Alternating Esters


Elite Mentor
For those of you who stay on long-term cycles because of training needs, athletics, or lifestyles that require such... do you alternate the esters over a period of time???

I have planned out to do say 12 weeks on say Enth... then switching over to around 8-10 weeks on prop... then switching back to an almost identical to Enth ester in Cyp for 12... then to Suspension for 12... so on and so forth... I've read... and through discussion with other wrestlers and bodybuilders that this alternation is more effective than simply staying on the SAME type of test the entire year.

Just curious if anyone had any kind of scientific feed back... other than the obvious "I wouldn't suggest that bro." :)

Test is test?? Why would you need to change?? You can change if you just want to change, but the only thing you gain from switching to prop or suspension is a little more raw test as the ester weight is lighter. Other wise switching from enanthat to cyp is not needed! What I would do is go on for 12 weeks, use prop or suspension for the last 2 weeks. Jump on clomid and hit some slin for 8 weeks while your HPTA recovers and then do it again.

I would also run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2 days a week a about 500ius per pay. This will keep your testicles big and strong!
I like to switch, just to give the body a change. Enan & Cyp. It may not be necessary but I like to change up every couple of months.
Yeah... I'm not sure if it is scientifically sound, backed up or what? But I talked to a couple bodybuilders, and they go on a big time alternation cycle... I mean... it's like a complicated Excel spreadsheet... all the alternating going on...

Test may be test, but I think it all works a tad bit differently... I don't think I'd alternate from prop to suspension or enth to cyp... but more like enth to prop THEN to cyp THEN to suspension... seperating the different kinds...

I don't know... I was curious if there was any scienitific data rather than just anecdotal evidence...

Its all preferrence and plecebo! Test is test!! All the ester does it release it! Enanthate works a little faster than Cyp, Prop works faster than enanthate, and suspension works faster than prop!

The only difference is the frequency of injections.
I think it would be beneficial to switch every so often. give your body a new ester to adapt to.....That's all that's doing....Like said before, test is's just a different ester and by changing it....I THINK that it may some how force your body to respond differently. When you go from enanthate to prop your body is shocked with more test, more frequently.

at the end of my last cycle....(enanthate/eq/d-bol/prop).....I used prop for the last 2 weeks to let the long acting esters clear my system before I started recovering. I felt like a fu(king god in the gym when I made the switch....think about it.....if you're shooting 500 mgs enanthate twice a week....then you switch to 100 mgs prop/ just added 200 mgs, PLUS it's released much faster.

I dunno....just a thought.