Anavar as a first step into the dark side


New member
Hi guys. I'm a complete noob to the stroid world and still bricking it about so many things...what to choose, doses, pct's, anti e's, not to mention where to source and which sites can be trusted! More on the latter at a much later date but for now advice (not ridicule) would be appreciated.
I have been training most of my life, previously played rugby and trained in ju-jitsu. Now I'm 37 finding I'm holding onto fat more (always an issue) gains are painfully slow and recovery is just painful!
I am interested in using Anavar as it's an oral and like most noobs I don't fancy injecting. Also as my wife would kill me. I don't want to be huge, just stronger and leaner and it seems to fit the bill. I've read due to the mild affect no anti e or pct is required?
Guys am I way off the mark?
welcome matey

Anavar is a great choice for an oral due to it s low side effects. However it s pricey as a rather signicant dose is recquired so there s that....

Injecta phobia is nothing to be ashamed of bro...I m terrified of the dentist...and clowns. Really. And I do not have a vagina Hiram..really dude..he s new and I salute his honesty. OP a lot of folks begin as pin-phobics but sadly what Hiram said is true....not about your genitalia but oral cycles. ANY suppression of your hpta with augmentation of exogenous hormonal compounds may kill the old pecker and a number of other potential sides.

Fat, slow gains and recovery...welcome to 37 mate. ALL can be addressed with more attention to diet, less pub action and yes....trt INJECTIONS.
With the right gauge and length and a mate u trust injections are not shit. And then there s wifey.....

Get blood work done

good luck and again..welcome
Clowns are just weird bro, so I can understand that. But OP I don't know where you live or the access you have to get insulin pins. But 29 gauge 1/2 pins are good for someone who doesn't like to pin. The pin itself is smaller and you hardly feel a thing, it just take a little longer to push the plunger down.
By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

Oxandrolone, (also known as anavar, var, and oxandrin) is a dihydrotestoterone synthetic derivative first produced by Raphael Pappo. The drug was introduced to the US market in 1964. Its androgenic properties are weak while boasting a larger anabolic characteristic. It is a 17-alpha alkylated steroid and, thus, its footprint on the body is small. Being 17- alpha alkylated and a DHT derivative, anavar or var is mildly hepa-toxic (toxic to the liver) and does not aromatize (convert to estrogen). It was first used in humans who had diseases which would cause muscular atrophy (the loss of muscle) like those infected with HIV/AIDS. In low dosages (20mg a day) anavar has been shown to be mildly suppressive of the HTPA. When doses increase, anavar shows stronger suppression of the LH (lutenizing hormone, the hormone that communicates with the testies to create testosterone) due to a signal in the body that tells it there is too much endogenous testosterone production. As LH levels reduce testicular atrophy (shrinking of the testicles) becomes apparent.

Proper use:
Anavar (var) is one of the most popular introductory steroids for first time users due to its mild effect on the body and its lack of need for injections. Unlike other steroids that aromatize, the gains seen with the use of var are what we in the bodybuilding world call ***8220;true gain***8221; or gains that occur due to muscle growth and not water weight secondary to aromatization. The proper dosage for anavar varies, but anywhere from 20-80mg a day (in males, over an 8 week period) split into two doses has been shown to be effective. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach when possible. It should also not be taken late at night due to reports of insomnia.
Since anavar has a weak androgenic profile, it is also one of the most popular steroids for women. Its weak androgenic profile reduces the chances of virilization (the biological development of sex differences) in women. Women who take 5mg to 10mg daily over an 8 week period show favorable recomposition of their bodies. Though mild, there is still the possibility of virilization and females should take the necessary precautions when using any steroid.

