anavar cycle pct


hey you all im about to run a 50 day cycle of Anavar (var) at 20mg ed. i know some debate whether post cycle therapy (pct) is really needed with Anavar (var) but you cant put a price on a shut down system or gyno so im gonna go ahead and post cycle therapy (pct) anyway. how does this sound

wk 1 nolva40mg ed and 6oxo(over counter e-blocker and test booster)
wk 2 nolva 40mg ed and 6oxo
wk3 nolva 20 ed and 6oxo
wk4 nolva 20mg ed nad 6oxo

i think this should cover it but any input it very much appreciated
i read somewhere that 20mg of nolvadex is equivalent to 150mg of clomid so i think you prob dont need more than 20mg a day.

im no expert but i dont think u need to run nolvadex for 4 weeks, 3 should be fine.

and isnt 20mg of Anavar (var) a day a little conservative? im prob gonna do Anavar (var) at 40mg a day for 50 days in the new year im im only gonna run nolvadex for 21 days after my last tab. just make sure your liver is protected with milk thistle as a minimum and drink plenty of water 4-5 litres a day.
20mg of Anavar (var) per day is useless for a male. start with at least 40-50. As for Nolva post cycle therapy (pct), i dont care for it. Clomid brings me back 2x as fast.
estray said:
20mg of Anavar (var) per day is useless for a male. start with at least 40-50. As for Nolva post cycle therapy (pct), i dont care for it. Clomid brings me back 2x as fast.

I'd also vote for a higher dose and to use injectables also but 20 mgs. isn't useless for a beginner. When I was young and ignorant, I pyramided up to that dose and made some good gains anyway. Of course that was searle ana Anavar (var) which was supposed to be very potent.

I think the post cycle therapy (pct) plan is fine although I always used clomid.
anavar..oral...don't bother alone...get some test...ask user lucky13..he'll tell you
thanks for the input guys. the reason i was thinking 20mg ed is because i read a couple of places that 20 miggs is sufficient enough to give you good strength and solidness and maybe even a couple of LBS without shutting you down too bad. plus with the price of anavar :nopity: i wont be able to afford a much higher dose.

i was thinking that a small dosage of a short ester test possibly prop would be good to throw in with it for the gains. but maybe ill save that for the next cycle.
then just run 4 weeks at a higher dose, your worried about shutting down, the longer your on it the more likely you will shut down. price would be the same if done that way
so what you are saying is don't bother with 20mgs a day for 50 days, just run 40+mgs a day for say like 25 days and you will have better results? Because I ran 20mgs a day and some decent gains in strength and muscle hardness.