Adding Flavor


New member
Relatively new here and just starting a fat loss diet.

I've recently added oatmeal, cous cous, brown rice to my diet. Yuck. Talk about bland.

My question: what do ppl do to add flavor to such things? I've added low sodium soy sauce a few times, but dont really want the extra sodium added to my diet.
I add in Cucumbers, balsamic vin. and olive/flax oil to the cous cous and brown rice.

And there are a ton of things you can add to oatmeal. A few are protein powder, Almonds w/ fruit, all natural peanut butter or jelly, cocoa powder, agave nectar...

There are TONS of easy recipes using egg whites, protein powder and oats as the base ingredients. If they arnt already posted Ill post some and link you.
Oh yeah oatmeal with peanut butter, bananas, raisins, peanuts and whatever else...

I'll just throw stuff in there that sounds good...

Strawberry yogurt is good too,flavored protien, dried fruit blends.....blah blah

LOL... I've experimented with it... I've even threw it all in a blender and threw some fruit in with it. Oranges, strawberries, apples and some ice and chilled it in the freezer. Not to bad IMO...

But I eat stuff other consider gross...
Pretty easy for oats. A couple of my faves are to add cinnamon and chunks of fresh apple. Also, cranberry's + raisins. 2 good combo's there. You can also throw in a packet of Splenda or Trevia (spelling?) too, if you don't mind some artificial sweetener. Or honey, if you don't mind a little sugar.

I like to add hot sauce to brown rice. It does add some sodium, but IMO it takes a lot less hot sauce to add flavor than soy sauce. Just check the sodium content before you buy. I'm not big on brown rice, but I do buy it on occasion. A few drops of Tabasco on there and it's not bad. Also, try mixing your meat w/ the rice. I will sometimes cut up chicken or crumble lean hamburg and mix it w/ the rice. I'll add some mustard or similar condiment. Try it out, you might like it.

Can't help you w/ the cous cous, LOL. Not a huge fan.
Relatively new here and just starting a fat loss diet.

I've recently added oatmeal, cous cous, brown rice to my diet. Yuck. Talk about bland.

My question: what do ppl do to add flavor to such things? I've added low sodium soy sauce a few times, but dont really want the extra sodium added to my diet.

Try a scoop of whey in your oats. That adds a ton of flavor. I like strawberry whey.

Try Hot Sauce in your rice. I like Tapatio Brand myself, and it has something like 110mg sodium per serving. Or try some home-made salsa using tomatoes, onions, jalapenos and maybe a little cilantro.
Or I also from time to time add a little bit of salad dressing to my rice. Itialian dressing is my personal fav.
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for your oatmeal add sugar free jam/jelly...

for the rest.. garlic, cayanne pepper, any seasonings and herbs..

man up.. no one said this shit is easy.. leave your taste buds at the door..

"if this shit were easy everyone would be doing it.."
RIP T-MOS the oatmeal at a temperature so hot it will burn your tastebuds. problem solved!! jk
I have found a substitute for soy sauce, called Bragg's liquid amino acids. It tastes like soy, but only has 160mg of sodium (Try the organic section). Also, look for a company called Walden Farms. They make several dressings and other products that are sugar/gluten free. And of course the usual stuff: artificial sweetener, lemon juice, tabasco sauce, sugar free coffee syrups, extracts, spices, and seasonings.
Used to add vanilla protein powder and blueberries to my oatmeal. Proto Whey Vanilla was the best for this.

You could ditch the brown rice and cous cous and try quinoa. It's high in fiber, protein and has good omega 3 fat content. Cook it with some broth ... great texture and flavor.

WHFoods: Quinoa
cayenne pepper for sure, adds taste as well as some health benefits.

I personally love black bean dip. I use it for a spread on sandwiches, use it in my omelets. Anytime you need some flavor throw it in.

You can get low sodium dijon mustard as well, one of my favorites.