With men, it is recommended that anavar not be used on its own due to the possible suppression of the HTPA and lowering of natural testosterone levels. As a golden rule, testosterone should be the base of all cycles. Those who do chose to run anavar on its own should also run the proper PCT (post cycle therapy) drugs like clomid to help return the balance of their HTPA and natural testosterone levels.
A step towards getting over pin phobia and a way of getting used to pinning-- start by getting insulin pins and then order liquid b vitamin (both are very cheap) Start pinning this in delts and thighs. After a few pins you'll see it's not a big deal and you'll know you'll be able to make the investment in doing a cycle with testosterone as the foundation.
But if you have issues just pinning the b vitamin,, then AAS just isn't for you
Get "Face Your Fears" by David Tolin. I had a lifelong needle phobia. Not a little one! I had cavities filled without anesthesia. The pain I could take, the needle I couldnt!

I decided in January of last year to follow the plan in Tolin's book and promised myself I'd get over my fear of needles. I did it. Still hard for me to believe it. I don't think anyone really understood how strong the fear was for me. One time I cut the end of my thumb off, leaving a bit of bone sticking out. Went to the ER and tried to convince a doc to sew it back on without anesthesia! End of my thumb is gone and I'm worried about a shot!

Anyway, the program basically involves making a list of things that lead up to the anxiety and working through those to desensitize them. I didn't believe it would work, but it did. I started by looking at a picture of a syringe with the cap still on it. 30 minutes of staring at it daily, or stop early if the anxiety went away. Once the anxiety is gone, move up to the next thing in your list.

In 3 weeks I had progressed to watching videos of injections. Another week and I had progressed to uncapping an insulin syringe and staring at it. 3-4 days more and I would uncap a syringe and place the needle against my skin.

That last one took almost a week before the anxiety quit occurring. When it did, the next step was to just insert the needle without injecting. I had gotten about 20 insulin pins for this program, and I have a video of the first needle I just pushed into the skin on my stomach.

I sat there and stared at it and realized I had actually done it! So once a day after that I inserted a needle until even that anxiety went away. Then I went and had blood drawn, and I had accomplished what I set out to do.

Now I inject T every other night, get labs when I need them, and it's no big deal. Very liberating!

So get the book, and banish that fear. Then you can do whatever you want and if you choose TRT (like me) or cycles, you can do it properly.
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Hi guys. I'm a complete noob to the stroid world and still bricking it about so many things...what to choose, doses, pct's, anti e's, not to mention where to source and which sites can be trusted! More on the latter at a much later date but for now advice (not ridicule) would be appreciated.
I have been training most of my life, previously played rugby and trained in ju-jitsu. Now I'm 37 finding I'm holding onto fat more (always an issue) gains are painfully slow and recovery is just painful!
I am interested in using Anavar as it's an oral and like most noobs I don't fancy injecting. Also as my wife would kill me. I don't want to be huge, just stronger and leaner and it seems to fit the bill. I've read due to the mild affect no anti e or pct is required?
Guys am I way off the mark?

if you aren't ready for injectables then stay clear of the gear until you are. oral only is no good.
Inject it does not hurt. Anavar is great, but test makes you feel great, and if you are dedicated you can drop a good amount of fat on a test cycle while keeping almost all of your muscle mass, hell some of my buds have gained while cutting on test.
Hi guys. I'm a complete noob to the stroid world and still bricking it about so many things...what to choose, doses, pct's, anti e's, not to mention where to source and which sites can be trusted! More on the latter at a much later date but for now advice (not ridicule) would be appreciated.
I have been training most of my life, previously played rugby and trained in ju-jitsu. Now I'm 37 finding I'm holding onto fat more (always an issue) gains are painfully slow and recovery is just painful!
I am interested in using Anavar as it's an oral and like most noobs I don't fancy injecting. Also as my wife would kill me. I don't want to be huge, just stronger and leaner and it seems to fit the bill. I've read due to the mild affect no anti e or pct is required?
Guys am I way off the mark?

You should go to a doctor first to make some exams. Then you should make some research about natural ways to increase your hormones ( healthy diet, heavy weights, vitamins ). Now if you already have done all these and no result. Then its your choise if you want to come in the world of steroids. Just to know one advice that if you take steroids is probably for life. (anavar will shut you down in the end).