Aczech's ON

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Day 33: Took two days off from the gym due to work related after-hours business. Weighed in at 206# last night which is about up 13lbs in the first month. Hitting legs tonight and looking for PRs' on the squats.
Day 38 Update: Another test shot in the right pec yesterday...little osre today but nothing out of the norm. Feeling slights lumps under both nips so it seems like I'll be having a nice dose of nolva this evening when I get home. Let's see...what else...strength continues to go reason to add tren at this point, will save for next cycle as recommended. Weight is holding around 205-207 and with the added cardio and potential bf loss, I consider this held weight a good thing.

Over half-way through and I'm very pleased with the results. Would be pleased with another 5-10lbs of solid mass. Everyone at work thinks I'm on, had to buy bigger button down work shirts this weekend as the others had apparently become a little more attracted to my skin :)
o yeh, another side-effect I've got. Acne due to increase in skin oil. I expected this as I was acne prone as a teenager. I started taking b6 and i think the acne has slightly lessen...not sure if this has anything to do with it. I scrub good with loofa and acne body wash. keeps it controllable but it's still there. No biggie though, it's a side i'm willing to accept.
day 45: Shot into the bicep the other immediately problems. Now, two days later, a little red in at the site and can't fully extend my arm...i find this funny. Had a chest shoe leave a a solid two by two inch lump for about a week but is nearly gone now...i find this funny too. Other than catching a cold....strength continues to climb. Have cut back some of the unhealthy calories and the weight holds steady around 206lbs. I've noticed the midesction to slightly firm up, small % of bf loss.

Thus far, I've got all I expected from this cycle and just keeping a leaner state then started at and over 200 pounds bw through and after post cycle therapy (pct) is the goal.

so, new injections sites this time to include: chest, bicep, delt...obviously i'm getting pinning practice for the next test/tren with possible ed shots
yeah, doing all right...gotta kick this cold and get the most out of my last month
Day 48: Still battling the cold...does everyone get sick while on cycle? Seems to be common side. Maybe something to do with white blood cell count or something?

Anyways, strength continues to rise on lifts. I'm calculating that i'll run the test for 11 weeks total. Thinking maybe I could run IGF through the post cycle therapy (pct), have heard great things. Possibly run 50mcg after every workout. This would be 20 doses and would last be nearly 6 weeks. Regardless off the $175 pricetag, you guys think this is worth doing?
Day 53: Sickness is subsiding..slowly. Nothing really new to report...gains have stabilized throughout the sickness peroid. Got sick and weight was maintained as well as strength so I guess I should be happy about that. Taking Ephedrine on workout days in effort to cut a little bodyfat. Chest remains as favorite injection spot...delts and thighs come in second with bicep in third. Should have about another 4 weeks left, don't see any reason these gains shouldn't be locked in place.
As per last post, will be using 40mcg of IGF in post cycle therapy (pct) for 6 weeks in addition to the clomi/nolva combo.
Day 59: Missed yesterday's test e shot as i ordered the only points and no syringes in last pack. Got a pack today with syringes, i'm now good to go. Gains continue to come, weigh was up to 208 but back down to 205 after a weekend of drinking and gambling and horrible diet. Hit the gym last night with a new bench things are still looking good. a month's worth of business traveling coming up in april is really gonna wreck havok on the last few weeks, i'll pull out the best I can.

Been taking e/c/a pre-workouts and on a melatonan II cycle for a little color. No boners from the melatonan...booooo.