
bro, should you continue to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout your entire PCT? for instance, if im taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout my cycle and still have problems with puffy nips..can I still continue to take my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with my PCT (nolva & clomid)??
bro, should you continue to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout your entire PCT? for instance, if im taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout my cycle and still have problems with puffy nips..can I still continue to take my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with my PCT (nolva & clomid)??

Start a new thread in the appropriate forum...and you might get some answers.
Actually I am glad you raised this point RJ. These are absolutely dosage guidelines. Some people have high aromatase cyclic reproduction values and require higher doses. Some people have low aromatase cyclic reproduction and require less. With regards to exemestane usage I thought the same thing as you till I started reading the pfizer drug trials. Here is a quote form a post I made on another thread. I hope this helps.

So does this mean that, a flat dose of 12.5mg for instance, will have a flat effect?


Your E2 level is 100.

You take aromasin 12.5mg daily.

This reduces and maintains the level at 80.

Continued usage will si mply maintain this level.

If you wish to get it down to say, 60. You take 25 daily...


What does permanent enzyme inhibitor mean then? If its permanent then wouldn't you simply need it for a short while (i..e until it disables this enzyme?)

So are you expected to take aromasin forever if to surpress your estrogen levels?
So does this mean that, a flat dose of 12.5mg for instance, will have a flat effect?


Your E2 level is 100.

You take aromasin 12.5mg daily.

This reduces and maintains the level at 80.

Continued usage will si mply maintain this level.

If you wish to get it down to say, 60. You take 25 daily...


What does permanent enzyme inhibitor mean then? If its permanent then wouldn't you simply need it for a short while (i..e until it disables this enzyme?)

So are you expected to take aromasin forever if to surpress your estrogen levels?

Hmmm... I believe you may have fallen into a common misinterpretation of AI's. AI's inhibit or block aromatase. Aromatase if you read in the original post causes androgen conversion into estrones. So taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would decrease you levels of aromatase which would reduce estrogen levels.

Aromasin renders aromatase permanently inactive. However, your body has a cyclical cycle in which it creates new aromatase.

Hope that answers your questions.
Hum i guess you have been the one of the most informative person i have met in forums for years.

Now i think i understand why when i use 12.5 mg of Aromasin i get more estrogenic side effects while i was expecting to get less. See after finasteride i totally corellate with your thinking that i have a very high aromatse cyclical production since my 5-ar II production has been hindered from fin use.

So i have been living in a situation with very high estrogen/estrone/estradiol levels and this has been killing my testicles, they down to seriously low size now and painful.

I am starting to treat again with aromasin and will go depending on feelings. Do you thing that letro would be a better choice though?? im looking for the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) that will help me down the Estradiol and reduce my nipple sensitivity and halt my testicle shrinkage the sooner the possible !!! and also to be able to take it long long times.

also can you pls say somethings about high progesterone + high estrogen levels at the same time and their effects on different tissues? does high prog potentiate estrogen effects more?? and how to get rid of high progesterone?? Im thinking of cabergoline but have no clue on dosage!!!

or could letro take care of both high e2 and progesterone??

pls help me out as i am justrestarting my treatment and it is one of the last chances i have to keep my physical and mental state intact.
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quick question: say I'm running test prop at 400mg/week for 10 weeks, i was told i wouldn't really need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) seeing as the dosage is so low but to have nolva on hand in case i start experiencing gyno symptoms during the cycle. Is nolva sufficient or do I really need aromasin?
Ok starting my cycle this weekend of bio ts400 1ml a week pins sat and tues .5 each. Just wondering about running a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) liquidex thru cycle and how much. In this post it says .5mg ed and with rui liquidex its 2.5mg per ml. So i can do the math but i jave done test cyp 500mg before and did used Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and all i got was a little acne and thats it. So i was wondering if i should run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) liquidex thru cycle. Or should I do less than. 5 ed or eod. Thanks for all the in put. 27yrs 164lbs 5'6"bf