Adex making me tired/weak?


New member
Been using the Adex now for about 2.5 weeks. Dose at .25 EOD. I dont have any sides but was advised to take it cause "who wants gyno!". i am in week 5 of test e @ 400mg/week, but i still dont have that "tackle a bus feeling"
Even my bench seems weak.2 weeks in was repin 195 full sets now im struggling with 170-175. This week feeling started bout a week ago but seems to be getting a little worse, im getting BIG but seems like my endurance and strength is lacking. Please advise me Pros, thank you.
My experience with adex is from RUI and I use there liquidex, and it sure-as-shit does the trick, almost too good though, it's very hard to find a happy middleground for estro, it seems too easy to tank it with this stuff..... i would not start taking adex untill you feel you need it, sensative nips and major lethargy are possible signs that estro is too high, then you can start taking it at .25 eod or e3d.... the shit works, I let me estro get waaay out of hand just last week tested at almost 400 estradial, so i started 1mg liquidex ED and i can already feel that i have completely tanked my estro and started to feel worse then before, so i turned it down to .25mg ed and will slowly taper to eod... if your feeling tired and weak i would ease up on your dose, slowly...maybe stop taking it all together, you'll notice you start to feel better then when the rebound hits you will begin to feel like this again and at that first sign i would start the adex at .25 e3d, u may respond well to it so that should be enough.....

without working closely with a doctor and having bloods done all the fucking time this is the best advice i can offer up.... you just gotta listen to your body and know that low estrogen feels exactly like high estro and neither is fun...
so the low esto would make you feel Weak, and or tired correct? ya imma lay off the shit until a day after next pin, and ill try it at every 3-4th day and see how i feel. Thanks for the help guys, just a lame feeling going on. Ill post how i feel in a week. thanks again
Definately lay off it bro trust me you killedyour estro at that dosage I'm still too familiar with this and yes low estro will have you feeling the same way, no libido (absence if morning wood), lethargic (extremely tired), depressed (not even motivation for gym) but you'll b ok bro hang in there and just stop taking it till u feel better, then just a small douse when (or if) u start to get too high and feel like shit again..
Definately lay off it bro trust me you killedyour estro at that dosage I'm still too familiar with this and yes low estro will have you feeling the same way, no libido (absence if morning wood), lethargic (extremely tired), depressed (not even motivation for gym) but you'll b ok bro hang in there and just stop taking it till u feel better, then just a small douse when (or if) u start to get too high and feel like shit again..

This is good advice from personal experience. Crashed Estro will make you feel like you got your ass kicked by the flu. Blood work is the smart way to go and it's so easy to get now without going to your doc.
Ya its day 2 off dex and im already feeling more "spunky" and not just flat out tired after work and ive been up since 4:30 so thumbs up guys! How do you go about getting blood work done without your doctor? Cause if its possible then id be very interested, but i dont wanna involve my doc cause the less people that know the better, lol.
For blood work through you doc just tell him the truth, dont mention gear at all just say you've been feeling very lethargic all the time and tell them your libido is in the dumps so you want test and estro checked, or just ask for a full male hormonal panel, make sure it's got estro on it though....

or u can go to and get the female hormonal panel, buy it online then go to a lab by u and have it done, no docs involved. The female hormonal panel tells u everything u need to know except its cheaper.

Good luck bruh, glad your feeling better already keep it up.