Anyone have questions?
-Yellow tint (person dependent, but usually starts around 75mg and up)
-Loss of night vision (person dependent, but usually starts around 75mg and up)
-Gene transcription (no known gene transcription effects to be reported yet, but the possibility is there tha you could be permanently messed up)
-Possible mild suppression at 60mg and above (person dependent)
Yikes! F that.
Thanks for the info though.
What is the method of administration for OSTA-SARM? injection or oral?
what is a typical dosage?
how does it work when combined with other drugs? specifically anavar?
So overall S-4 is a good product for tighter fuller muscles and for use before or after a PCT but not to be used as a cycle alone? Low sides and I'm suspecting low stress on the liver then?
S-4 sounds good Burlyman but doing more research it seems like Ostarine Sarm might be a better choice for me. I would like to add on more muscle mass while losing some of my winter belly fat. Not to mention, no PCT and no sides sound very good. The price is a bit high $100 a bottle, but that's probably cheap compared to injectables right? Oh one more question. What is the 4 hour life cycle mean? Could this be used with clomid and TCF-1 for a PCT? OR could it be stacked with Katandrol for a cutting phase? Appreciate your input guys.
I could swear I had posted on here twice: