All About SARMs :)

-Yellow tint (person dependent, but usually starts around 75mg and up)
-Loss of night vision (person dependent, but usually starts around 75mg and up)
-Gene transcription (no known gene transcription effects to be reported yet, but the possibility is there tha you could be permanently messed up)
-Possible mild suppression at 60mg and above (person dependent)

Yikes! F that.

Thanks for the info though.
-Yellow tint (person dependent, but usually starts around 75mg and up)
-Loss of night vision (person dependent, but usually starts around 75mg and up)
-Gene transcription (no known gene transcription effects to be reported yet, but the possibility is there tha you could be permanently messed up)
-Possible mild suppression at 60mg and above (person dependent)

Yikes! F that.

Thanks for the info though.

Aight! Monger... I'm out!
This's an entertaining thread.

On the one hand we've got someone who's fairly obviously repping for a SARMS seller.

Then we've got a couple guys who've spotted this and have called the guy on it.

Then we've got the rep's buddy trying to put in a good word and turn the conversation around.

Gonna be going on SARMS shortly, so got no problems with the concept, doesn't need to be sold to me any more. But I'd still much rather have genuine feedback/info from unbiased users, thanks.

Funny stuff anyway though.
What is the method of administration for OSTA-SARM? injection or oral?

what is a typical dosage?

how does it work when combined with other drugs? specifically anavar?
I especially like the the no shutdown and no known sideeffect part of osta. I might need to get some this summer. How long would you recommend a cycle of it, standalone, at what dosage? And since there is no shutdown I assume that means post cycle therapy (pct) is not needed? What kind of gains can someone expect, especially if they havn't run gear yet?
Dood I just started and it probably tastes like gasoline. I've never tried gasoline but I'm sure it prob tastes like S4. Lol
S4/Osta SARM

So has anyone had any positive results by taking either of these products? I've been reading other sites and some people report no positive results? If the sides are very few and the results are good then why aren't more people taking it? Do you need a post cycle therapy (pct) with it? What is the 4 hour life cycle? Just curious as it sounds too good to be true.
I've used S4. It's similar to primobolan, IMO. No great muscle gain, but tighter fuller muscles, more energy and endurance, and I sweat a ton more during the workout, so I'm guessing some thermogenic quality. Strength has gone up 5% at the end of an AAS cycle, when it should have gone down.

I'm a fan of it for 1) bridging between cycles after you've done PCT, 2) lengthening the tail end of a cycle in order to maintain your gains before PCT.

I've done a lot of research on Osta, and though I'm a little hesitant to try it during PCT, it would be the one of the 2 types to try this if you wanted to.

BTW, I did get some suppression from S4, but it didn't shut me down.
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So overall S-4 is a good product for tighter fuller muscles and for use before or after a post cycle therapy (pct) but not to be used as a cycle alone? Low sides and I'm suspecting low stress on the liver then?
So overall S-4 is a good product for tighter fuller muscles and for use before or after a PCT but not to be used as a cycle alone? Low sides and I'm suspecting low stress on the liver then?

That's how I would use it, but you could use it solo. It's effects are mild, but noticeable. The only major side is the yellowing of the vision and that you cant adjust from light to dark areas very well. This side effect will go away within one week. For me, onset of this side at 50mg/day was bout 10-12 days. Low to no stress on the liver, and you could take this for a lot of weeks, though I would do a light PCT after it. I've run it for 6 weeks with no problems besides what I have mentioned. I hope I answered your questions.
Ostarine SARM

S-4 sounds good Burlyman but doing more research it seems like Ostarine Sarm might be a better choice for me. I would like to add on more muscle mass while losing some of my winter belly fat. Not to mention, no post cycle therapy (pct) and no sides sound very good. The price is a bit high $100 a bottle, but that's probably cheap compared to injectables right? Oh one more question. What is the 4 hour life cycle mean? Could this be used with clomid and TCF-1 for a post cycle therapy (pct)? OR could it be stacked with Katandrol for a cutting phase? Appreciate your input guys.
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S-4 sounds good Burlyman but doing more research it seems like Ostarine Sarm might be a better choice for me. I would like to add on more muscle mass while losing some of my winter belly fat. Not to mention, no PCT and no sides sound very good. The price is a bit high $100 a bottle, but that's probably cheap compared to injectables right? Oh one more question. What is the 4 hour life cycle mean? Could this be used with clomid and TCF-1 for a PCT? OR could it be stacked with Katandrol for a cutting phase? Appreciate your input guys.

a 4 hour half-life means that after 4 hours, only half of the drug is still in the system.

I suppose you could stack it, but i'm not sure you'd feel much of the SARMs, as most mild AAS are stronger than the SARMs to begin with. Wouldn't hurt, though. $100 is cheap in my book for what it is and what you get, but maybe that's just me.

Osta will have less sides and is more anabolic, but less androgenic.

Thanks for the input burlyman. I've been lifting and playing sports my whole life, just recently looking into aas. I'm 37, 5'9 and weigh 237lbs. Dieselbolan is my first aas. post cycle therapy (pct) with TCF-1 and clomid. Looking for a next cycle, but Ostarine Sarm might help me through post cycle therapy (pct) til my next cycle.

By the way is Dieselbolan a themogenic drug? Been sweating my butt off, but normally do in the early spring too.