Aczech's ON

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aztech
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Day 19:
Holding around 202-203 lbs
Took 250mg test e in the left pec (first timer) and by far the easiest shot I've ever taken. Also on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) now and have upped the AIFM to about 4-6 pumps a day to keep some of the dbol bloat down. Not sure if I'll ever do dbol again as the lower back pumps are so painfull in the gym, especially on squat and deadlift days...lot's of stretching seen by me in the gym. Strength is up and size is looking bigger.

Thinking about adding tren ace for weeks 7-12
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Nice going mate, don't forget before and after pics!

How much is the AIFM helping to keep the bloat down especially with the dbol ?
4-6 pumps nowadays has really put the bloat at ease. i tried none but the bloat was unbearable. The back pumps are pretty unbearable on dbol too and might keep me from ever doing dbol again.
Aczech said:
4-6 pumps nowadays has really put the bloat at ease. i tried none but the bloat was unbearable. The back pumps are pretty unbearable on dbol too and might keep me from ever doing dbol again.

Shit 6 pumps u must be showering in the stuff!
4-6's really like two in the morning and two at night...not too much.
Day 24: still hitting the the test e3d and cut the dbol today as the lower back is extremely uncomfortable. Strength is up, weight is holding around 203-204lbs but that's while taking enough Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to keep the bloat and water weight down.
You haven't had back pian till you've have kidney stones while on d-bol.
Makes you want to squat down and shit out a boulder if only it'll take the pain away.
man, couldn't imagaine. My pain makes me walk all stupid like and i have to sit on the floor for a few minutes to try to get it to lessen before the next set. Hopefully in the workout's to come, it won't be an issue anymore.
Aczech said:
man, couldn't imagaine. My pain makes me walk all stupid like and i have to sit on the floor for a few minutes to try to get it to lessen before the next set. Hopefully in the workout's to come, it won't be an issue anymore.
What kind of numbers are you throwing up.
actually, the strength gains are just now kicking in. Deadlifting this evening with 500 as the short term goal
no wraps, no belts, all raw...and running shoes to boot on the deadlifting.
yeah i can do that number on a diamond bar deadlift but the straight bar strains the shit out of my elbows. I'm a chuck taylor wearing fool as they're flat as can be and I feel more of the ground when lifting then if I have running or other shoe.
o yeh...

Day 25:
250mg test e in the right pec this problem. Strength and size are the results thus far.
Day 28: test e shot in the left glute...first poke, hit a vein..pulled out and blood came oozing out. Second poke was flawless. Strength continues up, Weight is still 204 so I'm adding a couple more protien shakes to the day but water weight and the bloated feeling is very minimal since now off the dbol and with the daily use of AIFM (no bloat in the face either). IMO, looking bigger in the mirror and the work pants are noticing the increasing size of the legs. Just working hard in the gym but being able to only get 6 hours of the sleep during the work week kills as I notice when i get 10 on the weekend...It seems like I'm bigger in the morning - could just be a mental thing. Anyways, just reporting the end of week 4 and the test has kicked in.
Day 31: Test e in left delt..slight twitch in muslce on insertion but no problems other than that. Strength is still going up, noticing the mid section getting a little smaller as I've started with a couple 20 minute cardio sessions a week. Weighed 205 on day 29, so going up slowly but should all be keepable thus far. Slight trouble sleeping at night and starting to wake up in a mild sweat..nothing ridiculous...but noticeable. Zinc makes sleeping conditions worse for some reason. Might get some benadryl soon to assure a good night's sleep.