amvdub's journey to meathead.......

good to hear bro keep them gains up and that diet up and i'm sure you can hit that goal of your's ...dedication :Pump:
Did back and bi's. Felt awesome! been working out with a buddy past few workouts so I don't know if there's the competition factor, but def getting strong as shit and have something like rocket fuel in my reserve tank. Just when I feel like I'm hitting peak I get this extra crazy pump and blast through it. Love this shit!

Did same workout as before but only not as much DB curls and was able to do:

BB preacher curls, put up
135lbs x 10
145lbs x 5 (some serious fucking weight right there!)

Also, on close grip sitting low row
220lbs x 12 with plenty strength left over
240lbs x 8

Love all the wide grip shit I've been doing, my lats are lookin diesel. Sometimes I have a redbull before workouts and some buddies started sayin "redbull gives me lats" lol. Fuckin awesome!
i got that same feeling bro gota love this shit the numbers keep going up and the pump is fucking rediculous after a few sets....what is your weight looking like how many lbs since beginning and what week