Anavar and Fat burning


New member
Hi all.

So, Friends of mine are taking test, and they were telling me about anavar, so I'm going to buy some.

Currently I am between 6' and 6'1 and 20 years of age at 250 lbs, I've always been kind of heavy, Not fat just heavy but tired of it. I get bored of working out because I never see results fast enough, I feel as though all the effort I've put in, and I get nothing out of it, so this is kind of the reason I'm going to try taking Anavar, I've been told it gets you pumped, wanting to work out, and helps burn fat incredibly fast. (I've also heard it still works even if you don't change your diet? I found this kind of odd)

Anyway, I am just wondering ( As I am not that knowledgeable about stuff like this ) How should I take it? They will be 20mg Pills, and I've heard and read different things from almost everyone, between 40-100 daily doses, I want the best, and fastest results or I'll get bored again, I understand it will be a 6 week cycle, so, Should I start with 20mg for the first week and build up to 40, then 60, etc? or should I just hammer out and run at 100mg at the start? I'd appreciate any input, Also if you know what you're talking about, inform me a bit more about Anavar? I'd like to know a little more on the molecular side of things and how it actually works instead of "It just does" kind of thing? And maybe like, a work out schedule / list of things to do and mg doses while on Anavar? What to eat and stuff like that will be helpful too.. (I've been told to live on soup and veggies, so far it seems like the best idea.. lol)

Also, Is there anything I can stack ontop of Anavar to help increase its effects, or something totally different that does almost the same thing, in a different way, to cover both sides of the court so to speak?

Anyway, Thanks a lot! Appreciate it!
Anavar is not your answer.. Nor does "burn" fat.. Diet and excersize is your answer.. Noone will tell you different.. Do some reseasch before you jump in bro..
Quite a few reasons why you shouldn't take steroids.

Your age
Your lack of consistent diet
Your lack of any mention of PCT
Your lack of any rudiments of nutrition.

Just about everyone on this board will tell you it is 80% diet, 15% training and 5% gear (my bad for ninja 3J). If your really serious about using anabolics you should get a good diet in place. Implement a training regime and do a crap load of research.

When you can come back and tell us what your total calories are, macro-nutrient split and training split are you will find people a little more helpful (waiting about 5 more years would not hurt either).
the fat burning potential of anavar is minimal. yes it has been shown to cause a loss of visceral fat in the abdominal area, but i can tell you from experience it is not worth the amount of money it costs for that purpose. diet and exercise first and foremost will get you the most consistent results. just running anavar won't get you much of anything. even if you ran anavar at 100mg ED by itself, besides some vascularity and decent strength gains, wouldnt be much in the way of lean mass or fat loss, unless you were using the var ONLY to stop muscle loss, and were running and dieting your ass off. an ECA stack or Clenbuterol are far superior in fat burning potential than just anavar.
How to burn fat fast? You need to speed up your metabolism and exercise in addition to having the right food intake. Here are some tips:

Increase your intake of high fiber foods. It is a fact that the necessary amount of fiber is lacking in most of our daily meals. Fiber aids your fat burning process significantly and in addition, promotes an overall general health. Salads containing leafy greens are great sources of fiber.
Do not let yourself starve nor get too stuffed. Heard about "the golden mean"? The old greeks knew it. I'm talking about moderation. The timing of your meals should be so that you always eat before you start to starve. If you follow this simple rule, you'll keep the metabolism intact and burn fat as well as eating less. Take a look at the wild animals; are they fat? No! What can we learn from them? To stop eating when we are satisfied and not eat until we are so stuffed that we can barely move.
Do what it takes to build your muscle mass - that will burn your fat. We know that muscles are much more active metabolically than fat and other tissue. Therefore your job is to do some resistance training daily, thus adding more muscle, which in turn will boost your metabolism and burn fat. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories and fat your body will burn - even when you rest.
Stay away from poor quality carbohydrates before you go to bed. These carbs are those containing sugar or carbs that are highly processed like most cereals, breads, snack foods, candies, and even fruits and juices. Eating these foods just before bedtime will likely result in increased fat deposit and will actually prevent your body from maintaining a sufficiently high fat-burning mode. If you have to eat, eat vegatables.
Increase your cardio training to burn fat. A smart way to do this is to split your cardio training session into two small sessions rather than one long period. Research shows that people who do 30 minutes of morning cardio and then 30 minutes of evening cardio lose more fat than those doing just one 60 minute session.

Follow these tips on how to burn fat fast, and you'll see the results yourself: fat loss.
I appreciate all the input guys, unfortunately (probably a stupid idea lol) I had already purchased the Anavar before posting here.. So instead of wasting it, im going to be using it. I'll be working out every day for the next 6 weeks while i'm on it. While following the above advice.

I do have a question though, If I have to take a drug test while on Anavar, Will I fail?
If I have to take a drug test while on Anavar, Will I fail? waay..nien..nyet..lessen o course the parole officer/probation/pretrial services officer check s the specific gravity box on the drug test form and asks for an anabolic roid test..then you are truelly fucked.:thumbsdow..adds 115 dollars to the standard test...last time I checked.