just gotta add one more
Even though i'm a big fan of tren, I have to go against this one. Drol, deca, and test already, and probably for about four weeks on your cycle(you didn't say, so I'm just guessing). Tren won't help you alot at this point.
I like to add tren at the begining of my cycle but thats a different controversy.
If your set on adding another compound.(sometimes you just can't help yourself) i would do one of two things;
1. Add Winstrol (winny) for the last 4-6 weeks to cut up some of the mass you have gained
or...(some will say this is a waste but i do it to good effect)
2. add test prop the last 2-4 weeks of your cycle. Why?! Many will ask.
I do it to raise my test levels quickly and really top off my cycle with a bang.
This adds extra mass and strength when your body has gotten used to the test levels of enan.
Prop does not make you more cut than enan like some people will claim. Prop does the same as enan, just quicker and more intense.
This is what I do. I'm not gonna search for scientific data to back myself up.
I'm just telling you this is what I do and it works for me.