Advantages/Disadvantages off NPP vs Deca


New member
Before I place my next vitamin order, I am trying to decide between NPP and Deca. I know that NPP is short term ester vs Deca which is long-term but are there any other differences between the two like how well they work, etc. I also want to know how often do you pin both of them? Thanks Bro's
I havnt tried either of them yet but for my next cycle in June i picked dbol Sustanon (sust) and NPP. Right now im on a cylce but only have one week left. Deca will cause more water weight then Npp. Also deca causes alot more bloat! and Of course you see faster results with Npp as you know im assuming. I cant want to try npp. Already have it and cant use it til june which sucks lol. You have to pinn Npp 3x a week and you can pin Deca once a week. How many cycles have you ran?
I was not aware that Deca causes water bloat. I know test does but never heard of Deca doing that. I have completedd 2 cycles so far with Test but want to cut some fat also that is why I am looking at NPP. I have read and been told by several people that either deca or NPP will do that for you.
I am running NPP now and liking it. The thing I don't like about deca is how long it takes to kick in. Thats why I prefer shorter esters but pinning more often does get old. I have heard less bloat with npp but I cant compare because my test and npp doses are much higher this time than the last time I ran test and deca. I def feel the joint lubrication, feels more comfortable.
Npp is quicker in and out. Deca is nice a slow. I'd recommend npp if you cycle on and off so you can get the actual effect of nandrolone for a longer period. If you blast and cruise or are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), deca is great because I'd say 18-20 weeks is optimal to get the full benefit(may be hell to recover from if you cycle). I'd also do prop if I were you. You should pin both Ed or eod for best utilization. Deca is injected 2x a week. Either way, you'll love them. Good luck
I was not aware that Deca causes water bloat. I know test does but never heard of Deca doing that. I have completedd 2 cycles so far with Test but want to cut some fat also that is why I am looking at NPP. I have read and been told by several people that either deca or NPP will do that for you.

Bro I don't know where you're getting your info from, but this is totally false. Besides the fact these are both bulkers, and are more likely for water retention (especially Deca), there are no aas that will cut fat (with the debated exception of tren).
Here is a question boys, NPP.. because its short acting ester is it going to cause the same amount of bloat as Decanoate ?
GO :)
Here is a question boys, NPP.. because its short acting ester is it going to cause the same amount of bloat as Decanoate ?
GO :)

As was said right above me- diet is king. The difference in the 2 compounds is solely the ester. Just like test prop and test cyp for example (or test prop and test deconate for a more accurate example). Just as test is test, Nandrolone is Nandrolone. Bloat on cycles can be controlled using estrogen management and through diet - not the ester of the compound you run.
As was said right above me- diet is king. The difference in the 2 compounds is solely the ester. Just like test prop and test cyp for example (or test prop and test deconate for a more accurate example). Just as test is test, Nandrolone is Nandrolone. Bloat on cycles can be controlled using estrogen management and through diet - not the ester of the compound you run.

Fair call, I always thought esters actually made a huge difference with how much retention you have?
For example, I got guys who run test cyp/enanthate and they say that when they run test heptylate they hold hardly no water at all...
Interesting but does make sense about the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) & Diet.. as to much salt, to much estrogen..
Fair call, I always thought esters actually made a huge difference with how much retention you have?
For example, I got guys who run test cyp/enanthate and they say that when they run test heptylate they hold hardly no water at all...
Interesting but does make sense about the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) & Diet.. as to much salt, to much estrogen..

Yeah bro... Any estro related sides, like retention can be easily controlled with a proper Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and keeping yourself well hydrated everyday