HI, I ran a small cycle of albuterol but had to stop because of crampng..I was playing sports and found the high intensity caused me some quad cramps and low back cramps... I supped with taurine and potassium and tons of water.... well fo r me anyhow, I cramped.... NOw I am not playing so many sports I am going to give it another run.... I did in the 14 days on it notice slight changes for me muscle hard ness (noticed in my quads funny enough) and seemd slightly leaner.. I was going to run a 3 week on 1 off ( beta cleaner) and 3 week on cycle.. I am using it by itself , It was suggested to stack with t3 and .... yohimbine to me before, but I never did.. Hard to find anyone on boards who show there results full cycle... I used pills not inhaler, from my understanding the inhalers are not worth it.. you can get a script from your dr for it too

It caused shakes in me at the begining and even with slight ramping.. sweaty yes... hungry... yes...