimidex. I guess high estrogen can cause it. I just stared taking my arimadex and the acne has stopped not gone yet but I do notice a difference. Im also scrubbing my chest with dawn dish soap. I feel the lower estrogen is helping me
I use proactive twice a day...depending on your level of acne is what depicts the treatment...even an acne body wash or alcohol would not touch mine
i got smashed with it last PCT..I tried everything and nothing helped..It got so out of control Accutane was the only option. If your acne is SEVERE, and by severe I mean bloody shirty, bloody sheets, hundreds of blister sized boils, Accutane is the only way to go..however if its just a few pustules, and cysts give cetaphil antibacterial soap a shot.
good luck with it..dont let it get out of control as im now scarred up real bad.
Try rubbing apple cider vinegar on it. not kidding. read it a while ago on this site i think and tried it and within a week acne was greatly reduced to almost nothing. I put it on when i get out of the shower. Dosn't smell great but it will work.
Try rubbing apple cider vinegar on it. not kidding. read it a while ago on this site i think and tried it and within a week acne was greatly reduced to almost nothing. I put it on when i get out of the shower. Dosn't smell great but it will work.

I've read this as well. Never tried it. Reviews are good
How old are yall getting hit with this? I was a bliser faced kid and had issues growing up. When I cycled with Test i dodged it. I was 24 back then now Im curious of older guys still get that
Go to a dermatologist and get a script for clindamycin topical antibiotic.

Works wonders. My training partner is in the middle of a heavy test cycle of 800 mg of test cyp a week and his back looked like a dot-to-dot. Huge nasty cystic androgen induced acne.

I sent him to my dermatologist and she scripted him on clindamycin topical solution.

I was very skeptical at first b/c 20 years ago when I was in high school I tried all the topical stuff that was available and none of it work for me. I finally had to use accutane.

To my surprise, in 4 weeks, almost every zit he had is gone! He still has a few here and there but it is 100% improvement.

Clindamycin is an antibiotic that destroys the ribosomes of the bacteria causing the acne. Without ribosomes, the bacteria cannot synthesize protein that is needed to create the infection and subsequent acne.

She also suggested that he wash his back first with a 10% benzyol peroxide foam.

After I saw the results he had, I started doing the research on the stuff and there are a number of peer reviewed clinical trials that showed strong results.

As a side bar, you'll hear a lot of folks telling you to take vit. B-5 for your acne.

There is no credible medical support in the form of peer reviewed research to support the vit. B-5 will help acne theory.

The guy who started that was an MD in Hong Kong by the name of Leung. His study was published in 1997 and has NEVER been replicated successfully to date. Not one researcher in the past 14 years has been able to show that vit. B-5 helps with acne.

Furthermore, his study design was piss-poor. It's not double-blind nor where the controls well implemented.

Nevertheless, the guy made a pot-load of money selling a Vit. B-5 supplement to those folks who were desperate enough to trust him.

I posted the citations below for those that care to review it.

Leung LH. “A stone that kills two birds: How pantothenic acid unveils the mysteries of acne vulgaris and obesity.” Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. 1997;12(2):99-114.
Dude, honestly. Accutane is the only thing that works for a lot of people. If there is a doctor out there that will prescribe it to you, go for it. 5 months and most people are acne free forever. Taking antibiotics and whatever other shit everyday for years is a lot worse for you than taking accutane for 5 months.
Dude, honestly. Accutane is the only thing that works for a lot of people. If there is a doctor out there that will prescribe it to you, go for it. 5 months and most people are acne free forever. Taking antibiotics and whatever other shit everyday for years is a lot worse for you than taking accutane for 5 months.

well accutane is linked to deppresion, which is definately not what i want during cycle or off.