Anavar 40mg 6 week cycle


New member
Hey everybody i have some svensk apotek anavar in 20mg tabs coming...
I will be cycling 40mg per day for 6 weeks. The brand is supposed to be a pretty good generic.
I will also be taking Rui clomid 50mg for 2 weeks.
ill keep you posted every week on how its working. let me know your thoughts and opinions
No test? I dont like noodle dick...Well noodle dick is ok but losing gains from Anavar (var) for not adding test is another story :p
May I ask you something? Can you give me the reasoning behind this cycle or why you thibk this is a good idea? Accompany it with the research you did please! Cause you may be onto something that I am not! Generally this is a horrible idea!
I will try to explain my reasoning in terms an idiot could understand.

Anavar is a steroid it shuts down your testosterone, testosterone is not a steroid, you need it in your body to function correctly.
So please explain to me your findings.
40mg of Anavar (var) won't shut you down much... but it also won't do dick for gains in 6 weeks. may as well take 40mg of motrin to help with the cramps you will get on your period.
actually. on second thought. the only reason i can think of why you would want to do a Anavar (var) only cycle for 6 weeks would be to cut up when you already have some good size. overlooking the sexual sides of the small amount of natty test shutdown you would most likely get... i can see how that might make sense. if you are looking for gains you should try something else though, or run the 6 weeks of Anavar (var) at the end of a 12 week test cycle. need more info.
Use Test with any cycle as base and run Anavar (var) greater than 50 mg, 75-100 mg is preferred. Its not cheap but it's worth the money if it's legit.
Thanks all for the suggestions...however, taking test along with anavar is in fact not needed if you are looking to keep most of yours gains.When your taking test your body will not be able to recover back to its normal state fast enough. Anavar is not as week as you guys may think and I'm not looking for "huge gains" feel free to have your own opinions but an anavar only cycle with clomid 50mg for 2 weeks afterwards will give you some gains that will be more permanent than other steroids and with less sides...after i am done with my post cycle therapy (pct) i will also be taking some horny goat weed sups (can't hurt ;) ) Consider this cycle more of a "experimental" one. I will keep you informed with my progress with it.
Lmao!!!! Dude are you kidding me? Where do you do your research? I'm gonna take a wild guess and its your buddy from your gym. Come on man you're making this way harder than it has to be Go do some research. test should be ran with any compound because you need to replace your natty test that's shutdown. Guess what else shuts you down? ANAVAR!!! We also take these things called serms which speed up the process after our cycle is complete. Go post this in the female section because this cycle is ran but chicks. Did you ever hear of google? Use it!! This shit is so simple and guys on here gave you good solid advice. You don't even consider anything.l be surprised of you keep any gains what so ever. You should open you eyes and check some logs out here and see if test only keeps gains. Lol dude I'm gonna be flat out honest with you. You're a Dumbass .
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You ask for advice....Everyone including me says to run test as a base. Yet your the only one who disagrees. And you have how much experience? Your wasting your time with this pointless cycle, and our time giving you advice inwhich you feel is wrong for some newbie reason